Blogger # 4
November 1st,  2017

How does love divide, motivate, disenchant and torment the characters within the Great Gatsby?
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  1. Zackery Langert
    English 12

    These play a role in the book by showing the effects the characters get from it

    1. love divides, motivate, disenchant and torment the characters within the Great Gatsby to show the consequences that love can lead into. Due to fact tht Gatsby love daisy so much he was movitaed to get her but due to their different back grounds and her marriage they were divided and this tormented Gatsby and other realtionship in the book.

  2. Diamond Ferrer
    Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Love divides the characters because the feeling itself is do intense through all of their minds and they want to get what they want because that's what they're use to doing. Love blinds them from the reality of their emotions and it allows them to be impulsive when showing their love.


  3. Matthew singh

    Love divide,motivate,disenchant and torment the characters in the Great Gatsby because daisy loves gatsby and when tom found out that his wife has an affair he is being tormented and that could divide tom and gatsby by there marriage ending.

  4. Dilon deolall
    Ela pd4

    The love divide between the characters in the great gatsby because all the characters have a different perspective on the meaning of love

  5. Jean Paul Montano
    November 1,2017
    English class
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms.Grey

    In the Great Gatsby love divides them in many ways one being motivation, the motivation to continue living the life and keeping the wealth that they have to make them love the women they want to, to begin with. It disenchants and torments the characters because they get pushed to lying and really becoming blind and not being able to see the damage and the amount of problems that are being caused.

    1. I agree because love can divide many things. And relationships can be one of them because when your committed to some one you tend to fall back on others. Even thought it may be undeliberately. It can cause unintended emotional damage to others.

  6. Anderson Salcedo
    November 1, 2017
    English 12, Pd6
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray

    Love has divide, disenchanted and tormented the characters in the Great Gatsby because when Gatsby and Daisy fell in love they were separated by the disapproval of Daisy’s parents due to Gatsby being poor. Love has motivated character in the novel because Gatsby was motivated to make his fortune to one day impress and reconcile with Daisy. However, love has also tormented characters in the novel because after Gatsby was rejected by Daisy, he fell in to a deep melancholy and couldn’t stand the fact that his dream had perished.

  7. Love can make a person go through drastic measures! For the most part after you do crazy things for that person you regret it if it doesn’t work out! Gatsby goes to drastic measures and does not receive what he imagined.

  8. Samantha Loureiro
    November 01, 2017
    English 12, Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan and Ms. Gray
    Love divide, motivate, disenchant and torment through the novel because all of they show a foreshadowing and effect that’s can or will hurt one of the characters. Special love divide because Gatsby was blinded by the love he had fit Daisy.

  9. Nicole Amaral
    November 1,2017
    English 12 Period 4

    Love divide, motivate, disenchant and torment the characters within The Great Gatsby because Daisy loves Gatsby and they are in love.

  10. Brianna Derry
    English 12, Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan

    Love has divided, disenchanted and tormented the characters in the Great Gatsby. Gatsby and Daisy were divided by their social classes. Gatsby did not come from wealth as she did and therefore their love was divided. Daisy became disenchanted with Gatsby when he did not come home from war and after waiting so long, she met and married Tom who was a wealthy man. Daisy moving on and becoming disenchanted with Gatsby, then tormented him for the rest of his life since he lost his love to another man and also lost Daisy to his own lies and deceptions.

  11. Mathew Torres
    November 1, 2017
    English 12 , Pd:6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Love divides because Gatsby was in love with Daisy, but he wasn't socially her equal, so she married Tom. Love motivates, Gatsby recreates himself gaining social status, and wealth in order to try to win Daisy back. Love disenchants, because Gatsby has dreamed of being reunited with Daisy, but the reality isn't living up to his fantasy. Love torments because, Gatsby loves Daisy so much that he takes the blame for Myrtle's death and ultimately seals his own death.

  12. Heavin Chambers
    November 2,2017
    English 12 Pd4
    Mr Ehsan and Ms Gray

    Love has divide, motivate, disenchant and torment the characters in The Great Gatsby because when Daisy and Gatsby fell in love they were divided by social class and disapprovel by Daisy parents because of Gatsby not being wealthy. Love has also torment Gatsby when he's trying to convince himself and Tom that Daisy has never had loved Tom.

  13. I think love because gatsby was in love with daisy. Gatsby wasn’t social enough to her so she decided to marry Tom. Gatsby was also trying to use his wealth to persuade daisy to go back to him.He also wanted her to tell Tom she never loved him.

  14. Lawrence Lue
    E12 PD6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Love divide, motivate, disenchant, and torment characters within the Great Gatsby by Gatsby and Daisy being divided by love because of Gatsbys social class and Daisy forcefully fell in love with Tom.

  15. Anjali Krishnanan
    November 2, 2017
    English 12 Period: 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Love has divide, motivate, disenchant and torment the characters in The Great Gatsby because love between Gatsby and Daisy are divided by their social structure. However, Love motivated Gatsby to become rich so him and Daisy will end up together.

  16. Rodmael Dallegrand
    English 12 Pd6
    Mr. Eshan

    Love torments the characters in the Great Gatsby because in the novel Daisy was tormented by the fact that Jay wasn't coming back from the war so she forces herself to love other men.

  17. Nestor Robles
    English 12 Period 2
    Mr Ehsan / Ms. Gray

    Love has divide, disenchanted and tormented the characters in the Great Gatsby because Gatsby and Daisy were at love at first sight until the separation began because of their minds were intense , meaning as Daisy couldn't figure out to leave Tom and stay with Gatsby. Love motivated the characters by showing how Gatsby took his strength of impression to make Daisy happy.

  18. Alisha Shakeer
    English 12 Pd 6

    Love has divide, disenchanted and tormented the characters in the Great Gatsby by making these characters fall in love at the wrong time. It has also tormented them because Daisy’s love blinded Gatsby.

  19. Asha Alhalmi
    English 12 period 6
    Mr.ehsan/ms. Gray

    Love has divide, disenchanted, and tormented the characters in the great Gatsby by creating a huge melting plot of love within the characters. Love motivated Gatsby to become Rich and work hard to win the weakthy girl he has been in love with. However it has tormented and divided Gatsby and Daisy because Daisy is still with Tom and won't leave him. Also Gatsby protects Daisy no matter what even though they are still divided because he worked his way to being rich he wasn't born rich. Tom loves Myrtle but is with Daisy , Daisy loves Gatsby but is with Tom, it's a big drama conflict.

  20. Shania Sawh
    November 3, 2017
    English 12 pd.6
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms Grey

    Love has divided the characters in The Great Gatsby by building bridges between the characters and their desires. For example, Tom was in love with Myrtle and their love was the bridge to get over Tom. Also, Gatsby and Daisy have always been in love with each other and Gatsby used his love for Daisy as motivation for obtaining wealth to be with her. However, when Tom was with Myrtle, he was separating her from Tom and when Gatsby finally got Daisy back, he was pulling her away from Tom.

  21. Nusaiba Alli
    English 12 Pd 4
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Grey

    Love divides Daisy's feelings because she doesn't know whether to choose between Tom or Gatsby. Love motivates Gatsby to become rich in order to impress Daisy. Love disenchants Daisy after Gatsby left so she started going out with other men to get attention. Love torments Tom because he just found out his wife is having an affair and doesn't know if she still loves him.

  22. Love has divide, disenchanted, and tormented the characters in The Great Gatsby, because Gatsby is strongly blinded by his desire for Daisy, and this caused him to use his luxuries to impress her. He showed his love in a impulsive way, but it ended up being unsuccessful, which is part of love being tormenting.

  23. Sara Alli
    E12 Period 4

    In the great gatsby, love divides, disenchants and torments the characters throughout the story. Daisy and Gatsby are in love with each other but are only divided of Daisy's love for Tom too. Because of her being with another guy, this torments Gatsby because he's watching another guy he with the woman he loves. Love also disenchant the characters because of their social classes.

  24. Negisti Gonzales
    Mr. Ehsan

    The great gatsby is filled forlorn love interest and affairs. Love is the main cause for division throughout great gatsby. Many people are in love with the same person which causes rivalries and rifts and many altercations. Gatsby’s love for Daisy causes Him and Tom Buchanan to have a rivalry that accumulates to Gatsby’s death. Love is what ultimately leads to the demises of both Gatsby and Myrtle Wilson.

  25. Marianna Iorio
    November 3,2017
    E12 Period 6

    In the Great Gatsby love torments the characters by having Tom and Wilson both hurt because their wives cheating on them, also Daisy hurt that Tom cheated on her, which all lead to deaths. Myrtle who was Wilson's wife and Gatsby both died. Gatsby loved Daisy and took the blame for when Daisy killed Myrtle, which lead to his death. Love motivates Gatsby by being sucessful in his life to win back Daisy.

  26. Christopher Gonzalez
    Period 2

    Love will make you do unthinkable things. You might be able to minipulate the person you love to take your side over someone else. For example when gatsby makes daisy say that she doesn’t love Tom no more. It can also divide you from your friends and family when you spend to much time with that person you love.

  27. Nasthasia Thomas
    E12 period:4

    Love can cause separation from materialistic things and also relationships with others. Some may give all their time to someone and forget about others. Or even value a relationship over materialistic things. And many times this is unintentional, but unfortunately it happens. But you use this as a lesson to move foward and learn from your mistakes. :)

  28. Ravin Narine
    English 12, Pd4

    Love torments,disenchants, and divides characters in the Great Gatsby. Love torments the characters bc it can make them do things they wouldn’t normally do such as lie for one another. Love divides the characters because it can cause the characters to seperate. Love disenchants character in the Great Gatsby because social class can effect the characters.

  29. Love motivates characters within the great Gatsby because when Daisy left Gatsby to marry Tom it motivated Gatsby to become wealthy to win Daisy back.

  30. Autumn Moore
    Prd 4
    Love divides, motivates, disenchants and torments the characters within the great gatsby by their social class. One example would be their loyalty and dishonesty, they’ll never have a true relationship because of it.

  31. Jaelen Mosby
    English 12
    Period 4

    Throughout the novel The Great Gatsby Love torments, disenchants, and divides the various characters. True Love torments the characters because it will make them do things they wouldn’t normally do. Love blinds you, your brain will just block out all ethics. For example people lie for one another. Love divides the characters because it can cause the characters to seperate. Love disenchants character in the Great Gatsby because social class can effect the characters.

  32. Angel Perez
    English 12
    Period 2

    In “The Great Gatsby” love is able to divide, motivate, disenchant and torment the characters. Love put sleep the characters in situations they wouldn’t be put in, love makes people do desperate things without truly thinking of the consequences. Love was able to motivate Gatsby to move up in social class in order to be with Daisy but it is because of love that Gatsby and Daisy were ultimately divided. When Daisy revealed to Gatsby that she did love Tom Gatsby was left disenchanted he imagined being with Daisy and sharing a mutual feelings, he wanted to be the only one Daisy ever loved. Even with all of the drama Gatsby still loved Daisy and even took the blame for being the one who was driving and hit Myrtle Wilson ultimately leading to Gatsby’s death.

  33. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    November 3,2017

    Love has divide, motivate, disenchant, and torment towards the characters in the Great Gatsby because Daisy and Gatsby were separated by their social structure, which had forced him to find a way to prove to Daisy he was wealthy enough for her. Love tormented Daisy while he was gone and had forced her to fall for other men.

  34. Helen Barraza
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Love has divided,motivated and tormented the characters in Great Gatsby because love motivated Gatsby to pursue daisy. It tormented gatsby to show off his wealth to draw her attention. After all their love was divided by their social structure since all of the relationships where based off of wealth.

  35. Najia Uddin
    November 4, 2017
    English 12 Pd 4

    Love divides, motivates, disenchants, and torments the characters of the Great Gatsby. Love divided them by all the cheating that is going on between the characters.Love motivated them by focusing on one person that supporting them they did everything try could for them. For example when Gatsby took the blame for Myrtles death. Love disenchanted them because of their disappointments when they found out their spouses were cheating. When George Wilson thought Myrtle was cheating and thought it was Gatsby he shot him.Love torments them by having them suffer severely. For example Gatsby was suffering in pain when he was dying to have Daisy back

  36. Matthew Lesner
    November 4, 2017
    English 12 pd 4

    Love divides, motivates, disenchants, and torments the characters of the Great Gatsny because Gatsby loves daisy and he try’s to impress her by showing off his wealth. Love blinds them from what’s really happening instead of showing them what happening

  37. Clarissa J
    November 5th, 17
    English 12 pd6
    love divides, motivates, disenchants and tormenta the characters of the Great Gatsby because when Gatsby and Daisy first fell in love they were divided due to social clases. Their love motivated them to reunite and continue their love story but unfortunately that didn't came out the way they panned because Daisy found someone else and Gatsby was blinded by the materialistic stuff. After all their love tormented them and that's what caused Gatsby's death.

  38. Danielle Soto
    English 12
    Period 6
    Love is a crucial part of the book. The book shows love can make people blind. For example Gatsby was in love with Daisy for years. Because of his love for her it drove him to become a rich and successful. He flaunted his money around and used it on parties hoping one day that she would notice him.

  39. Maria lopez
    English 12
    Period 4

    Love divides,motivate,disenchant and torment thee characters in the Great Gatsby because the moment Gatsby and Daisy fell in love they were two completely different social classes. But there love motivates them to keep on fighting for it but in the end Daisy does not keep her side of the promise she ended up falling in love with another man and getting married. This also means not everyone or anything is what you think they are everyone has there own meaning of love.

  40. English 12 pd6

    How does love divide, motivate, disenchant and torment the characters within the Great Gatsby

    Love divides the characters in the Great Gatsby through all the affairs that are going on like tom and myrtle , and Gatsby and Daisy, it motivates Gatsby to do anything for Daisys love , disenchants characters such as Wilson , and torments characters like Gatsby who could never fully obtain daisies love

  41. Melvin Acosta

    Loves divides the character in the great gatsby because everyone is having a affair with each other’s wives.Also makes them blind in gatsbys case.He would do anything for daisy even though she’s with Tom

  42. Tamia Alvarez
    prd 4
    Mr. eshan

    Love divides the characters by the affairs taken place and the characters social class. Love motivates characters by working harder, For example gatsby tried to impress daisy and threw a lot of parties and used his mansion to impress her. Love also disenchants and torments characters by no loyalty and lying.

  43. Troy Yar
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    How does love divide, motivate, disenchant and torment the characters within the Great Gatsby?

    Love in itself is what drives the entire plot of the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In the novel, Daisy is stuck between two men which she truly loves: Gatsby, and Tom. However, unable to make a final decision, her and Gatsby are unable to work out a compromise. Thus, the relationship between the two deteriorate. However, in the beginning of the novel, Gatsby was motivated by this same love to find Daisy by any means necessary by throwing some of the most extravagant parties known to man at his mansion. The disenchantment and the torment of the characters in the novel are seen all throughout the book. Although, in the beginning, Gatsby was motivated, he was also being tormented due to the disenchanted heart of his. Without Daisy, he had a void within himself he wished to fulfill.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Natalie sanasie
    English 12 period 6

    Love divides, motivates, disenchant, and torment the character within the Great Gatsby to show how love can confused the way people think. Gatsby loved Daisy so much he didn’t think or cared what other people would say. Daisy always cared about what people would say about her divorcing Tom to be with the one she loves. Also she wanted more of what Gatsby couldn’t give her. Gatsby was so in love with Daisy that her love blinded him and he couldn’t see how much of a cold hearted and careless person she is.

  46. Jasmine Harris
    E12 P6
    Mr. Ehsan

    love divides , motivates, disenchanted and torments the characters within the Great Gatsby by showing the affect that can happen due to love. Gatsby is madly in love with daisy, but there differences in social class divided them and Gatsby was torn apart. Also, Tom and Wilson found out that theirs wives are cheating on them; then daisy finds out that Tom was cheating on her.

  47. Anthony Marino
    November 1, 2017
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    Love divides characters in the book because Gatsby was in love with Daisy but she married Tom. Love motivates because Gatsby recreates himself gaining social status, and wealth in order to try to win Daisy back. Love torments Gatsby and Daisys love so much that he takes the blame for Myrtle's death which leads to his death.

  48. alisha Sanchez
    November 17
    english 12
    Ms Gray

    Love divides the characters in the book because Gatsby is so focused and he is so in love with daisy but Daisy is not in love with him as much as she thinks because she is married to tom and has a child with him. Love makes Gatsby work hard to become rich he knows that Daisy would never be with someone who has no social status so he works his way up love really makes Gastby obssesive in the book.

  49. Rodolfo Romero
    November 17th
    English 12
    Ms Gray

    Love in this book is a feeling that divides the characters in the book because Gatsby is madly in love with Daisy and he is distracted about everything around him. Daisy had Tom already and this also divides the two (Gatsby and Daisy) . Love motivates Gatsby as well because he is willing to do anything for Daisy regardless if she wants him or not anymore. When Gatsby comes to his senses and realizes that Daisy lost interest in him this is what torments his whole mind.


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