Blogger # 5
November 21st, 2017

1. What do you know about Frankenstein, the
character? Give as much information as you can.

2.  How has the concept of genetic manipulation impacted our society today?

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Teachers Name

Below are images of genetic manipulation in our society today.


  1. Frankenstein was the name of the doctor who created him not the monster. The monster is Frankenstien’s monster and Dr. Frankenstein was so afraid of his creation he rain away in fear. A angry mob followed suit and tried to kill the monster. I think Frankenstein’s monster story is very sad because he did not ask to be created but he was and had to born into a world that was afraid of him because of his differences. I think Frankenstein is a metaphor for society and how people are treated very differently based on their look in the world. I think genetic modification is very bad because we should all just be happy with the way we are made. And genetically modifying your kids, your pets, your food is messing with the natural order things. GMO’s are very dangerous to the world .

  2. The character Frankenstein is the doctor. He created the monster. The monster is a bunch of dead body parts put together and genetically modified to be bigger so the monster can come back to life. He uses lightning to power the monsters brain and get him to be alive.

    1. This is true. I also learned Frankenstein is the creator not the monster. He took parts from many areas and joined them together to create a magnificent creation. He uses nature to power his creation.

  3. Christopher Marin
    English 12

    The character Frankenstein is the doctor. He created the monster. The monster is a bunch of dead body parts put together and genetically modified to be bigger so the monster can come back to life. He uses lightning to power the monsters brain and get him to be alive.

  4. Frankenstein was a doctor who was very smart but never gave up he was determined to create a person out of old body parts and metal. Although he did succeed in making the person he wasnt the way he wanted it to be and came out to be a monster. I think genetic manipulation is bad for us because we dont need it its something people want to do just to do it for stupid reasons i believe modifying your kids isnt the way we whould be progressing.

  5. Dawn Lucio
    Period 4

    I know that Frankenstein is the doctor and not the monster he created, it’s a misconception.
    I really don’t know much about the book.

  6. Zackery Langert
    English 12

    Frankenstein is the docter he created this monster. The monster is from other dead people body parts.

  7. Sara Alli
    E 12, Pd 4

    Frankenstein was the name of the doctor that created the "monster". The monster didn't ask to be created or even brought into this world, it is sad and not even moral that there was a mob after him. The monster was created by a bunch of body parts in the doctors lab. Even though he was his creator, the doctor eventually feared him. Genetic manipulation causes people to judge others based on their flaws. Society has put a label on those who are genetic manipulated, or even the word itself, these people are treated differently.

  8. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4

    I️ know that Frankenstein is the doctor that created a terrifying monster. Honestly I️ don’t know much about the book, but I️ know people confuse who is truly Frankenstein.

  9. Matthew Lesner
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan
    The character Frankenstein is a bunch of body parts that are dead put together and modified to a monster that is bigger so he can come back to life. He used the lighting from a lightning storm to bring him back to life.

  10. Najia Uddin
    November 21,2017
    English 12 PD 4

    Frankenstein is the creator of the monster, and he wants to defeat the monster.
    Genetic manipulation is affecting our society today by decreasing the values of humans. They are trying to update everything. For example many adults now grew up with no phones, they had desktops, and many other old technology. Now the kids born now have access to everything. They have access to iphones, ipads, tablets, laptops, television, and cars. The fact that they are provided with this information they don't have to work hard and they don't know how to struggle and get threw with it. If they needed information on something they would look it up and it would be right there, instead of the old days when people would use books and encyclopedias.

  11. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Frankenstein was a very smart and intelligent doctor who created a monster he made the monster out of old body parts and the doctor uses lighting to power up the monster but the monster didn't come out as the doctor plan to.

  12. Nicole Amaral
    November 21, 2017
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan/Ms. Gray

    Frankenstein was a doctor and he created monsters. The concept of genetic manipulation impacted our society by being bad because we should be happy with they way we are today.

  13. Dilon deolall

    What I know about Frankenstein’s is that he a scientist who created a monster like things out of body parts

  14. Nasthasia Thomas
    E12 pd:4

    A scientist named Victor Frankenstein created a grotesque in an unorthodox scientific experiment and also named the creation Frankenstein. When Frankenstein was created Victor was frightened and ran away leaving the people to hunt down this “monster” to kill it. The story of Frankenstein was very tragic because he was unwanted, called out of his name, and chased down because of his differences. The concept of genetic manipulation has impacted our society today by people changing the way their body looks due to their insecurities and what other people expectations are, and people feel that if they don’t live up to society’s expectations they will feel unwanted just like Frankenstein was.

  15. Marianna Iorio
    E12 Pd 6

    I know that Frankenstien was a lonely character, who was different from everyone else and wasnt accepted in society and was invented by a scientists. Genetic manipulation effected society today in a very negative way, and people should just accept that everyone is made different, no one is the same.

    1. destructive 🥀
      period 6

      ☙☙Frankenstein was a mad scientist doctor. He created a monster out of of shalier and corpse
      the monster was supposed to be evil but soon changed throughout his pieces . the towns people were scared of him which mad him get scared as to why he was existence.The concept of genetic manipulation effected society today by were genetically supposed to be kind and respectful but over time the way people treat us and things we see can alter those genetics into other stuff❧❧

  16. Anjali Krishnanan
    November 21, 2017
    English 12 Period: 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Frankenstein is the name of the doctor in the novel by Mary Shelley. He was a scientist and liked to explore things around him. He was different from other people and experienced in human bodies. The concept of genetic manipulation effected society today by changing the way how we are today. Meaning their body not being the same as everyone else.

  17. The story of the Frankenstein monster if memory serves correctly, is about a scientist named Frankenstein and he genetically brings a man made of different human parts back to life and it terrorizes the local village.

  18. Anthony Marino
    November 21, 2017
    English 12, period 6
    Mr. Ehsan and Ms. Gray

    Frankenstein is the doctor who created that green monster. He wanted a way to bring his brother back to life.

  19. Troy Yar
    November 21st, 2017
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    1. What do you know about Frankenstein, the character? Give as much information as you can.
    I don't know anything about the book, Frankenstein, without doing research. However, I do know about the legend of Frankenstein in which a monster was created with different body parts of dead human beings. In essence, something that was dead was brought to life simply by using electricity.

    2. How has the concept of genetic manipulation impacted our society today?
    The concept of genetic manipulation is when a living organism's DNA structure is altered to perform a certain trait or ability. This has impacted our society because the performance of this manipulation can only be done if a person is wealthy enough to afford this surgery. It is almost seen as inhumane because it is altering the way we look, thus changing how we are perceived. A person can look at someone with gene alteration and automatically assume they are of high class, and take advantage of this fact.

  20. Clarissa Jara
    November 21,17
    English12 pd 6
    My knowledge of the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is that Frankeinsten is not the monster, he is the doctor who created the monster. His goal while this process was to create a person with old body parts. In my opinion I don't think genetic manipulation is good for our society because we shouldn't modify anything about ourselves, we should accept the way we were created.

  21. Alisha Shakeer
    November 21, 2017
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Frankenstein is the name of a doctor who created a monster. He was created with old body parts. The concept of genetic manipulation will effect the way everyone is made today. That messes with the process of life in a way.

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  23. Shania Sawh
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray
    English 12
    November 21, 2017

    Frankenstein is the name of the scientist who created the monster made of human body parts. He was lonely in his life and frequently ill due to the stress that the monster gave him. Eventually, he did find love, but the monster killed her because he wanted Frankenstein to make another monster so they can be companions, but Frankenstein refused.

  24. Adrian Gonzalez
    November 21, 2017
    E12 P6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Frankenstein is a doctor that reanimates a corpse of body parts known and Frankensteins monster. That is all that i know Frankenstein. Genetic manipulation has impacted our society a lot. there are a bunch of GMOs on the market today. Many foods that people eat have some sort of genetic manipulation to make the crop have a bigger yield, to have no seeds and to keep pests and insects from destroying them.

  25. Danielle soto
    Period 6
    Mr.Ehasn and Ms.Gray
    Frankenstein was named after the person that created him, Dr. Frankenstein. He was a mad  genius and succeeded in creating Frankenstein. He used dead body parts to make him. Dr. Frankenstein became scared of his creation. The the concept of genetic manipulation is something that's not feared like it was back them. It's scene in a different light in today's society. Genetic manipulation helps us more foward as a whole and advance our society.

  26. Natalie Sanasie
    November 21,2017
    English 12 period 6

    Frankenstein was a doctor that created the monster. He created the Monster in an attempt to bring his mother back to life.

  27. Samantha Loureiro
    November 21, 2017
    English 12, Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan and Ms. Gray
    1). I know that Frankenstein is a master that was created by Victor Frankenstein. Victor created the monster Frankenstein in memory of his last mother.
    2). The concept of genetics manipulation impacted our society today because everyone wants everyone to be the same. However, if that happens society would be boarding and no one would have fun or have anything different from others. Everyone should be different and not the same. If everyone was the same the world would be a boarding place.

  28. Leilani Rodriguez
    English 12

    Frankenstein was a doctor who created a monster out of old body parts. Genetic Manipulation effects the society because you should be yourself nobody should change how you are or you shouldn’t change how you are.

  29. Hardeep Bhatti
    November 21st, 2017
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Dr. Frankenstein tried creating a monster. The monster turned his back on his creator. It terrorized the village.
    Genetic Manipulation can have tragic side effects on society.

  30. Irving Mckay
    Nov 21, 2017
    E12, PD6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Frankenstein was the name of the scientist who decided to make a monster out of discarded body parts. Eventually, Dr. Frankenstein himself realized that he shouldn’t attempt to artificially create life and tries to kill his creation. Genetic manipulation is a complex subject to support in its entirety, and it’s impact on our society is largely beneficial, but also morally and ethically questionable. Relating to the story of Frankenstein, their concepts are comparable.

  31. Diamond Ferrer
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    Frankenstein was an old story about a scientist who made a human come back to life using his intelligence and putting him back together. The story was originally created by a husband and wife while on a vacation one day. Genetic manipulation has affected our society because it gives us a false illusion about the everyday things we see and use.

  32. Helen Barraza
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Ms. Gray

    Frankenstein is a doctor that created a monster that was made from different body parts and stitched together. He made that monster to replace Some who passed away in his life. Genetic manipulation has impacted our society in many ways. Genetic manipulation has created a way to make something stronger or bigger. We have genetic manipulation in our food to make it produce more or become bigger. Genetic manipulation can be very helpful and unhelpful in our society.

  33. Anderson Salcedo
    English 12, Pd6
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray

    Victor Frankenstein was a doctor/ scientist who created a monster because his mom had recently past. Frankenstein wanted to find a way in which he could bring his mother back from the dead. However, after seeing the monster Frankenstein was terrified and ran away from his creation and so did the town people. This story also relates to gene manipulation in today’s society because not only are scientists manipulating genes but regular people too. For example one way in which regular people manipulate genes is if they want an specific feature on an animal they would specifically bread it with an animal that has those certain features. Scientists also manipulate genes because carrots were originally purple and due to gene manipulation today we have carrots in other colors such as orange.

  34. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    November 21, 2017

    Frankenstein is the doctor who creates the monster. The monster is made up of all dead body parts and genetically modified so that he is able to be brought to life. He eventually becomes afraid of the monster that he has created. Genetic manipulation causes society to judge others and treat them differently.

  35. Mathew Torres
    November 21, 2017
    English 12 Period: 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Frankenstein is a mad scientist, he is obsessed with creating life. He gathers body parts, in order to create a "human" but turns out that he builds a monster. The concept of genetic manipulation has impacted society, by trying to play "god". An example of this is the sheep Dolly, scientist tried to clone Dolly, imagine they wanted to create an identical sheep. In today society, people are losing their identity cause everyone wants to look like everyone else. Imagine if you can have a baby, and choose the eye color, how tall it will be, also if it will be good in sports.

  36. Nusaiba Alli
    English 12
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Gray

    I know that Frankenstein was the doctor who created a being out of different parts of dead human parts. People referred to this creation as a monster. I know that people think the monster was called Frankenstein but it was actually the creators name.
    I this genetic manipulation made today's society greedy. Knowing about genetic manipulation makes them want to change things for their own good.

  37. Mr. Eshan
    November 21st, 2017

    I know that Frankenstein was the doctor who creates the monster. He is a scientist who is obsessed with creating a life , other then that I really don’t know much about the book.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Nestor Robles
    English 12, Pd 2
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray

    Frankenstein was a doctor / scientist who created a monster. He keeps the monster as a secret which then he feels guilty of his creation. Frankenstein feels responsible for all actions and crimes of the monster. Genetic manipulation has impacted our society by certain changes in a plant or animal that caused unpredicted allergic reactions in some people. Genetic manipulation could be used to enhance peoples lives, but it could also be used to harm peoples lives.

  40. Frankenstein was a scientist who just wants to create life. Which results in creating a monster.

  41. Frankenstein was the name of a doctor, that created a monster made of human body parts. This monster was modified to come to life. Genetic manipulation has a negative impact on society, because it can cause one to be something they’re not and set an illusion that they are “perfect.”

  42. Jayda Black
    November 21,2017
    English 12 Pd:6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. gray
    Frankenstein is a doctor who created the creature called Frankenstein. Frankenstein came alive through electricity and he is a creature that doesn’t speak English but looks somewhat like a human but with stitches all over and bolts coming out of his neck. Frankenstein was a scientists that felt with human bodies. Genetic manipulation is not good for our society today because in society today you have to have the perfect body to fit in and to not be made fun of when the body that god gave you isn’t considered perfect.

  43. Brianna Derry
    November 21, 2017
    English 12, Period 2
    Mr.Ehsan & Ms.Gray

    Frankenstein was a doctor who took a bunch of dead body parts and created a man and brought him back to life with electricity. He was his own personal monster. Frankenstein was not accepted by society and was judged harshly based on the way he simply was. He couldn’t control the way he was, he didn’t ask to exist. Genetic manipulation will negatively affect our society because, the whole idea of it teaches us to not accept things for how they naturally are made out to be and instead, find and pick out flaws and edit things artificially.

  44. Heavin Chambers
    English 12 Pd 4
    Mr Ehsan and Ms Gray

    Frankenstein was the scientist or doctor who created the monster Frankenstein. He created Frankenstein by using body parts and metal. Genetic manipulation will negatively affect our society because if one person does it and then another person will follow them and it will become a trend and a must in society.

  45. Sean Mohamed
    English 12-01
    Mr. Ehsan

    Frankenstein is a doctor who then created the Frankenstein the monster. He did a remake of himself with electricity. Genetic manipulation is a bad idea because others would want to take other people's ideas which would lead to conflict.

  46. Frankenstein is a doctor who who created Frankenstein the monster. He tried to do a remake of himself with electricity. Genetic manipulation is a bad idea because people who try and take other people's ideas and it could possibly lead to conflict.

  47. Shakib Ahmed
    English 12
    Period: 2
    I don't know much about Frankenstein but I know that he was a scientist that dealt with electricity. I feel like we should stay the way we are without changing much. Also from research I seen that it can have a negative side effect. Other than this I don't know much about this topic.

  48. Ravin Narine
    English 12
    Period 4

    Frankenstein is the name of the doctor who created a monster. The monster was created with old body parts and metal. The monster couldn’t speak English but he looked human even though he was created with electricity. Genetic manipulation can be a negative thing for our society because it can harm others and it can lead to many conflicts

  49. Veronica Tibball
    November 22,2017
    Period 4
    Frankenstein is the name of the doctor that created a monster using dead body parts also with using electricity. No one should have to change for anyone.

  50. Tamia Alvarez
    english 12
    prd 4

    the character frankenstein is a doctor who made a monster. he tried to remake himself using electricity. Genetic manipulation is negative because everyone is different and some people cant accept that.

  51. Marc Gonzalez
    Ehsan English 12 pd 6
    Nov 22 , 2017

    1. I know that he is a young scientist who creates a monster

    2. It helped our society in certain ways , for example we have been manipulating the genetic characteristics in plants and animals . Genetic manipulation in plants could help us in many ways

  52. Angel Perez
    English 12

    Victor Frankenstein is the doctor who created the monster everyone mistakes to be named Frankenstein. He used the body parts of several prison inmates who died to create life. Although Frankenstein is not the monster it could easily be argued that he is one, because of his creation of life he see’s himself as God and is on a power trip. The concept of genetic manipulation is great, many people feel that this could be the solution to world hunger with all the food we could mass produce we could feed everyone. Although this sounds nice it could create an ecological problem, making the environment unpredictable. It could also change an organism into being toxic to people and/or other species.

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  54. Christian Battaglia
    English 12

    The character Frankenstein is the doctor. He created the monster. The monster is a mix of dead body parts put together and genetically modified to be bigger so the monster can come back to life. He uses lightning to power the monsters brain and get him to be alive. The docter makes something of nothing

  55. Asha Alhalmi

    Frankenstein is a scientist his first name is victor, he creates a monster but doesn't name it. The monster is intelligent but scary and ugly.

  56. Frankenstein was the name of the doctor who created the monster. The monster was created from metal and human body parts.The concept of genetic manipulation on society today is everyones appearance is different.

  57. Maria Lopez
    This is a old story about a scientist named Frankenstein who brought a human back from the death and billed his body. It was originally created by a married couple who were on vacation. Genetic manipulation has an affect on our society because it gives us a false illusion about everything in life a everyday basis.

  58. Kajol Sukhdeo
    Dec 21st, 2017
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    1. Frankenstein is the story of a man that creates a creature in hopes of bringing his mother back to life. However, the creature turns out to be hideous and Frankensteins runs away leaving the creature to fend for himself. The creatures learns a lot from humans and in the end is able to use his knowledge to make Frankenstein's existence unbearable.

    2. The concept of genetic manipulation has impacted our society because it has changed the way we eat and live. Genetic manipulation could be the solution to world hunger. Genetic manipulation could change the way we live in the future because we could alter our genes to make us immune to harmful diseases and extreme living conditions. I think Genetic Manipulation can be beneficial to society if the right person is using it.

  59. Doctor Frankenstein is who created the “monster”, that he then regretted because his creation was ugly. Genetic manipulation has impacted society because it now allows humans to change physical characteristics, making humans feel like “God” when they aren’t.

  60. Rafid Hossain
    English 12
    Mr. Eshan

    Frankenstein from my interpretation growing up was that the of the monster not the mad scientist that actually holds the name Frankenstein. The concept of genetic manipulation has created the “perfect” complex. With genetic manipulation people are convinced into creating what they think is perfection which is morally wrong in my opinion.

  61. Alisha Sanchez
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12

    Frankenstein was named after his creator and who designed Frankenstein to be a genius and he was successful in creating him in order to create him he had to use dead body parts such as bones and then became scared of his creation. Genetic manipulation people tend to create what they feel is perfection and what catches there eye in there creation.

  62. Jasmine Harris
    E12 P6

    1. Frankenstein was a scientist who made a creation out of human body parts.
    2. Genetic manipulation has impacted out society in a terrible way. Wealthy people tend to changeup their looks to boost up their self esteems. Personally in my opinion, people should learn to accept the way they look.

  63. 1. Frankenstein is the scientist from the novel Frankenstein who wants to make life

    2. It has further destroyed our values

  64. Gaitre Nauth

    The character Frankenstein is the scientist who created the creature. The concept of genetic manipulation has impacted our society in bad way. With genetic manipulation people try to create their version of “perfect”.


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