Blogger Assignment # 13

Who is George Orwell, give a brief biography of his life? What inspired him to write Animal Farm and 1984?
 Do you think Big Brother exist in our world today?

Please make sure to have a proper heading. Utilize contextual and textual evidence gathered from the class notes/video or images to defend your claims. 

Keep your response limited to one paragraph.
(5 to 7 sentences)


  1. George Orwell was a British writer who wrote many books mirroring and shedding a light on the society that he lived in. Orwell stories often reflected his views of the government he lived under and their influences on society. Orwell was inspired by his experiences in the Spanish civil war to write animal farm. He saw the rise of Stalin and Soviet’s power and it influenced him greatly. Big brother definitely exist in today’s society. The government is always watching and has control of many aspects of our lives. Big bother is a code for many organizations such and the FBI and the NSA.

  2. Big Brother is a factor in this world. The government has access to everything we do through our electronics. Everything you google and watch is monitored by the government. This allows the government to make sure the citizens of the United States are not doing anything illegal. Big Brother has both pros and cons. Regardless we live in a Big Brother society.

    1. I think Big Brother is definitely a factor in our world. The government has endless ways of tracking a listening to conversations you have. From where you go to what you buy online the government knows. Sometimes we offer our personal information unintentionally through the use of apps and other online websites. Even from space thy have a camera watching, there is always one way or another from the government to be watching over.

      - Samuel B

  3. Tamia Alvarez
    prd 4

    George Orwell was born on June 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal. his mom took him back to britain to be raised and educated. He went to order school and hated it and also didnt like the treatment that the rich got. he got a scholarship to Eaton college then joined the police force and then became a writer. George was got his inspiration for the animal farm from the spanish civil war. I also believe that Big Brother exists because the government is always watching.

  4. George Orwell wrote books on how the world works and how the government and how they can change people or places with their laws and rules. Also how they care evil and how they can rule everyone by just saying one word.

  5. George Orwell was born in London, he was a english novelist and was famous for his novel "Animal Farm". He enjoys writing about fiction novels about the world around us. He got inspiration to write "Animal Farm" and "1984" because he experienced the Spanish Civil War and the revolution between Russia and the Soviet Union. In my opinion I think big brother exists somewhat, because how else would our phones know what ads to put on our phones that we would be intrested in seeing?

    1. Marianna Iorio
      English 12 Period 6
      Mr Ehsan
      March 7,2018

      George Orwell was born in London, he was a english novelist and was famous for his novel "Animal Farm". He enjoys writing about fiction novels about the world around us. He got inspiration to write "Animal Farm" and "1984" because he experienced the Spanish Civil War and the revolution between Russia and the Soviet Union. In my opinion I think big brother exists somewhat, because how else would our phones know what ads to put on our phones that we would be intrested in seeing?

  6. Nicole Amaral
    English 12 Period 4
    March 7, 2018

    George Orwell was born in June 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal. His mother took him back to Britain to be raised and educated. He was a good student but hate boarding school. His grades were good that he got a scholarship and and went to college. He went to the police force and then he became a writer. He died January 1950 at the age of 46. I believe that Big Brother exists because the government is watching your every move and everything you do.

  7. Maria Lopez
    George Orwell was born in London he was a english novelist who became famous for the " Animal Farm". Orwell Loves to write novels all around the world, he wrote them about how the world was and how they can change.

  8. Adrian Gonzalez
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    George Orwell was born with the name Eric Arthur Blair on June 23 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal. When he was in school he disliked the way that the school treated the rich and the poor kids differently. He received a scholarship to college but his grades were terrible and 4 years later he left without his degree. He then spent 5 years apart of the imperial police. Later he wondered Europe for experiences to write about. He wrote Animal Farm as an allegory against Stalins totalitarian ideals and 1984 was his last personal achievement before dying in January 1950 at the age of 46.

  9. Orwell gives this background because he wants the reader to understand he witnessed these things first hand in the war. Also to give context to ideas people aren't used to

  10. Anjali Krishnanan
    English 12th Period:6
    March 8, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan

    George Orwell was an English novelist, essayist, journalist, and critic. His famous novels are Animals Farm and Nineteen Eighty- Four. However, he was a strong man of opinions who addressed some of the major political movements of his times. He was born in London. Political movements include imperialism, fascism and communism. Orwell was inspired to write Animal Farm in part of his experience during the Spanish Civil War. I think does not exist in our world today because it is a matter of a scale. Meaning some of the tools of a fictional totalitarianism surveillance state, does not mean you are Big Brother. Having control over civil liberties are used to ensure compliance.

  11. George Orwell was born on June 23 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal. He had good grades but flunked out of college in his 4th year. He liked writing about democracy. He was diagnosis with tuberculosis. He died in January 1950 after writing his book 1984 which talks about a dystopian society where big brother is always watching you.

  12. Asha Alhalmi
    Ehsan & Gray
    English 12
    Period 6

    George Orwell was an interesting unique man. He was born in India but received his education in England. Between 1941 and 1943 Orwell worked on propaganda for the BBC which later motivated and inspired him to write "Animal Farm" and "1984". Animal Farm, a political fable set in a farmyard but based on Stalins betrayal of the Russian Revolution made Orwells name. He became known and become comfortable with his work. 1984 was published 4 years later and made deep impression with its title and multiple phrases in the book. For example, "big brother is watching you" became a popular phrase. George Orwell died on January 21 1950. Big brother definitely exists today and it will always exist no matter what. The government will continue to watch us especially using popular technology like phones, laptops, etc. Its the society we have always lived in and will continue to live in.

  13. Shania Sawh
    English 12, Period 6
    March 7, 2018

    George Orwell was a writer born in Bengal. He went to a boarding school in England, but disliked the differences in treatment between the rich and poor students. Although, he received a scholarship for college, his grades dropped and he was unable to graduate even after spending four years there. He joined the imperial police, but eventually left so he can pursue writing. Orwell travelled between many places in Europe to gather information and experiences to write about. Animal Farm and 1984 was written about totalitarian ideals which he was strongly against.
    I believe that Big Brother does exist now, but it isn’t as extreme as it is in 1984. As of right now, the government does watch what we do, but claim that it’s for protective reasons.

  14. Samantha Loureiro
    March 07, 2018
    Pd 6: E12
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Grey
    Born as Eric Arthur Blair, but know to the world was George Orwell. He was an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. People think that what inspired him to write Animal Farm and 1984 is the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism. I 100% think that we still have a “Big Brother” exists in today’s world. We may not see this B.B. but the ads on us since we have a lot of new technology. Apple is like Big Brother since they have our information with them and they can give us ads about anything the we like as a person.

  15. Danielle Soto
    Period 6
    George Orwell is a well known novelist. His real name is Eric Arthur Blair. George Orwell is his pen name but he is better known for it. He wrote animal farm Becasue of when he was in the war. The war gave him the inspiration to write that book. Big brother is in our world today. Apple uses the phones to watch and listen to us when we are on the phone.

  16. George Orwell was a British writer who writes his thoughts on society. He is most famous for his book 1984 which is in a dystopian time where big brother was also watching . For someone to write books will cause them his life but orwell went aginst this rule in . the book .He wrote about social injustice and his thoughts about the goverment in this time. Orwell believed ''War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength".Big brother still is in our world but we dont say bg brother because its hidden in our edcaution system.BBC inspired him to write animal farm

  17. George Orwell was an English writer best known for his allegorical novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. He was very outspoken and well known for his strong opinions which addressed the political and social movements of his time. His stories influenced the way society viewed the government. Orwell's ideas remain relevant today because situations and ideas that seem destructive to the welfare of a free and open society are called Orwellian. Both Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four were written at the end of Orwell's life and were based on his experiences in the Spanish Civil war and the revolution between Russia and the Soviet Union. Yes, I think that big brother does exist in our society because when we sign up for websites and apps we are required to give up some of our privacy and our web visits are tracked.

  18. Mathew Torres
    English 12 Period 6
    March 7th, 2018

    George Orwell also known as Eric Arthur Blair born June 25,1903 was born Mortihari, Bengal. After one year of his birth his mother to Britain to grow up there. In George's Early years he attended boarding school in Britain and was resentful of the treatment between the rich and the poor students.George then attended Eaton College but his grades soon plummeted and left after 4 years.George then took the entrance exam for the Imperial Indian Police he then passed the test and after being indoctrinated by the British Colonial System he then used to write essays like "The Hanging" and "Shooting a Elephant". George resigned from the Imperial Police and began traveling to various places in Europe to write more about his experiences. Going as far as trying to get arrested to write about prison.In 1937 he agreed to fight for the left wing republican government in the Spanish Civil War. Which caused him to grow hatred for totalitarian governments. Which caused him to write "Animal Farm" in 1945 as a jab at Stalin's way of Socialism. In December 1947 George was diagnosed with tuberculosis and before that still didn't stop him.George's final book was 1984.George Orwell passed away in 1950 at age 46 to tuberculosis.

  19. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Period 6
    March 7th, 2018

    George Orwell was an English Novelist and Journalist. He was born on June 25th, 1903 in Bengal. He spreads the awareness of social injustice. His real name is Eric Arthur Bail. He focused on the concept of Dystopian Realities. He died in London, England. He was said to be one of 50 greatest British-Writers since 1945. He dropped out of college in his last year. He pursued his career and his motive was to let out the "truth" about society and the government.

  20. Helen barraza

    George Orwell was born in 1903, he went to college and dropped out he later applied to the indian imperial police and stayed their for 5 years. he then focused on his writing and traveled around Europe to get experiences. by working odd jobs and was always trying to get arrested to get experience. He wrote animal farm based on the stalins society and how it was corrupted and his hatred towrds totarialism. Big brother does exist because they have personal information on us and some people don't know that. with technology increasing throughout the year their wil be less prvacy since everything is on the internet.

  21. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4th
    English 12

    To begin with, George Orwell was born in 1903, he attended college and then dropped out he later applied to the Indian Imperial Police and stayed their for at least five years. Then focused on his writing and traveled around Europe to get experiences. by working odd jobs and was always trying to get arrested to get experience. He wrote animal farm based on the stalins society and how it was corrupted and his hatred towrds totarialism. Big brother does exist because they have personal information on us and some people don't know that. with technology increasing throughout the year their will eventually be less prvacy since almost everything is on the internet.

  22. Anderson Salcedo
    Period 6
    Ms.Gray/ Mr.Ehsan
    March 7, 2018
    George Orwell was born on June 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal a British colony which is now India. George dropout of college do to his bad grades and decided to become a police in India. Orwell retired from being a police to become a writer. George’s hatred towards totalitarian government inspired him to write Animal Farm and 1984. Big Brother does exist in our world today because someone is always watching what we are doing. It could be through our phones or even through surveillance cameras.

  23. Nestor Robles
    Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan / Ms. Gray
    March 7, 2018

    George Orwell was an english novelist who was famous for writing his novels “Animal Farm” and “1984”. George Orwell was born June 25, 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal, a British colony which now is India. He was a person who had strong opinions and addressed some of the major political movements of his times which was imperialism, fascism, and communism. George Orwell was inspired to write his novels by his experiences in a Trotskyist group during the Spanish Civil War. George Orwell was also anti-soviet and wanted people to know the truth behind the soviets. I believe that big brother exists in our world today because our world is digitalized with many gadgets that are watching us without us knowing. From now to the future, we do not know what to expect from reality.

  24. Jp Montano
    Period 4
    March 7,2018

    George Orwell was an English novelist who was famous for writing his novels “Animal Farm” and “1984”. George Orwell was born June 25, 1903 in Mortihari, began, a British colony which now is India. Big Brother is a factor in this world. The government has access to everything we do through our electronics. Everything you google and watch is monitored by the government. This allows the government to make sure the citizens of the United States are not doing anything illegal. Big Brother has both pros and cons. Regardless we live in a Big Brother society.

  25. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    George Orwell was an English novelist who was famous for writing one of his novels ''Animal Farm'' and ''1984'' . George Orwell was born on June 25, 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal a British colony which is India now. The reason why George Orwell wrote the Animal farm novel is because he was inspired by his experience in a Trotskvist group during the Spanish civil war and the novel 1984 was written because of Orwell hatred of totalitarianism and political authority.

  26. Najia Uddin
    Match 8 2018
    English 12

    George Orwell is an English novelist,essayist, and most known for his novels animal farm and 1984. He was born on June 25, 1903 and died January 25, 1950. He was born in bengal India and died in London. The book animal farm reflects the events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then the stalinest era of the Soviet Union. He wrote 1984 because he wanted to express his thoughts in a diary

  27. Brianna Derry
    Period 2
    Mr.Ehsan & Ms.Gray
    March 8th, 2018

    George Orwell was an English Novelist who’s writings and ideas were heavily influenced by his experiences from the Spanish Civil War. His novels were always talking about his viewpoint on our government and essentially discussing the ideas of our government being the Big Brother. I think Big Brother definitely exists because, our society is heavily corrupt and do tons of things without our knowledge of it so I think they’re definitely keeping an eye on each of us and our lives, to know what we’re up to and to make sure their government secrets are kinda safe from exposure.

  28. Diamond ferrer
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    George Orwell was an English author who gained many of his ideas from his understandings of the Spanish Civil War. He often talked about the government and how it influences our daily lives without us knowing it and refers to it being “Big Brother”. I believe that big brother does exist in today’s society due to all the censeroship that the government hides from us in plain sight without us realizing it.

    1. Brittany Finger
      Mr. Ehsan
      George Orwell was an English author who was inspired by the ideas of civil war. His main idea was about how the government is always watching us without us knowing it and how they have an influence on us. Orwell puplished “ Animal Farm “ and “1984” because he experienced the Spanish Civil War. Big brother definitely does exist today because companies like Apple are creating these products to know our identity.

  29. George Orwell was born on June 25 1903 and he died january 25 1950. George Orwell was an English author who is mostly known for the books 1984 and animal farm. George Orwell wrote the book 1984 in order to let ppl know that big brother is watching you. He also wrote this book in order to let out the truth aboit society and the government. I think that big brother actually exist because they watch everyone. An example could be apple and how they create what people by to know what they do. I also think big brother exist because the government hides alot of information from people in todays society.

  30. Nusaiba Alli
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Grey

    George Orwell which was his writer name was born as Eric Arthur Blair in Bengal Indian(1903-1950). He was an English writer famous for his books Animal Farm and 1984. Orwell was that of a middle class family with high status, but went against the norm after he realized how corrupt the government was while being in the British imperial establishment.
    Orwell was inspired to write Animal Farm based on the Russian revolution and its betrayal by Joseph Stalin. The book is about farm animals who overthrew their exploitive human owners and set up their own egalitarian government, but was soon thrown into a dictatorship by their own leaders, the pigs. The pig where very intelligent and power loving, their leadership brought more struggle than that of the human owners. 1984 was set in the future where the world is ruled by three warring totalitarian police state, it was written as a warning after years of the totalitarian rulings of Nazism and Stalinism. In the book the main character Winston Smith secretly rebelled against the government because of his longing for the truth, but was eventually imprisoned and tortured for going against big brother.
    I do believe big brother somewhat exists in our world today but it’s not suffocating like that in 1984. In our world today the government and big companies have to ability to spy on us but they only do it when it is necessary.

  31. Nicole Kiburis
    Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    George Orwell was born in London in 1903. Hes famous for writing “Animal Farm.” He was inspired to write it but his experience in the Spanish civil war. Yes I believe big brother somewhat exists today but not as much as it did in the past.

  32. Matthew Lesner
    Period 4
    Mr. Ehsan

    George Orwell was born on June 25, 1903 in London. He was a novelist, essayist, journalist, critic. He is best known for the allegorical novella Animal Farm (1945) and the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949).

  33. Ravin Narine
    English 12, Pd 4
    March 9, 2018

    George Orwell is a English writer that was born in 1903. Orwell was well known for his 2 novels, 1984 and Animal Farm. The novel 1984 was based on the idea that the government is watching everything you do. Animal farm was on animals over throwing their owning and starting something of their own. Orwell wrote this novel because of his interest of Stalin’s rise to power. I believe that the government might be watching and big brother might exist due to many different technology that’s used by everyone these days. The evolution in technology makes it easy for the government to keep an eye on us due to cellphones laptops and many other things such as Alexa.

  34. Rafid Hossain
    English 12 Period 4
    Mr. Eshan

    George Orwell was born June 25, 1903 to January 1, 1950, his birth name is actually Eric Arthur Blair. He was a book write best known for his novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. He was a man of strong opinions who talked to/looked at some of the major political movements of his times, including when kings and queens try to push their rule as far as possible, the belief in a powerful central government and communism. These beliefs led him to write his novels with a very political view.

  35. George Orwell is a popular writer who mostly focuses on subjects regarding our government and what it could turn into.

  36. Big Brother is a factor in this world. The government has access to everything we do through our electronics. Everything you google and watch is monitored by the government. This allows the government to make sure the citizens of the United States are not doing anything illegal. Big Brother has both pros and cons. Regardless we live in a Big Brother society.

  37. Alisha Sanchez
    March 9th,2018
    Eric Blair was his name but he was well known as George Orwell was a man who born in India but later received his education in England. Was best know for being a journalist, critic, and novelist who wrote “Animal Farm” and “1984” some say his inspirations for writing these book were because of his experiences with the civil war and revolution between Russia and the Soviet Union George Orwell later died on January 21 1950. Big brother exist in our society today due to the fact that they are constantly watching what we search up or what we sign up for and then they will have advertisements that attract our attention so that they could get a inside scoop of information that they want to know and they do this as well with our phone by using fingerprints putting in our personal information and etc.

  38. Autumn Moore
    Period 4
    George Orwell was a Novelist. He was born June 25th, 1903. He was born in Bengal. He spreaded social injustice. His real name is Eric Arthur Bail but George was his pen name. He dug deep into Dystopian Realities. George died in London. George dropped out of college and moved on with his career. His point was to let out the "truth" about society and the government. Yes I believe we live in a big brother society today because of the government and all the access they have to our lives today.

  39. Nasthasia Thomas
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    George Orwell's birth name was Erie Blair and he was born in the year 1903, June 25 in Bengal India. A year after his birth is mother took him back to Britain to be raised and educated. George was overall a good student and was irritated of the different treatment between the rich students and no so rich students like himself. His grades was good enough to get into college but thats when his grades decreased tremendously and left four years later without his diploma. He resigned from his job as a policeman and travel over Europe to gather information for his writing. Orwells hatred for totalitarian is what inspired him to write "Animal Farm". when he got diagnosed with tuberculosis he was still able to complete his last novel 1984. Big brother does exist in our world today because companies like apple gives the government easy access to look at us.

  40. Christian battaglia
    Period 2

    George Orwell was born on June 23 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal. He had good grades but flunked out of college in his 4th year. He liked writing about democracy. He was diagnosis with tuberculosis. He died in January 1950 after writing his book 1984 which talks about a dystopian society where big brother is always watching you.

  41. Ashley singh

    George Orwell was a writer who wrote about the society he lived in, telling about the way things were. Revealing the good and bad.In todays society, I feel that big brother does exist because the government has access to everything. Our cell phones and so many aspects of our lives are seen by the government.

  42. Michael Cesario
    Period 6

    George Orwell was a writer who was born June 25th 1903, His most famous work are novels by the name of “Animal Farm” and “1984” I believe he wrote the books to warn future generations of what can happen if we allow others to think for us. Big brother exists in a sense, they know everything there is to know about us but they do not control our thoughts.

  43. Angel Perez
    Period 2

    George Orwell was a novelist, essayist and critic known for his novels Animal Farm and 1984. Orwell was not afraid to address political movements of his times such as imperialism, fascism and communism.Both of Orwell’s most famous novels 1984 and Animal Farm were inspired by the political issues that were going on around the 1940’s. I do agree that big brother is in today’s society but is used more for commercial purposes and not really to control what we do like in 1984.

  44. Dilon Deolall
    English/ Period 4
    March 15, 2018

    George Orwell was a English Novelist who was born on June 25, 1903. He wrote about the community he lived in and things that occurred during that time. He was raised and educated in Britain. He attended boarding school but he disliked his time being there because the treatment was being based on social status. George was inspired by when he saw Stalin rise to power which influenced him to write the Animal Farm. Big Brother plays both a positive and negative role in society because it has its benefits at times and other times its not on the side of the people.

  45. George Orwell is a British writer who wrote about things that occurred during the early 1900s. He mainly talked about government and what he thinks of them. This makes sense and probably is influenced by all different types of government at the time. For example there we’re communist, fascist and other systems that influenced him. Big brother exists because government is still watching on the people but it’s not as extreme as before because before the people would get vanished

  46. George Orwell was a British writer who wrote about his thoughts and beliefs of the society during the 1900s.Orwell was usually a rebel , expressing himself aloud in order to get his point across. Orwell was inspired by his experiences in the Spanish civil war to write animal farm, his writing in ANIMAL FARM was based on what he saw during the rise of Stalin and Soviet’s power and it influenced him greatly , towards the end of his life he was influenced by everything that has happened to him to write his "master piece" , "1984". I do think Big brother exists in our world today because we have surveillance on us , controlling us in different ways., through technology and media , our minds are swayed to think a certain way.

  47. George orwell was born in London in 1903. He wrote many novels which the main focus of how the government can change people and the way they rule. In the novel 1984 reflects that because it talks about how big brother controls the people and provokes them to double think and manipulate the past. In my opinion I do believe big brother exists in today’s society because we are being surveillance by the govermenent without us noticing. We are being controlled through media, cameras, computers & much more which has become a dangerous piece of technology

  48. George Orwell was born June 1903 in Mortihari, Bengal he was also a British Writer. He wrote a lot but focused on one main point which was showing that the government can manipulate you in many ways. He based the Novel 1984 on the fact that big brother is watching you everywhere, you don't have the privacy that you think you have. Big brother controls what people say, do or think.

  49. George Orwell's birth name was Erie Blair and he was born on June 25th, 1903, in Bengal, India. A year after his birth his mother brought him to Britain so he can be raised and educated. He attended a college where his grades began to decrease tremendously and left four years later without his diploma. He resigned from his job as a policeman and traveled over Europe to gather information for his writing. Orwell had a lot of hatred towards totalitarian which is what inspired him to write "Animal Farm". When he got diagnosed with tuberculosis he was still able to complete his last novel 1984. Big brother does exist in our world today because companies like apple gives the government easy access to watch our every move.

  50. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    March 22, 2018

    George Orwell was a famous journalist and novelist. He was born on June 25,1903. He attended college but not long after he dropped out. He then joined the Indian Imperial police and stayed there for five years. Later on in his life he became more focused on his writing and was able to publish his famous book Animal Farm. His goal was to expose the truth of our government.

  51. Aliya Imran
    English Period 6
    George Owell was a journalist and novelist. Over the years he became very focused on writing and eventually published his novel titled, Animal farm. His main idea was to show the truth of how the government brainwashes its citizens. I strongly believe that big brother exists today, because when you go online advertisements know exactly what you want, without you actually telling anyone or publicly talking about it.

  52. Alisha Shakeer
    English 12 pd6
    March 26, 2018
    George Orwell was born in London he was a english novelist who became famous for the " Animal Farm". Orwell wrote novels and based them about how the world is. Also I believe big brother does exist in today society because the government is basically big brother and they are always watching us. Big brother is around today.

  53. Jayda Black
    E12 Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    George Orwell was born June 25, 1903 in Motihari, Bengal in India and had died January 21, 1950. He is an english novelist and essayist. He became famous off his novel called Animal Farm. He was a man of strong opinions who addressed big political movements of his times, such as imperialism, fascism and communism.Yes, I think that big brother does exist in our society because when we sign up for websites and apps we are required to give up some of our privacy and give our personal information and our web visits are being monitored and we leave "footprints" called cookies.

  54. Troy Yar
    Mr. Ehsan + Ms. Gray
    Period 6
    March 27th, 2018

    George Orwell, author and essayist, was born June 25, 1903 in Motihari, Bengal in India and had died January 21, 1950. He had extremely strong opinions, was involved in multiple movements and worked with contemporaries. I do believe that big brother exists in our society today, as the government plays a large role in the way we live and how we think.

  55. Troy Yar
    Mr. Ehsan + Ms. Gray
    Period 6
    March 27th, 2018

    George Orwell, author and essayist, was born June 25, 1903 in Motihari, Bengal in India and had died January 21, 1950. He had extremely strong opinions, was involved in multiple movements and worked with contemporaries. I do believe that big brother exists in our society today, as the government plays a large role in the way we live and how we think.

  56. George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair, born in 1903 in Motihari, Bengal, India, during the time of the British colonial rule. Orwell was brought to England by his mother and educated there too. George was inspired by when he saw Stalin rise to power which influenced him to write the Animal Farm. Big Brother plays both a positive and negative role in society because it has its benefits at times and other times its not on the side of the people.

  57. Gaitre Nauth
    English 12
    George Orwell was an author and essayist who is most known for his books Animal Farm and 1984. He wrote about his experiences in the Spanish civil war and his thoughts about stalin's rise to power in the soviet union. He had strong opinions about the government and totalitarianism. He was also involved in multiple movements and worked with contemporaries. I believe that big brother exists in our society today because the government controls what we can do and what we learn.

  58. Big Brother is absolutely a factor in this world. The government has access to everything. It allows the government to make sure the citizens of the United States are not doing anything illegal. Big Brother has both pros and cons.

  59. George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair who was born in 1903 in Motihari, Bengal, India, during the time of the British colonial rule.Orwell was brought to England by his mother and educated in Henley and Sussex at schools. He did not finish college and so eventually he started writing, he traveled the world to gain experience and gathered material he could write about. Closing on the end of his life Orwell wrote the two books he was known for “Animal Farm” and “1984”.

  60. Rodolfo Romero
    Mr Ehsan / Ms Gray

    Big Brother is absolutely a factor in this world. The government has access to everything. It allows the government to make sure the citizens of the United States are not doing anything illegal. Big Brother has both pros and cons.

  61. Big Brother is a something in this world. The government could control the world. Government could spy on us any time. So the government could protect this country.

  62. Lawrence Lue
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    Who is George Orwell, give a brief biography of his life? What inspired him to write Animal Farm and 1984?
    Do you think Big Brother exist in our world today?

    George Orwell is a novelist that was born on June 25, 1903 in Motihari, Bengal in India. He had died January 21, 1950. He was a man of strong opinions who addressed some of the major political movements of his times, including imperialism, fascism and communism. I think big brother does exist in our world today because the government is a major part in our society.

  63. The government has access to everything we do through our electronics. Everything you google and watch is monitored by the government. George Orwell’s books shows how we allows the government to make sure the citizens of the United States are not doing anything illegal. Big Brother has both pros and cons. Regardless we live in a Big Brother society.

  64. George Orwell was a novelist who was born in 1903. His mother gave birth to him in India. The year Orwell had died was 1950 on January 21. The corrupt governments inspired George Orwell is write the book 1984. He was also obsessed with thinking someone was watching him. Personally, I think Big Brother is in our world today. However, I do not think that it is as bad as Orwell had made it seem in the book 1984. I also believe though that if we keep letting the government spy on us and control us that eventually it'll get out of hand and society might be the new "1984".


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