Blogger Assignment # 14

Identify and explain the significance of three major symbols from 1984? Pick one from your three symbols and relate that to our modern society.

Please make sure to have a proper heading. Utilize contextual and textual evidence gathered from the class notes/video or images to defend your claims.

Keep your response limited to one paragraph.
(5 to 7 sentences)


  1. Anjali Krishnanan
    March 11, 2018
    English 12 Period:6

    Three major symbols in 1984 is Big Brother, The Glass Paperweight and St. Clement's Church and The Place Where There Is No Darkness. The Big Brother is the face of the party. In that case the citizens are told that he is the leader of the nation and the head of the party. The face of Big Brother symbolizes the party in it's public manifestation.The Glass Paperweight symbolize Winston "attempt to reconnect with the past". He struggles to recover his own memories and formulate a larger picture of what has happened in the world. However, the old picture of St. Clement's Church in the room that Winston rents above Mr. Charrington's shop is another image of the lost past.The idea of "the place where there is no darkness" symbolizes Winston's approach to the future. Therefore one word that first comes to him is in a dream.

  2. Mathew Torres
    March 12, 2018
    English 12 Pd:6

    I think that the three major symbols are; the diary, the telescreen, and Emmanuel Goldstein. The diary symbolizes his sanity and his freedom. He is unable to speak his mind, or his truths, so Winston writes in order to keep his past alive, before it is rewritten. The telescreen, symbolizes control, also gives a false pretense of belonging to a greater good (a sense of belonging). Emmanuel Goldstein symbolizes hate, and represents everything that is wrong. I think that George Orwell, purposely made this character a Jew, Goldstein is seen as the “most dangerous” his thoughts ,and ideas went against Big Brother's "perfect" world. It reminds the reader of another part of history, when Jews were seen as “dangerous” and went against all the ideas, and values of another party the Nazis. One symbol that relates to our modern day society, is the telescreen, the government is always watching, their are cameras everywhere; crossing the street, in malls, even in elevators.Also our cell phones are constantly monitoring our location.

  3. Nestor Robles
    English 12 Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    March 12, 2018

    Three major symbols in 1984 is Big Brother, Paperweight, and the Diary. Big Brother symbolizes power, the state, the law, the face of the party. Paperweight symbolizes Winston’s attempt to reconnect with the past. The diary symbolizes rebellion, expression, and freedom. Big Brother relates to our modern society because most of lives today are being watched by the government with the advanced technology that we use in our everyday life. Many devices are recorded through film and audio to make sure that we are following the law.

    1. Three major symbols are the diary, place with no darkness, & telescreen. The diary represents his right to speak freely. The place with no darkness represents a world with more peace. And the telescreen can demonstrate a symbol of control. These are the three most important symbols to me.

      - Samuel B

  4. Three major symbols in 1984 are the diary, the glass paperweight and the telescreens. The diary symbolizes Winston's rebellion and sense of freedom. The paperweight symbolizes Winston's need to connect to the past and his childhood. The telescreens symbolizes big brother's control and false sense of security. The telescreens are related to today's society because our computers are capable of spying on us just like telescreens.

  5. The three major symbols in 1984 are the diary, telescreens and glass paperweight. The telescreen relates to our modern society by the government being able to see what we do through our phones, they can monitor what we do online. Similar to telescreens watching the common people 24/7.

  6. Samantha Loureiro
    March 13, 2018
    Pd 6: E12
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Grey
    The three major symbols are Winston’s jornal, Big Brother and paperweight. Winston’s jornal is he way for freedom of speech and to keep himself from looking his head from all of what happening with B.B. Big Brother is watching everyone and what they do. Paperweight is the way for Winston’s to remember his past and to see what his future holds. That symbol that relates to modern day society is Big Brother because they are alway watching you and ever move you make.

  7. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    The three major symbol are the diary,Big brother and paperweight. Big brother is always watching people what they do and the diary represent freedom and rebellion and the paperweight symbolizes Winston attempt to reconnect with the past.

  8. Brianna Derry
    March 13, 2018
    English 12, Period 2
    Mr.Ehsan and Ms.Gray
    The three major symbols in 1984 are Winston’s journal, Big Brother and the Telescreens. Winston’s journal is almost his escape from reality. The journal is the only place he can go to, to express himself without any fear or judgement. The Telescreens are the way they control society in 1984, brainwashing individuals. Big Brother is the governments eye so to speak, and Big Brother also relates to us because the government is always watching us and our every move.

  9. One of the major symbols that is in our society is big brother because other country the government watches them and people in those places don't have the freedom to speak against them place like China. That's what Big Brother does in the book he watches the people so they don't go against he put fear.

  10. Najia Uddin
    March 14, 2018
    English 12
    Ehsan PD 4

    The three major symbols of 1984 are Winstons Journal, Big Brother, and the Glass Paper weight. His journal is his only access to freedom and the only place he can speak his own mind. Big brother is also known as the government and the main party. Paperweight is what informs him if the the truth of the past and what will happen in the future. Big brother is a symbol that most closely relates to modern day society. The government is a control system. They have surveillance over everything the watch every move any makes. They have restrictions on many things. They say we have freedom to many things like freedom of speech but we can not speak bad about the government without being questioned. The government invades our privacy and doesn't care about how it affects us.

  11. Michael Cesario
    Period 6

    The three major symbols of 1984 are the diary the telescreens and emmanuel Goldstein.The diary symbolizes his sense of freedom, the telescreen symbolizes the control and trapped feeling the characters feel, Emmanuel Goldstein symbolizes the hate they have for big brother but can’t direct towards them so they direct it towards him, the symbol that resonates most with our society is the telescreens because we’re able to be watched through everything we do online

  12. Marianna Iorio
    Period 6
    March 15,2018
    Mr. Ehsan

    The three main symbols in "1984" are the paper weight, the telescreens, and big brother. Big brother relates to modern day society because he is similar to our modern government in America since the government "watchs" us since people claim our phones are listening to us, because everytime someone talks about something an ad will pop up on our phone on it. For example if you are talking about chips, a chip ad might pop later on your phone. Big brother uses telescreens to watch us, and today our government uses our phones.

  13. The three major symbols in the book 1984 are winstons journal, Big brother, and the glass paper weight. Winston journal is what he uses to speak what's in his mind and it's his only hope to freedom. Big brother are known as the government that watches you and they are also known as the main party. The glass paper weight shows Winston what happened in the past and what would happen in the future.

  14. Dilon Deolall
    English/ Period 4
    March 15, 2018

    There are three major symbols that are significant from 1984. The three major symbols are big brother, the paperweight, and the place where there is no darkness. Big brother is a party watching and controlling the lives of people. The paperweight represents the protagonist's attempts to reveal, understand and connect to the past. The place where there is no darkness refers back to the dream Winston had. He wrote about it in his diary and hid the book to not be found. Big Brother relates to our modern day society because the government monitors everything we do and the people in power creates these laws and requirements that we are expected to follow and live by controlling how and what we do.

  15. Diamond Ferrer
    Mr. Ehsan
    Period 6

    One symbol from 1984 would be Big Brother. It is portrayed as the government and George Orwell takes into account how the government manipulates and feeds us false facts in order to get us where they want us. Big Brother is made to be someone that everyone looks up to, the government, but it doesn’t treat us right.

  16. Alisha Shakeer
    Period 6
    Three major symbols in 1984 is the glass paperweight, the diary, and the telescreens.The paperweight symbolizes is what Winston's need to connect to his past and childhood The diary is basically Winston's freedom. The telescreens symbolizes big brother's and security. Telescreen relates to today’s modern society because of the way technology is used to spy on us, and invade our privacy.

  17. Marc Gonzalez
    period 6

    Identify and explain the significance of three major symbols from 1984? Pick one from your three symbols and relate that to our modern society.

    The symbol of the telescreen symbolized the constant watch and control over the people . The symbol of Big brother , stands as a constant reminder that the party is always watching them , its supposed to have comfort on the people. The third symbol is the symbol of the equation 2+2=5 ,
    it symbolizes the lies that are being told to the people , lies that are eventually perceived as truths.One symbol that really relates to our modern society is the symbol of the telescreen. In todays society we are always being watched , through media we are also constantly observing , we take it all in nd in some form are brainwashed.

  18. Asha Alhalmi
    Ehsan and gray
    English 12

    There are multiple symbols in 1984. Three symbols that have double meanings are Big Brother, Paperweight, and the Diary. Big brother symbolizes power over the state, they represent the law, represent control and superior to everyone else. Big brother relates to today’s society because The government and higher powers have control over the country, also they keep track of everything. Paperweight symbolizes Winston’s chances to reconnect with the past. It shows how he wants to connect with the past and try to understand. The diary symbolizes rebellion and freedom of speech. It represents expression and all that he has left to speak his own thoughts.

  19. The three main symbols that are portrayed in 1984 are big Brother, the paperweight, and the place where there is no darkness. Big Brother watches all of the actions we do through technology. It is almost impossible to stay out of sight. Big Brother basically watches everything we do through technology.

  20. Maria Lopez
    Ehsan & Gray
    English 12
    The three symbols in 1984 that have are Big Brother, Paperweight, And the Diary. The one that symbolizes power over everything and everyone is Big Brother . Big brother represent the law the control and superior of everyone and everything, this relates to todays world because the government has a lot of power to do what it wants. Paperweight represents the attempts to reveal, understand and connect to the past, a place where there is no darkness. Winston wrote about it in his diary and hid the book so no one can found it.

  21. One of the three symbols is big brother our society today is very familiar with the idea of it because of how exposed we are to it. The government watching our every move is now a reality to us.

  22. Rafid Hossain
    English 12 PD 4
    Mr. Eshan

    There are many symbols in presented throughout 1984. Three symbols that have double meanings are Big Brother, Paperweight, and the Diary. Big brother shows double meaning by using a physical object to represent an idea or emotion or power over the state, they represent the law, represent control and superior to everyone else. Big brother relates to today's community of people/all good people in the world because the government and higher powers have control over the country, also they keep track of everything. Paperweight shows by using a physical object to represent an idea or emotion. Winston's shows how he wants to connect with the past and try to understand it.The diary shows by using a physical object to represent an idea or emotion to fight against authority and freedom of speech. It represents expression and all that he has left to speak his own thoughts.

  23. John Navarro
    Ehsan & Gray
    English 12
    In 1984 there are many symbols. Three of the symbols that have double meanings in 1984 are Big Brother, The Diary, and the Paperweight. Big Brother symbolizes the power over the state. The government and higher powers have control over the country. Also they keep track of everything that goes on in the nation. Paperweight symbolizes Winston’s chances to reconnect with his past and the past of the country. It shows how Winston wants to connect with the past and try to understand where he came from. The Diary shows rebellion and freedom of speech.

  24. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4
    English 12

    To being with, in my opinion three main symbols in "1984" are the paper weight, the telescreens, and big brother. These components help develop complex ideals. Big brother relates to modern day society because he is similar to our modern government in he United States since the government almost stalkes us since people claim our phones are listening to us, because everytime someone sparks interest in a particular topic an advertisement will pop up on our phone on it. For example if you are talking about chips, a chip ad might pop later on your phone. Big brother uses any resource possible to watch us, and today our government uses our phones.

  25. Nicole Amaral
    English 12
    March 16, 2018

    Three major symbols from 1984 are Big Brother, The Place Where There Is No Darkness, and The Telescreens. The significance of Big Brother is that he is watching you and watching your every move you make. The significance of The Place Where There Is No Darkness is Winston is depressed. He is being over watched by Big Brother. A Place Where There Is No Darkness is with no Big Brother. The significance of The Telescreen symbolizes Big Brother control and watching everything you do.

  26. Clarissa Jara
    English pd 6
    Three main symbols in the novel 1984 are big brother, Emmanuel Goldstein and the dairy. The Emmanuel Goldstein symbolizes winston’s opposition to the party/big brother and his curiosity about the past. The dairy sysmbolizes as his rebellion against big brother and desire of freedom. Lastly big brother symbolizes the government who’s persuaded as evil because he controls everything and everyone and modifies it to their liking, this symbol relates to our modern society because we also experience supervillience. Many people are not aware but we are being watched by the government at all time and our privacy is being violated, they can use our information to their liking.

  27. Lawrence Lue
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    The three main symbols in 1984 are Big Brother, The Diary and The Telescreen. Big brother is watching and controlling the lives of the people. The diary represents freedom because he is unable to speak his mind so he writes it down in order to keep his past alive. The telescreen represent control.

  28. Irving Mckay
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd 6

    In 1984, three main symbols are the telescreens, Winston’s journal, and Big Brother. Big Brother holds a lot of influence over how people act, going as far to control their own lives and minds. Winston’s journal is the representation of the only freedom he has because he can’t talk to anyone about the tyranny of Big Brother or INGSOC. The telescreens represent how they’re always being constantly watched.

  29. Helen Barraza
    Mr.Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    E12 Pd 6

    The three main symbols in 1984 is the diary, telescreen and big brother because they us the diary as someplace where Winston keeps his thought which is not liked by the big brother. The telescreen show that they are always watching and having an eye on them. Big brother is what is in control of the people. The big brother relates to our modern society because we are always on our phones and we are being watched by the big cooperations.

  30. Christian battaglia
    Period 2

    The three major symbol are the diary,Big brother and paperweight. Big brother is always watching people what they do and the diary represent freedom and rebellion and the paperweight symbolizes Winston attempt to reconnect with the past.

  31. Anderson Salcedo
    English 12
    March 17, 2018
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan
    Three symbols used in 1984 are the telescreen, big brother, and newspeak. The telescreen represents the party's surveillance over the people and that they are always in control. Big Brother represents the party and reminds everyone under his control that they are constantly being watched. Newspeak symbolizes the continues revision and editing of the english language. Keeping people under control and preventing them from learning anything new. One of the symbols that relates to todays modern society is the telescreen. Even though we don't have an actual telescreen we are always being watched by surveillance cameras in the streets and any where we go, we are constantly being tracked.

  32. Me. Ehsan
    The three major symbols in 1984 are Big Brother , the diary and the Telescreens. “ Big Brother knows as the government is always watching , they make people believe their in a free world when it reality their not. I think the diary plays a role in 1985 because Wilson rights about what he feels , he also knows what’s going on but not fully he try’s to remember his past because he knows he has one. The Telescreen also represent a symbol because the people are living their life through a screen they must obey whatever the screen says , this shows that the people are not free , they don’t know what reality is , Big Brother uses doublethink to confuse the people into what he says is true.

  33. Shakib Ahmed
    period 2

    The three main symbols in my opinion during 1984 is big brother, telescreens and diary. Big brother is similar to our society today because we are being watched through our phones and other electronic devices. The government is constantly servaling us.

  34. Nasthasia Thomas
    Mr Ehsan
    english 12

    The three major symbols in 1984 is the telescreen, Emmanuel Goldstein, and the diary. The telescreen symbolizes control and the parties continual surveillance and total control over its people. Emmanuel Goldstein symbolizes the power of groupthink. The parties feel the need to compare its self to someone or something in order to maintain its superiority. Some people make him a object of hatred and some makes him an object of hope. The diary symbolizes Winston sanity and his freedom. Thats his way of expressing his feelings because he's unable to speak is mind, or his truth. Winston writes in his diary in order to keep his past alive. One symbol that relates to our modern day society is the telescreen because the government is always watching. they have cameras everywhere such as in the streets and the mall and even in our computers.

  35. I believe the three major symbols of 1984 are Newspeak Big Brother, and the Telescreen. The telescreen symbolizes Big Brother being in control and watching over everything you do.Big Brother represents the party it also reminds the people they’re being watched by him. The Newspeak symbolizes the changing of the english language. Controlling people and preventing them from learning new things. I agree that one of the main symbols that takes up today’s modern society is telescreen. Yes, we don't have an actual telescreen however we are ALWAYS being watched.

  36. The three major symbols are Big brother, the diary, and the paperweight. Big brother is constantly watching people and everything they do, from being tracked to surveillance cameras on the street. The diary represents an idea and emotion , freedom. The paperweight symbolizes Winston’s attempt to reconnect with the past this also shows by using a physical object to represent an emotion.

  37. Alisha Sanchez
    The three major symbols in the book 1984 are “The diary”,”Big Brother”, and “The Telescreens” The diary symbolizes Winston's sense of freedom it allows him to have his own thoughts without feeling that he is constantly being told what is right and what’s wrong. The telescreens symbolizes big brother's control of constantly monitoring the governments citizens. The telescreens are related to today's society because our computers are capable of knowing everything we do and search on the web. This is similar to big brother, big brother is constantly watching what we search what we like and keeping track and also big brother grabs our attentions by promoting things that we like to constantly search trying to control what we like to see and do it related to modern society because our phones are also being monitored by the government by us putting in our finger prints out personal information and etc.

  38. Big brother is constantly watching people and everything they do from being tracked to surveillance cameras on the streets and phones and tv the diary represents an idea and emotion and freedom

  39. The three major symbols are paperweight, big Brother and Winston’s journal. In Winston’s journal he mentions freedom of speech and to keep himself from being conflicted from all of the things that is happening with Big Brother. Big Brother is basically watching everyone and what they do giving nobody any privacy and making people think things that aren't true and many don't know what to believe basically causing them to double think. Also, Paperweight is one way for Winston to remember the things in past and to imagine whats going to happen as time goes on.

  40. Tamia Alvarez
    Mr. Ehsan

    The three main symbols in 1984 is his diary, television and the paper weight. His diary symbolizes his freedom to express his own thought of opinion. The second symbol is the television and this represents the control big brother has over people in the world. The way people have to follow what they say or they get erased. Last but not least paper weight is the other symbol for helping him get I touch with the past.


  41. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    March 22, 2018

    The three major symbols that are in 1984 are the telescreen, big brother and the diary. Big brother symbolizes how the government is always watching our every move. It also shows how much power the government has over us. The telescreen symbolizes control because it forces people to think and feel a certain way. The diary symbolizes freedom and rebellion by expressing personal ideas.

  42. Shania Sawh

    The three major symbols within 1984 is the diary, the telescreen, and Big Brother. The telescreen represents the totalitarian government watching party members at all times and Big Brother represents the government having control over it's people. The diary, however, represents rebellion because Winston uses his diary to commit thought crimes without being caught. The telescreens within the novel relate to our society today in the way that it's watching and listening to everything the party members say and do. This is similar to the way that our devices are constantly listening to what we talk about.

  43. Aliya Imran
    English period 6
    The three major symbols in 1984 is the diary, Big Brother, and the telescreen. Big brother is basically the government monitoring what we do, and what we look at. This also demonstrates how much power the government withholds, that we do not. The telescreen symbolizes the control, because it forces people to think and brainwashes them to believe certain things. The diary symbolizes rebellion, and freedom to express ideas.

  44. Jayda Black
    March 26th, 2018
    English 12 Period:6
    Three symbols used in 1984 are the "telescreen", "Big Brother", and "newspeak". The telescreen represents the party's surveillance over the people and that they are always in control. Big Brother represents the party and reminds everyone under his control that they are constantly being watched with no privacy of doing things in private. Newspeak symbolizes the continues revision (re look at from what is really trying to be shown) and changing of the language of english. Keeping people under one control and keeping them from learning anything new and only from knowing what they want to know.

  45. Danielle Soto
    Period 6

    In 1984 they used newspeak, this was a new language big brother made. Newspeak symbolize the total control they have over there citizens. Another symbol is the memoir hole. The memoir hope keeps the people from knowing the past and what is true. This better helps them have control over everyone. The last one is The telescreen. Not only is this in 1984 we have this in Morden society. We both are under surveillance by Cameras. The government is watching what we are doing at all times.

  46. Troy Yar
    Mr. Ehsan + Ms. Grey
    Period 6
    March 27th, 2018

    The three main symbols are the diary, the telescreen, and Emmanuel Goldstein. The diary is the most important, because without it, there would be no other symbols, and no novel for that matter. The diary is a symbol of his individuality and his sanity - the fact that he is different from everyone else is shown in that diary of his.

  47. The three major symbols are big brother, the paperweight, and the place where there is no darkness. Big brother is a certain group part of the government controlling the lives of people. The paperweight represents the protagonist's attempts to reveal, understand and connect to the past. The place where there is no darkness refers back to the dream Winston had. He wrote about it in his diary and hid the book to not be found. Big Brother relates to our modern day society because the government monitors everything we do and the people in power creates these laws and requirements that we are expected to follow and live by controlling how and what we do.

  48. Telescreen because it is always watching you and in todays society the government watches you through your phones and computers

  49. survive symbols are big brother the women and there conner. The women whom he begins to talk to is a symbole of death and hope even there she tells him how she believes sex is powerful and how we are supposed to feel but can not because there is so much fear. when he asked her does she get scared if they get caught she said no showing how confient she is and gives him hope that maybe they can Winston to be happy without finding out and continue.🥀

  50. Gaitre Nauth
    English 12
    Three symbols in 1984 that are significant are the paperweight, big brother and diary. The paperweight symbolizes Winston's need to reconnect to the past and his urge to rebel against the parties rule. Big brother symbolizes hope for the proles and he is also represents the totalitarian government. The diary symbolizes Winston's urge to break away from the party and big brother's rule. It also symbolizes his need to have a constant thought that can't be changed. Big brother relates to today's society because large companies are using ads and websites to track our purchases and location.

  51. Jeanpaul montano
    I believe that the three major symbols are; the diary, the telescreen, and Emmanuel Goldstein. The diary symbolizes his sanity and his freedom. He is unable to speak his mind, or his truths, so Winston writes in order to keep his past alive, before it is rewritten. The telescreen, symbolizes control, also gives a false pretense of belonging to a greater good (a sense of belonging). Emmanuel Goldstein symbolizes hate, and represents everything that is wrong. I think that George Orwell, purposely made this character a Jew, Goldstein is seen as the “most dangerous” his thoughts ,and ideas went against Big Brother's "perfect" world. It reminds the reader of another part of history, when Jews were seen as “dangerous” and went against all the ideas, and values of another party the Nazis. One symbol that relates to our modern day society, is the telescreen, the government is always watching, their are cameras everywhere; crossing the street, in malls, even in elevators.Also our cell phones are constantly monitoring our location.

  52. Angel Perez
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan
    Period 2

    One symbol in “1984” is Big Bother it is a symbol for both fear and protection. In our modern society almost everything we do is recorded and this can be seen as both a good thing and a bad thing. On one side we lose our privacy and are left with the fear of always being on a leash. However through the times of war studies have shown that people start to put more trust in the government because they need protection.

  53. Rodolfo Romero
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Gray

    Three major symbols are the diary, place with no darkness, & telescreen. The diary represents his right to speak freely. The place with no darkness represents a world with more peace. And the telescreen can demonstrate a symbol of control. These are the three most important symbols to me.

  54. Christopher Marin
    Mr. Ehsan
    Period 4
    English 12

    I think that the three major symbols are; the diary, the telescreen, and Emmanuel Goldstein. The diary symbolizes his sanity and his freedom. He is unable to speak his mind, or his truths, so Winston writes in order to keep his past alive, before it is rewritten. The telescreen, symbolizes control, also gives a false pretense of belonging to a greater good (a sense of belonging). Emmanuel Goldstein symbolizes hate, and represents everything that is wrong. I think that George Orwell, purposely made this character a Jew, Goldstein is seen as the “most dangerous” his thoughts ,and ideas went against Big Brother's "perfect" world. It reminds the reader of another part of history, when Jews were seen as “dangerous” and went against all the ideas, and values of another party the Nazis. One symbol that relates to our modern day society, is the telescreen, the government is always watching, their are cameras everywhere; crossing the street, in malls, even in elevators.Also our cell phones are constantly monitoring our location

  55. The three major symbols in the story would be the diary, the telescreen, and paperweight. The diary represents winstons hope for a future. The telescreen represents big brother and how much in control they are. Big brother is around everywhere and is completely controlling to everyone in the society. The paperweight represents the need for reconnection.

  56. The major symbol of the story is power, modern power, control, and ruling over the people. The major symbol is that the story about power and ruling the world. Big Brother wants to control the world and do what it think is best for the people.

  57. Adrian Gonzalez
    period 6

    The three major themes from 1984 are surveillance, manipulation and censorship. One that can relate to modern society is surveillance. this is because in our society many corporations are recording and compounding data on individuals to sell to other companies or to make specialized advertisements so that you would buy their products. that is one theme that relates to modern society.

  58. Hardeep Bhatti
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12 Period 6
    March 29th, 2018

    The major themes are propaganda, monitoring, and manipulation. Propaganda as is the spreading of false and misleading information. Monitoring is the constant surveillance of the society by big brother. Manipulation is the injection of fear and loyalty towards the government.

  59. Justin Cabello
    Period 6

    The three major symbol are the diary,Big brother and paperweight. Big brother is always watching people what they do and the diary represent freedom and rebellion and the paperweight symbolizes Winston attempt to reconnect with the past.

  60. This was really an interesting topic and I kind a agree what you have mentioned here!
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