Blogger Assignment # 15

Identify and explain the significance of three major themes from 1984? Pick one from your three themes and relate that to our modern society.

Please make sure to have a proper heading. Utilize contextual and textual evidence gathered from the class notes/video or images to defend your claims.

Keep your response limited to one paragraph.
(5 to 7 sentences)


  1. Tamia Alvarez
    Three major themes throughout the book are physical control, technology and control of information and history. The significance of these themes are big brother and controlling people in the world. If I had to pick one theme and relate it to our society today I would pick technology. I picked this because technology such as phones and computers, placing calls that are recorded all monitor you and everyone so they an see what you do and what you constantly say.

    1. Anderson Salcedo
      March 28, 2018
      English 12, PD: 6
      Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan
      Three major themes of 1984 are totalitarianism, Individual thoughts vs Mind control, and Fear and hate. Totalitarianism is when a government has total control over the the govern, controlling what they do and what they think through fear and propaganda. Fear and Hate is when the people are controlled and manipulated base on what they fear, this helps the government keep them under his command because he is seen as the savior preventing their nightmares. The last theme is Individual thoughts vs mind control. In order to have individual thoughts civilians need to have freedom to think, yet big brother manipulates their way of thinking through newspeak and other types of propaganda. Fear and Hate is one of the themes that relate to our modern society because for example when the current president ran for election he used the fear of certain Americans to gain votes.

  2. Anjali Krishnanan
    March 21, 2018
    English 12 Period: 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Three major themes from 1984 is, Psychological Manipulation, Technology, and Danger of Totalitarianism. Psychological Manipulation explains the giant telescreen in every citizen's room blasts a constant stream of propaganda designed to make failures and shortcomings of the Party appear. Technology is able to monitor its member almost all of the time. In that case, in 1984 reveals that technology, which is generally perceived as working towards moral good. Danger of Totalitarianism explains how Spain and Russia would go in order and increase their power. Orwell portrays the perfect totalitarian society. Which means, modern day government have absolute power. I pick technology because in our daily life we need them the most. Our needs and demands for technology keeps on rising. Humans use technology to travel, to communicate , to learn and to do business. In that case technology monitor every movement you make.

  3. Ashley Singh

    Three major themes are government control, manipulation and technology. In todays society, manipulation exists. Fake news takes a huge toll on society. People broadcast fake news, and the people end up believing it. You end up believing something that is and was never true, showing that you can be easily tricked.

  4. Samantha Loureiro
    March 21, 2018
    Pd 6: E12
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Grey
    The three major themes throughout 1984 is control of history, Big Brother themselves and technology. The control of history in the novel is a major issue because the double-knock are changing history to make the people think about past event that happen in a different way the way it was before. Big Brother themselves is another problem within the novel, BB is telling the people what BB wants them to know. As for technology, in each of the homes they have a tv and they must watch BB on it. As for our society, technology has the major role. Without technology in our society we wouldn’t be able to get information very quickly. Technology is getting more popular and getting smart.

  5. Mathew Torres
    March 21, 2018
    English 12 PD:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Three significant themes in 1984 is Totalitarianism, Censorship (Controlling all Information), and Technology. Totalitarianism; in the book ,The Party separates people into classes; Inner, Outer, and the lowest the Proles. The Party does this in order to further, show their dominance by making the people feel that they are not equal, thus securing their power , the people will not unite or retaliate against Big Brother. Censorship (Controlling all Information), The Party controls what is written about them, even when they are wrong the party always ends up being RIGHT. The party realizes that whoever controls the written word, controls the past, the present, and the future. Finally the last theme is Technology; the telescreens and other items are used to spy on the people, and force them into being slaves, brainwashing , and further suppressing them. The one theme that I feel that relates to our modern society is Technology, we are constantly being watched and monitored, on our phones, computers, and even in department stores. Their is no question that their is no sense of privacy, someone is always looking, the real question is what can they do will all of the information that they have acquired from us. Is it for our own protection? or to harm us?

  6. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Three significant theme in 1984 is Totalitarianism, technology, and control of information. technology can relate to our modern society because the calls that we make on our phones are recorded and the government can see what you do on your cell phones, they can also see what you are doing on your computers or any device that you have.

  7. Nasthasia Thomas
    Mr. Ehsan
    pd 4 English 12

    The three significant themes in 1984 is Totalitarianism, technology, and censorship. The party separates society in three different classes which is inner, outer and proles. By separating the people it gives big brother the opportunity to keep an eye out for everyone. It also makes everyone feel as if they're not equal with one another. The next significant theme in 1984 is technology. in 1984 they use tele screens which is use to spy on people and also causes people to become brainwashed. The last significant theme in 1984 is Censorship. Censorship is controlling all the information. This gives the government the opportunity to control what is being written about the people. The party likes to portray themselves being right even when they can be wrong. The party knows whoever writes the written word can control the past, present, and future. One theme that relates to our modern day society is technology. We are always being watched and monitored on our phones and other devices we have such as our computers and the cameras in stores.


  8. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    March 22, 2018

    The three major themes in 1984 are manipulation, technology, and censorship. In today’s society, we are still faced with the issue of manipulation through all of the fake news that is spread throughout the media.It is so easy to believe something you hear on television or read online. Once one person believes it, it almost becomes a trend and before you know it everyone is tricked into believing something that was never true.

  9. Nestor Robles
    English 12 Period 2
    March 22, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Three major themes throughout the novel of 1984 are physical control, psychological manipulation, and dangers of totalitarianism. Physical control is manipulation in peoples minds. The Party constantly watches for any sign of disloyalty. The Party forces participation in mass morning exercises and then the government works them to the point of exhaustion. Psychological manipulation is when the Party barrages its subjects with psychological stimuli designed to overwhelm the mind's capacity for independent thought. The purpose is to warn readers of dangers of totalitarianism within government, particularly concerning the role of technology in enabling oppressive governments to monitor and control their citizens. One of the themes that relates to our modern society is psychological manipulation because fake news makes us confused on whats really real in life. Most of the news is being false to show people how they can be tricked.

  10. Shania Sawh
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray
    March 22, 2018

    Three major themes that are brought up within 1984 would be manipulation, propaganda and technology. Manipulation relates to our society today because within the novel, when something is announced from the government and media, the party members automatically believe it without questioning any of it. In our modern society, we have "fake news" which is when an event is inaccurately explained and spread through media. Eventually, everyone believes it just because they're told that's what happened and barely anyone questions it and tries to learn the truth.

  11. The three major themes that are brought up in 1984 are manipulation, censorship and technology. Technology is used in 1984 because just like the telescreens they were used t9 spy on People. They were also used to brainwash people. Censorship is also used in 1984 because it usually controls all of information about the people.Last but not least is manipulation which is the news that is used for everybody to believe but it isn't really true.

  12. Alisha Sanchez
    Mr. Ehsan
    Significant themes in 1984 are manipulation , technology, and censorship. They are separated into three different classes which is inner, outer and proles. While everyone is separated it allows big brother to keep track of everyone.
    A significant theme in 1984 is Censorship. Censorship has to do with controlling all information. Which gives the government permission to control what is being written about the people. The party likes to show themselves as being right even when they could be wrong. Knowing that whoever writes the written word can control the past, present, and future.
    Another theme that relates to our modern day society is technology. We are constantly being watched and monitored on by phones and our computers they use this technology to get person information about us such as fingerprints, face identification, emails, and they also watch what we search on google and they will then advertise things that we may like to grab out attention. When they do this it gives them a sense of control.
    The last theme that they use is manipulation by trying to tell people what’s wrong is right and what’s right is wrong and the people know the difference but due to manipulation they start to believe what they are being told. This relates to modern day society because what we hear on t.v or the news papers about the government and our president we tend to believe it know that it could be “fake news” because not many people question what is going on.

  13. Najia Uddin
    March 23,2013
    English 12
    Ehsan PD 4

    The three major themes in 1984 are manipulation, control, and propaganda. Manipulation is what the party uses to confuse the citizens. They only provide them with information they would want them to know. If something happens and they didn't want them to know they would lie and say it never happened. They psychologically manipulated them. They would hide or erase the pas. No one knew the truth. Control is also a major theme because that is what is used to keep everything in order. They Control everything and everyone. They watch you and see what you're up to. They want to see if you are against the party. They are a part of the thought police. They make you believe what they want you to. If 2+2 is 4 they will say it's 5. And that is all you are supposed to know and Believe. They control your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Propaganda is also a theme displayed in 1984. It is false advertising. It makes your citizens believe something that isn't true. It can affect then vastly. They use this by showing the "false events " that take place around the world. Control relates to our society today because that is what the government does. They watch over everything. They have all our data and personal information. Famous companies like Snapchat, instagram, and twitter have your information and se what you like. They can use it to show you posts about it to make you happy

  14. Nicole Amaral
    English 12 Period 4
    March 24, 2018

    The significance of three major themes from 1984 are Propaganda, Manipulation, and Technology. The significance of the theme Propaganda is advertising. It makes people believe things that aren't true. The significance of the theme Manipulation is telling people what’s wrong but it's actually right and what’s right but it's actually wrong. The last significance of the theme Technology is that you are being watched and they are watching everything you do and every move you make.

  15. Helen Barraza
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    The three major themes in 1984 is technology, censorship and manipulation. In 1984 one of the themes are censorship which they block out words that they don't know change the meaning and controlling what they see and know about. They change the history most of the times making the people to double think. Another theme is manipulation which big brother controls their thought as their knowledge. Another theme is technology the people had screens in their room where they were spied on. The technology is used in our modern society because with technology advancing everyday their are new ways that the government and the companies can collect data on their consumers and personal information. Either way most of the apps and websites use data and cookies which many people ignore and we let them have an advantage of an easier way to collect data.

  16. Aliya Imran
    English period 6
    The three major themes in 1984 is control, propaganda and manipulation. Manipulation is significant because it changes people’s viewpoints, to everyone else’s. Propaganda is significant because they use this to control what you believe in, and try to change how you feel about something. Control demonstrates how the government forces people to believe one thing, and not give them a voice of their own. Manipulation is shown in our society today, because people try to change others minds by expressing their ideas and brainwashing them.

  17. Alisha Shakeer
    English 12 period 6
    March 26, 2018
    Three major themes in 1984 is technology, totalitarianism, and manipulation. Technology is one of the themes portrayed because the government is basically using tech to spy on us. Technology has given us gpa and such uses that we have an advantage and so does the government by giving them and easier way to invade our privacy . Totalitarianism because the party separates people based on class. Manipulation is also portrayed because it’s used to make people believe whatever it is that they want you to believe. Just like the government wants us to believe whatever it is they want us to.

  18. Jayda Black
    March 26th, 2018
    English 12 Period:6
    Significant themes in 1984 are technology, manipulation, and censorship. They are separated into three different classes which are the proles and the inner and outer. While everyone is separated it allows big brother to keep track of what everyone does etc. With the significant theme in manipulation is that with that it is trying to tell people from what’s wrong is right and what’s right is wrong and the people know the difference but due to manipulation they start to believe what they are being told and what isn't true. This relates to modern day society because what we hear about the government and our president we tend to believe it know that it could be “fake news” because not many people question what is going on. With technology we are constantly being watched and monitored on by phones and our technology devices and we leave "footprints" behind which are known as cookies and they use this cookie method to get anyones information about us such as fingerprints, face identification, emails, and they also watch what we search on google and they find a way to show what we searched up as an advertisement. With the final of censorship is that censorship has to do with controlling all information and that gives the government permission to control what is being written about the people. The party likes to show themselves as being right even when they could be wrong

  19. Three main themes in 1984 is technology, manipulation, censorship. Censorship is used by vanishing people that say anything opposing to what they want. Manipulation is used by changing the news and people’s knowledge about the reality.

  20. Marianna Iorio
    March 27,2018
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr .Ehsan

    The three major themes of 1984 are manipulation, control, and technology. Manipulation relates to modern day society because everyday we are manipulated into believing whatever the news tells us, and whatever the internet feeds us. Our phones listen in to our conversations, and purposly send us ads that they think will intrest us to manipulate us into buying that product.

  21. Troy Yar
    Mr. Ehsan + Ms. Grey
    March 27th, 2018
    English 12

    Identify and explain the significance of three major themes from 1984? Pick one from your three themes and relate that to our modern society.

    The three major themes from 1984 are surveillance, manipulation and censorship. Surveillance most heavily relates to our modern society. There are cameras everywhere, our faces are scanned, and our data is being taken without our consent. I believe that there is little to no privacy in this society, but there also may be a tradeoff in this lack of privacy.

  22. Clarissa Jara
    March 27,18
    English 12 pd6
    Three major themes from 1984 are surveillance, manipulation and propaganda. In 1984, the people are being watched at all time and control to do and think a certain way according to big brother’s liking. Propaganda is mainly used because is a strategy that helps them convince people that the fantasy they are living in is reality, provoking them to not question what is truly going on. I’m today’s society we experience surveillance, we are being watched by the government without our knowledge. They gather our information and use it to their advantage, we have no privacy that is a dangerous issue that we face because it is against our rights.

  23. Danielle Soto
    Period 6

    A main theme found in 1984 is class struggle. The lowest class wasn't even treated like people they were treated as animals. Another theme in the book is fear. They use propaganda to make the people fear things. If they fear the outside world they will turn to the government which is what they do. We have this today, they only talk about bad things on the new to scare us. The last theme is individual vs mind control. They came up with there own language to mind control us and limit the words we use.

  24. Rafid Hossain
    Mr. Eshan
    English 12 Period 4

    George Orwell's novel, 1984, places tremendous amount of significance on propaganda, identity, and language. A major factor in the Party's rule over Oceania is because of it's very complex but well organized and effective propaganda machine. The Ministry of Truth, which is unexpected yet interesting is that it is where Winston works, he is responsible for spreading around all Party's word and information. The Party destroys an individual's sense of identity. Everyone has to wears the same clothes, eat the same food, and live in the same apartments. This eliminates a person's ability to stand out or be seen as unique. Newspeak plays a very pivotal role in Oceania. Newspeak reduces and limits the number of words in the English language and the ability to think anti-Party thoughts.

  25. Dilon Deolall
    Period 4

    The three major themes in 1984 are independence, technology, and totalitarianism. Independence is a theme because everyones liberty is being questioned in our society. Some of our rights are being taken from us although we are guaranteed it. Technology is a theme because many things come to play with the simple use of technology. The government can know what goes on in someones home. Surveillance uses technology to spy on us. Let's really talk about it, we can not even have our own privacy. That is not freedom or justice. Totalitarianism is a theme because everything in our society is being controlled by the government just not as harsh as a totalitarian government.

  26. Asha Alhalmi
    English 12

    Three major themes presented in 1984 is surveillance, propaganda, and manipulation. Surveillance is portrayed numerous amount of times. Big brother is always watching and keeping track of everything. For example, the telescreens put in every room shows a theme of surveillance. It shows big brother is always watching and everything will be surveillanced no matter what. Propaganda is used throughout the whole book. For example propaganda is used to convince all citizens that the fantasy they’re leaving is reality. They are manipulated by propaganda to believe unrealistic rules. Propaganda is used that it turns into manipulation. Big brother is manipulating everyone and it is working because Of the fear people have of it that is causing them to obey. All three of these themes are always portrayed throughout the book 1984.

  27. The three major themes in 1984 are manipulation, technology, and censorship. In today’s society, we are still faced with the issue of manipulation through all of the fake news that is spread throughout the media

  28. Autumn Moore
    English 12
    Period 4
    Three significant themes in 1984 is manipulation, censorship and propaganda. Manipulation changes the way people view and see each other. Censorship controls all information, the party controls anything written about them.Propaganda is used because it helps the government convince the people that the fantasy they live is reality. In society today we have surveillance camera everywhere, we are being watched by the government without us knowing.They take information about us and use it to benefit them.

  29. Manipulation, censorship and propanganda

  30. 3 themes that are in 1984 that relate to modern society are consumerism, dystopia, and totalitarianism.

  31. Kajol Sukhdeo
    English 12
    Period 6
    Three significant themes in 1984 are propaganda, technology and fear. Fear is related to today's modern society because the media and constant stream of fake news make people scared about things that are far away or out of their contro.

  32. Gaitre Nauth
    English 12
    Three significant themes in 1984 are manipulation, identity and language. Manipulation is used by Big Brother to control the people's thoughts and actions so they don't rebel. Citizens are manipulated to think that Big Brother is the best leader and that war is peace and freedom is ignorance.. Identity is important because in Oceania everyone is conformed to believe the same things and wear the same clothes so no one has their own thoughts. Language is constantly being changed through newspeak in 1984. The language is changed so that people won't have the words they need if they wanted to rebel.

  33. Jeanpaul Montano
    Three major themes throughout the book are physical control, technology and control of information and history. The significance of these themes are big brother and controlling people in the world. If I had to pick one theme and relate it to our society today I would pick technology. I picked this because technology such as phones and computers, placing calls that are recorded all monitor you and everyone so they an see what you do and what you constantly say. They tell us what to buy and we do it for example the iPhone X is over 1000 and people still buy it knowing that there probably going to have to waste another 1000 for another phone from Apple.

  34. Christian battaglia
    Period 2

    Three main themes in 1984 is technology, manipulation, censorship. Censorship is used by vanishing people that say anything opposing to what they want. Manipulation is used by changing the news and people’s knowledge about the reality.

  35. Rodolfo Romero
    Mr Ehsan / Ms Gray

    Three significant themes in 1984 is manipulation, censorship and propaganda. Manipulation changes the way people view and see each other. Censorship controls all information, the party controls anything written about them.Propaganda is used because it helps the government convince the people that the fantasy they live is reality. In society today we have surveillance camera everywhere, we are being watched by the government without us being informed

  36. Angel Perez
    Mr. Ehsan
    Period 2
    English 12
    Freedom vs oppression, class struggle, and fear and hate being a means of control are all themes in “1984” . One of the main themes I feel connect to our society today is class struggle. Little by little the middle class is vanishing the world we live is starting to put people in a situation where you either make it or you don’t.


    1. The three major themes are government control, manipulation and technology. Minipulation exist in today’s society still. Fake news plays a big role insociety. People broadcast fake news, and the people end up believing it. You end up believing something that was never true, showing that you can be easily tricked.

      Samuel B

  37. Christopher Marin
    Mr. Ehsan
    Period 4
    English 12

    Three significant themes in 1984 is Totalitarianism, Censorship (Controlling all Information), and Technology. Totalitarianism; in the book ,The Party separates people into classes; Inner, Outer, and the lowest the Proles. The Party does this in order to further, show their dominance by making the people feel that they are not equal, thus securing their power , the people will not unite or retaliate against Big Brother. Censorship (Controlling all Information), The Party controls what is written about them, even when they are wrong the party always ends up being RIGHT. The party realizes that whoever controls the written word, controls the past, the present, and the future. Finally the last theme is Technology; the telescreens and other items are used to spy on the people, and force them into being slaves, brainwashing , and further suppressing them. The one theme that I feel that relates to our modern society is Technology, we are constantly being watched and monitored, on our phones, computers, and even in department stores. Their is no question that their is no sense of privacy, someone is always looking, the real question is what can they do will all of the information that they have acquired from us. Is it for our own protection? or to harm us?

  38. The three major themes of 1984 would be totalitarian control, manipulation and technology. The citizens in the story are being controlled in every single aspect. Big brother controls what they know, what they think and what they do. They have no power within themselves. This also contributes to manipulation. Big brother manipulates the citizens by allowing them to believe whatever the government puts out. Technology plays a major role in today's society because we are being controlled by it. Everyone now uses technology for everything in their daily life.

  39. The major theme is government control because in the book Big Brother is telling his people what he wants to tell them and this could relate to our because during the 30's and 40's the Nazi control their people telling them what to do and brain washing them.

  40. maria lopez
    march 29,2018
    Three major themes from 1984 are surveillance, manipulation and propaganda. we the people are being watched all the time also we are control to , also think in a certain way according to big brother’s. Propaganda is mainly used because is a strategy that helps them convince people that are living in reality, propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Today’s society we experience surveillance, we are being watched by the government without our knowledge, They gather our information and use it to their advantage, we have no privacy that is a dangerous issue that we
    face because it is against our rights, any information we put on social media the government knows about it.

  41. Technology is a major reason that influences our lives in a positive way. It can also hinder us because we are being influenced to buy things that have no impact on our lives. We are told that these things we buy are made to improve our lives. It’s all fake propoganda.

  42. The three major themes is total control, sneaky, carefully. In the book big brother the government is telling the people what to do by force. The people are trick by big brother to do everything they say. Anything Big brother said must be obey. People will get punish if they disobey orders.

  43. Adrian Gonzalez
    period 6

    The three major themes from 1984 are surveillance, manipulation and censorship. One that can relate to modern society is surveillance. this is because in our society many corporations are recording and compounding data on individuals to sell to other companies or to make specialized advertisements so that you would buy their products. that is one theme that relates to modern society.

  44. Diamond Ferrer
    Mr. Ehsan

    Three main themes in 1984 would be manipulation, corruption and propaganda. Big Brother manipulates the citizens into believing what they want them to believe in order to benefit their own needs. Corruption is portrayed by the way the government already alters the minds and thoughts of the society they live in by controlling their information, and propaganda is used as a weapon against the society in order to get them to listen to Big Brother. In today’s society we see a lot of manipulation from the government in the places we go and the things we invest our money into.

  45. Lawrence Lue
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    Identify and explain the significance of three major themes from 1984? Pick one from your three themes and relate that to our modern society.

    Major themes from 1984 are surveillance, propaganda and manipulation. Surveillance is shown by big brother is always watching you. The telescreens put in every room shows surveillance. Propaganda is used to convince all citizens that they are living in reality when they are rally not. Big brother is manipulating everyone and it is working because the people have fear of the government.

  46. Hardeep Bhatti
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12 Period 6
    March 29th, 2018

    The major themes are propaganda, monitoring, and manipulation. Propaganda as is the spreading of false and misleading information. Monitoring is the constant surveillance of the society by big brother. Manipulation is the injection of fear and loyalty towards the government.

  47. Justin Cabello
    Period 6

    Three major themes are government control, manipulation and technology. In todays society, manipulation exists. Fake news takes a huge toll on society. People broadcast fake news, and the people end up believing it. You end up believing something that is and was never true, showing that you can be easily tricked.

  48. Jasmine Harris

    Three major themes from 1984 is manipulation, monitoring and technology. Manipulation can be related to today’s society because there’s a lot of fake news being spread on the media and even on the news. Due to the fake news, we have to do further research to be sure the information being provided is correct.

  49. Three major themes throughout 1984, are physical control, control of information and history and also technology. The importance of these themes are that big brother is controlling people in the world. One theme that relates to our modern society today is technology. I picked technology because it is most relatable since we use cell phones and computers everyday to progress our lives.

  50. Marc Gonzalez
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12 Period 6
    March 29th, 2018

    Three major themes from 1984 is, Psychological Manipulation, Technology, and Danger of Totalitarianism. The significance of all the technology is that it allows for the continuous , nonstop surveillance, it also serves as a reminder to the proles that they are always being watched, it entails fear in the society , making it easier to control. The significance of psychological control , is that it allows for total control over the all the people in the entire society. The dangers of the totalitarianism is very significant in 1984 because the dystopia is surrounded by totalitarianism in its entirety.

  51. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    To begin with, the three pivotal themes that are conveyed throughout the novel of 1984 are physical control, psychological manipulation, and dangers of totalitarianism. Physical control is manipulation in peoples minds. The Party constantly watches for any sign of disloyalty. The Party forces participation in mass morning exercises and then the government works them to the point of exhaustion. Psychological manipulation is when the Party barrages its subjects with psychological stimuli designed to overwhelm the mind's capacity for independent thought. The purpose is to warn readers of dangers of totalitarianism within government, particularly concerning the role of technology in enabling oppressive governments to monitor and control their citizens. One of the themes that relates to our modern society is psychological manipulation because fake news makes us confused on whats really real in life. Most of the news is being false to show people how they can be tricked.


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