Blogger Assignment # 12

Is our modernized world (United States of American) an Utopian or Dystopian reality?

Please make sure to have a proper heading. Utilize contextual and textual evidence gathered from the class notes and video to defend your claims.

Keep your response limited to one paragraph.
(5 to 7 sentences)



  1. I think our world is both because you do get bad thing in the world but also do get happy thing and it changes like that. Thats how its both bc you got good thing in the world and bad.

    1. I agree with Zackery that it is both. Our society is filled great things that we should cherish and also negative things that we should stay away from. Overall our society is somewhere in between because we have aspects of both a Utopian and Dystopian society.

  2. Adrian Gonzalez
    English 12
    Mr Ehsan

    I think that our society is neither utopian nor is it dystopian. I think that it is somewhere in the middle. For it to be utopian it has to be a great and prosperous society and it is not fully good. It is not a dystopian because it has to be a fully horrible world and it is not fully bad there are some good things. That is why i feel that our modernized society is neither utopian nor is it dystopian. It is a combination of both.

  3. Ashley Singh

    I believe our world is both. There are both good and bad things/influences existing. Our modernized world is a mix of both the good utopian and bad dystopian reality.

  4. Lawrence Lue
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    I believe that our modernized world is both partly utopian and partly dystopian reality because there are both good and bad. For our modernized world to be Utopian it has to be perfect and great. There are still flaws in our society today. Our modernized world is dystopian because we face a lot of problems in todays world such as hunger and sickness. Therefore our modernized world is not Utopian or Dystopian but a mixture of both.

  5. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Our modernized world United State of American is a Utopian reality because the government does not watch what the people are doing, another reason why that our world is a Utopian reality is that the government does not have full control on others. people can do whatever they want to do instead of the government telling them what to do everyday.

  6. I believe that our modernized world is both partly utopian and dystopian. I think this bc our world is full of good and bad things. Our world is dystopian in a way because we face problems such as sicknesses and hunger. Our world is also partly utopian because some people get what they desire.

  7. Anjali Krishnanan
    March 1, 2018
    English 12 Period:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Yes, America is for the most part, a dystopian society. Most with half a brain realize this fact, so what is more important is in how we come to understand how we got here in the first place. However, not forgetting that fact followed by then finally getting it right. In the beginning we choose a world closer to the hearts, minds and souls of all good people.

  8. Mathew Torres
    March 1, 2018
    English 12 Pd:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    I believe that our modern world is a dystopian reality. Some may argue that we live in an utopian society, because we have freedoms and rights. But when people are given too much power it can destroy the utopia. An example of this is the school shootings, and not having stricter gun control. Kids go to school afraid, unable to let their guard down, no child should be afraid to go to school. Another example is the Dreamers, for some this is the only home that they know of, they are in constant jeopardy or being deported, and having their American dream taken from them. It is sad to say but our present America is not idealistic, it is filled with violence, hunger, homeless, and the constant fear of nuclear war.

  9. Nestor Robles
    March 1, 2018
    English 12 Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    I believe that the society we live in today is dystopian because people can see the world for what it is. Dystopia is displayed through war, social media, and poverty. Most of the violence occurs today with governments that are collecting tax payer money in order to pay for their war effort. Social media can be a benefit for society because it can connect humans around the world and gives abilities to express themselves. Although, it can be a negative effect on society because one never knows who is watching him or her.

  10. Christopher Gonzalez
    Ehsan Pd 2

    I believe that we live in a utopia because the government really doesn’t control us. Many people protest and don’t get in trouble unless they cause trouble. There are only certain times that the government controls us but it’s been the same for a long time.

  11. Brittany Finger
    March 2, 2018

    I feel that our world if both dystopian and utopia because we live in a society fulled of both good and bad people and things. However , I feel like the government does not control us we have our own voice and can have their freedom of speech. Some
    people consider us as utopian society because of the “ American Dream “ because people come here to live a bettr life.

    1. I agree with Brittany, this world has many positive and negative things. More will also come in the future. No world is perfect so our one can be considered both dystopian and utopia.

  12. Najia Uddin
    March 2, 2018
    English 12 PD4

    Our modernized world today is both a Dystopian and Utopian society. It is dystopian because the government is involved in many things that they should not. The government has surveillance over every citizen. They watch over the actions of everyone. The government does not give anyone privacy. It is also Utopian because not everything is bad we also have positives.

  13. Rafid Hossain
    Mr. Eshan
    English 12 PD 4

    Our world currently could be interpreted either one. We could view all of our technological advancements over the past few years as a incremental part of heading towards Utopia but it could be argued that these so called advancements as a way of falling into a Dystopian reality because we are constantly being controlled by technology. In my opinion we are at a position where instead we are in the middle of both worlds but we could be headed towards Dystopia.

  14. Maria Lopez
    Ehsan pd 4
    I believe that was live in both Dystopian and Utopia because we live in a society that is full with both bad and good things and people. I feel like the Government does not control us that we have are own way of life and nothing can change that people do what they like. people come from other places in the world to be free and have there own dream.

  15. I believe that we live in a utopian reality for the most part, we have rights and freedom although there are things that have dystopian aspects in our society. I still feel the good out ways the bad.

  16. Nusaiba Alli
    Ehsan pd 4
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Gray

    I believe that our modernized world is neither utopian or dystopian. The modernized world invents new technology and tries to be perfect in order to gain a utopian society but these technology and perfection can turn against us which can lead us to a dystopian society. Utopian and dystopian society are both fake places, they can never be achieved.

  17. In my opinion, the world is whatever you want it to be. To some people they may see it as utopian because they look at life in a positive way. But to others the world could be dystopian because they have a nagative way of seeing life. Not everyone thinks the same way. Some people think life is amazing but others think life is horrible.

  18. We live in a country that is utopian. We have the most freedom out of every other country. For example as long as you have a license you can purchase a gun. The government doesn’t tell us that we have to drive a certain car. We have freedom of speech. This country is utopian.

  19. Nicole Amaral
    Mr. Ehsan/Ms.Gray
    Period 4

    Our modernized world is an Utopian and Dystopian reality because we live in a world where good things and bad things happened. I feel our government doesn't watch us because we have our own way of controling ourselves and we can't change that.

  20. I believe we are a dystopian society. For one thing we have laws that prevent us from question certain historical events. We are not a free society because without modern agriculture 90% of humanity will die. Humanity is dependent on modern medicine and without it most of the population will die.

  21. Shania Sawh
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray
    Period 6
    March 2, 2018

    I believe that our world today, is neither utopian or dystopian, but as of right now, it is a bit of both. I would say that it is dystopian because our government is constantly watching us with it's modern surveillance. Through out cameras on our devices, the FBI are constantly checking in on everyone and even listening to us through microphones. However, society is also utopian because we have the freedom to speak up for either what we support or disagree with.

  22. Rodmael Dallegrand
    Pd 6

    Our modernized world is an Utopian and Dystopian reality. The reason why our modernized world is an utopian reality is because we have the freedom to say what we want and watch what we want. The reason why our world is a dystopian reality is because the government always knows where we are and what we say thanks to our phones and computers.

  23. Danielle Soto
    Period 6

    Today we live in a dystopian society. We are slowly turning into that Becasue the government are finding ways to control us by using things we like. For example Apple is a phone company. they use phone, something we are on all day to control us and put ideas in our heads.

  24. Justin Cabello
    Period 6
    March 2, 2018

    I think we are both bc we are not fully controlled to be a dystopian society. Our thoughts aren’t being fully controlled nor is there propaganda or any shady business that we know of going on controlling us. But, we aren’t fully a utopian society bc we are far from perfect, with war, terrorism, and mass shooting being the center of our problems.

  25. Samantha Loureiro
    March 02, 2018
    Pd 6: E12
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    Our modernized world is Dystopian reality. It’s more of a Dystopian than an Utopian because people like to make others things that we live in a peaceful life but when we don’t. Everyone in the world tries to make themselves the best looking but they are not. They are more living a life of lies. The world is falling a part thanks to social media. Social media changes the way people see the world and having “Big Brother” keeping an eye on us everyday.

  26. Diamond Ferrer
    English Pd.6
    Mr. Ehsan

    I believe todays society is dystopian due to the fact that the government, private ownerships and businesses tend to control our everyday lives with widely advertised products and incentive use of propaganda to the public. "Big Brother" has blinded us with the truth that they force us to believe but its not the truth is we have to believe it.

  27. Marianna Iorio
    March 2,2018
    Mr Ehsan
    Period 6

    Our society in America is a dystopian reality because of the government controlling us in sneaky ways. The government uses ads and products to maniupulate us as a society to always spend more money.

  28. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    March 2nd, 2018

    I believe that we live in a Dystopian World. The government has constant visual and audio surveillance/monitoring on the public. The invasion of privacy is growing. The government provides the people with the sense of freedom diverging them from the fact that all the people are working underneath their power/command and are supplying the government.

  29. Kajol Sukhdeo
    English 12
    Our modern world is both a dystopian and utopian society because we have some freedoms but we also have limits that prevent us from getting to better world. Some aspects of our society that resemble a utopian society are our rights to vote, freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Some aspects of our society that resemble a dystopian society are having to take loans to afford essential things like buying a house or car or going to college. I think that our modern day society has aspects of both a utopian and dystopian society but it's not as exaggerated or bad as it is in movies and books.

  30. Malissa Dirpaul
    English 12 Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    I believe that we live in a dystopian society. Although some may not realize it, the government is always watching what you're doing. Major companies are slowly controlling what you are doing by making you buy their newest products all the time. Recently it has been proven that the FBI is spying on people through their webcams.

  31. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    March 2,2018

    I believe that we live in a Dystopian society. Our government is constantly finding ways to control and manipulate us. Dystopia is displayed throughout our social media that we use everyday. We are always being watched by the government without even realizing it. The company Apple is a good example to relate to Dystopia because of how much we are easily manipulated by them. Whenever they are preparing to release a new phone, it has been proven that the older models start acting up forcing you to purchase the newest and expensive one out.

  32. Jasmine Harris
    E12 PD6
    Mr. Ehsan
    In my opinion, we live more in a Utopian Society rather than a Dystopian society. We are entitled to say what we want and fight for what we want due to our rights. Even if we are being watched by the government, what is their to worry about if we're not harming anyone?

  33. Marc Gonzalez
    Period 6

    In todays world , there are many aspects in our society that can lead us to believe that our society is a dystopian one. I do agree with the statement , yes there are many aspects of a dystopian society in our generation , but that doesnt mean that it makes us a dystopian society as a whole. We do have many aspects that are found in a utopian society , so I would say that we are somewhere in the middle of that.

  34. Alisha Sanchez
    Period 2

    Today’s modern world is considered to be utopian in my opinion this is because we all have the free will to do what we want to do and stand up for what we believe in not everyone relies on what society thinks is right some tend to be a outcast because they want to be unique and not like everyone else yes people believe we live in a dystopian society because the government does play a huge role in trying to control what we do and they are always watching us and observing us but that doesn’t mean they could control you as a individual it’s your choice weather or not you fall into the trap that they have made by trying to control us.

  35. Jean Paul Montano
    Period 4
    English 12
    My opinion on this the country we live in is that it’s a utopian turning into a dystopian world because of the fact that we are lying and can’t face the fact that the country we live in isn’t perfect and don’t want to do what’s necessary to fix the problems because no one wants to believe or say that they messed up and there wrongs and I believe until then we will still be or even turn into a dystopian country.

  36. I think our world is both utopian and dystopian. I think it’s both because our world is full of things good and bad. Our world is dystopian because of the problems we go through for example sickness. Our world is also utopian because lots of people get what they impulse. However I also agree with the fact that we live in a utopian world that is turning into a dystopian world, because of the ways of the world.

  37. Helen Barraza
    Period 6 English 12

    I think our society is in between a utopian and dystopian society because the government and companies are involved in people's lives. And to be utopian we have a right to vote freedom of speech and some other countries they have that freedom the we have but have limitations so therefore we are in between a utopian and dystopian society.

  38. Nasthasia Thomas
    period 4
    English 12

    I believe our modernized world is both utopian and dystopian. We live in a utopian world because we do have a say so on the things in our life such as the house we want to live in and the cars we want to drive. We fight for what we believe in and follow our dreams and say what we are feeling. that is what makes our modernized world utopian. Our world can be dystopian too because the government does have some type of control over us due to the fact we surround ourselves with technology. They constantly have a visual on everything we do and we really cant do anything about it even if we wanted to. They always find a way to manipulate us without us even knowing. For example when the new apple phone comes out, our old phones start to act up causing us to buy the new latest phone. coincidence i think not! this comes to show that we do live in both a utopian and dystopian society.

  39. Alisha Shakeer
    Period 6/ English 12
    March 6, 2017

    We live in both a utopian and a dystopian world. This would is full of negative and positive things. We have rights, but our rights are limited. Then there’s times when we don’t have rights at all involving the government. It’s a fake society, but then again it’s not.

  40. Anderson Salcedo
    Period 6/English 12
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan
    March 6, 2018
    In our modernized world which is the United States of American we live in a Dystopian reality. A Dystopian reality because we are told that we live in a free world in which we are all supposedly treated equal and that every one has rights. However in order to be "free" we must do as told and follow all the laws if not we could be thrown in jail. We are all treated equal yet if you are being sent to trial your skin color or ethnicity could play a bigger role on your punishment then the actual crime committed. Not only that but now also our privacy is also being invaded because someone is always watching what we are doing trough our phones or even civilians cameras.

  41. Nicole Kiburis
    Period 6
    Our modernized world is both a dystopian and utopian world. There are both good and bad things in our world. We have freedom but also can be limited to things. The government controls a lot but to the point where we still have freedom.

  42. Rodolfo Romero
    English 12
    Period 2

    Modern world/society today is utopian because we live in america . America is the home of the free and we are all allowed to speak our minds and share opinions. For example even big celebrities and nba all stars have shared opinions on our president Donald Trump and have not gotten in trouble for it . If a human being thinks a certain way they have the right to stand up for it and let their voices be heard. On the other hand it is alittle bit of dystopian as well because the government has access to all our personal information such as address , income , phone number , etc.

  43. Our mondernized world is not a utopian or an dystopian world. It is a in between borderline on both. Everyday we push the limits of furthering into this dystopian or utopian society. The government has control over us largely but not to the extent where they have complete control into our lives. But If we continue down certain paths we can eventually reach these extremes.

  44. i think our society is Dystopian because in order to get where we are now we been thew wars. were also basically controlled by the goverment because they watch over us as if it was like big brother

  45. The society we live in is not a dystopia it actually can be seen more as a utopia. In America we have the power to chase our biggest dreams. Although the government and many big businesses have the power to control what we do it doesn’t really happen in a way that hurts us. There are people around the world who dream of coming to America, this wouldn’t be the case if we live in a distopian society. North Korea is what a dystopian society looks like, the people are controlled by one ruler and are unable to to think or speak freely. To say America is a dystopia is kind of like a kid complaining because they can’t get the toy they want.

  46. I believe that in society today we live is a dystopian society for example cops shooting unarmed black man the drama between our new president and the riots that have developed because of all this

  47. Veronica Tibball
    I believe that our society is dystopian, because the president is making a lot of changes and some people don't believe it's the right way to handle situations.

  48. Michael Cesario
    Period 6

    Our society is neither utopian nor dystopian. A utopian society would mean everything is perfect and we’re far from perfect and a dystopian society would mean we’re constantly watched and had no freedom whatsoever. Though we are neither our society does have some dystopian elements

  49. Dilon Deolall
    English/ Period 4
    March 15, 2018

    I think our world is both a utopian and dystopian society depending on who you are and how you view our world. It has it perks at being a utopian society like for example America is full of opportunities. But also a dystopian society because not everyone has the same opportunities due to social classes and the way our world runs.

  50. I believe our world is a mixture of both a utopian and dystopian society because it consists of good and bad. The Government of the United States watched us without us even noticing, and has so many issues that creates controversies among the people.

  51. In my opinion, our modernized world is both utopian and dystopian. We live in a utopian world because citizens do have a say on the things that go on in our life. We fight for what we believe in and follow our dreams and say what we are feeling which makes our modernized world utopian. Our world can be dystopian too because the government does have some type of control over us due to the fact we surround ourselves with technology. They constantly have a visual on everything we do. For example when the new apple phone comes out, our old phones start to act up causing us to buy the new latest phone this comes to show that we do live in both a utopian and dystopian society.

  52. Aliya Imran
    English Period 6
    Our society is a dystopian society, because of the chaos that goes on. Since there is a lot of disagreements between citizens and our president. Big Brother is always watching, and we have a lack of privacy because of the government.

  53. Jayda Black
    English 12 PD 6
    Our modernized world is both partly utopian and partly dystopian reality because there are both positive and negative. The good about it is that we choose to believe what we want to believe and then again with the bad about it is that were easily manipulated into what other people may say to us. We have our privacy but then again we don't because we really don't know who's really watching us with secret cameras.

  54. Our world currently could be interpreted either one. We could view all of our technological advancements over the past few years as a incremental part of heading towards Utopia but it could be argued that these so called advancements as a way of falling into a Dystopian reality because we are constantly being controlled by technology. In my opinion we are at a position where instead we are in the middle of both worlds but we could be headed towards Dystopia.

  55. Gaitre Nauth
    English 12
    Our society is both a dystopian and utopian. We are dystopian because we are constantly being tracked and watched through surveillance cameras. We also need money to gain status in society and there is still inequality, and some racism. We are a utopian society because we have rights like freedom of speech and the right to vote. These rights give us power to control who gets elected and allow us to speak freely.

  56. Our society is a dystopian and utpian. The world is both in many ways. In society there are things that are unfair. Like rules we must follow every single day. Something the rules are not fair we disagree with it. That how life is.

  57. Anthony Marino
    English 12
    Britain has extreme laws regarding hate speech, they keep track of who owns a television and who doesn’t. This would show a dystopian society.

  58. To be a utopia or dystopia is debatable. Some people believe that a dystopia is when everything is destroy. However, others believe dystopia is when one thing is not perfect. My opinion is that our American society is more of a dystopia than a utopia. I believe this because there is too much war in our world today. My opinion of a utopian reality is when there is internal and external peace with everyone and that is clearly not the case in today's society.


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