Blogger # 6
November 30th, 2017

 Does science have the power to play the role of a creator (God) in our society? Should there be a limit to the ability a man can possess in regards to creating life by artificial means?

Utilize contextual and textual evidence gathered from the Socratic seminar to defend your claims in regards to the question formulation concept of creation versus creator.

Keep your response limited to one paragraph.

Please utilize proper heading and punctuation when posting a comment on the blogger.  Must have 5 to 7 sentence response to receive full credit.
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Teachers Name


  1. Anjali Krishnanan
    November 28, 2017
    English 12 Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    Period: 6

    Yes, science have the power to play the role of a creator in our society because the creation speaks out upon the glory of the creator, which means science is an avenue for worship. Scientists are less likely to believe in god and have no spiritual value in pursuing a career in science. It depends on what limits takes the ability of a man to create life by artificial. Human intelligence can adapt to different natural resources. Different master tools give in an opportunity to increase experiences and human tools.

  2. Marianna Iorio
    November 29,2017
    English 12 Mr Ehsan
    Period 6

    Yes, in our society science does have the power to play God (creator). I do believe that their should be a limit on the ablitiy to create life by articfical means because things can get messy and humans can mess up and potentially hurt the new life that they created. It is not natural to have science interfer with creating life.

  3. Alisha Shakeer
    November 30, 2017
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray
    English 12 Period 6

    Yes, science have the power to play the role of a creator In our society. Yes, their should be a limit because science can make mistakes. For example creating something strong that can cause harm to life.

  4. Tamia Alvarez
    November 30, 2017
    English 12
    Mr Ehsan

    Scientists do not play a role in our creator. They do not because scientists have nothing to do with our creations and how humans arrived on earth. I believe that there should be a limit to ability a man can possess in regards to creating life. I believe this because if scientists start making discoveries they will try and prove a point and everyone will start to believe them. they can not say who put us here and how everything in this world works and why.

  5. Jayda Black
    November 30th, 2017
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms.Gray
    English Pd: 6
    Science does have the power to play the role of a creator in our society because it tries to creates what isn’t normally created in the first place and goes to replace what is already made. Yes there should be a limit because what is meant to be created will be created eventually but just not in the time where people think that it should be.


  6. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Science does have the power to play a role of a creator because scientist are creating something so that makes them the creator and whatever they want to make is their creation. There should be no limit because God is not the only being that can be a creator scientist can make a person as a human and make them smarter.

  7. Diamond Ferrer
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12

    I believe that science does the power to become our creators but its whether or not they know how to control that power that will make a difference in the world. There should be a limit to the abilities man has because some could use the creation of life as a negative solution to the problems they believe are essential or it could have a positive solution, giving hope and reassurance to the people in the world that hope for a second chance at life.

  8. With the availability of technology in today’s society it is very likely for a scientist to create something that is not curable by the human race. A scientist has all the power in the world through technology.

  9. Zackery Langert
    English 12

    Yes in today world a scientists has the Technology to do this but no i dont think they have the power nor the right to do bc only god is the crater of humans and life on earth.

  10. Nicole Amaral
    November 30, 2017
    English 12 Pd 4
    Mr. Ehsan/Ms.Gray

    Yes science does have the power to play the role of a creator (God) in our society because technology has the power to do this. There should be a limit to the ability a man can possess in regards to creating life by artificial means because God was the one who created us and are here today in this world.

  11. Najia Uddin
    November 30,2017
    English 12 PD 4

    Yes, science does have the power to play god, but they do not deserve and should not be allowed to do it if it is harmful to any fetus or any organisms. There should be a limit to where man can create life by artificial means. For example they should be allowed to create GMO foods because it it not harmful and is the same product as it is naturally. This product is engineered to be just like the original.I think the line should be crossed with embryos. For instance if a couple is not able to reproduce, surrogates do not work, adoption, and etc; the baby should be made artificially if it is the last option if it comes down to it.

  12. Danielle soto
    Period 6
    I believe that we should have a limit to the power that we wield. It's wrong to mess with Mother Nature and we shouldn't be taking things into our hands that we weren't meant to hold in the first. Everything has consequences.

  13. Nestor Robles
    November 30, 2017
    English 12 Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Science has the power has the power to play a role of a creator in our society because science is used to produce new material and the creator (God) is used to make a happening for anyone in the world but also to make sure that everyone follows the same path as himself the creator. There should be a limit to the ability a man that can possess in regards to creating life by artificial means because there can be a positive outcome towards the process such as cloning. Cloning can help save lives and keep the population in our society stronger.

  14. Heavin Chambers
    November 30,2017
    E12 P4
    Mr Ehsan & Ms Gray

    Yes Science does have the power to play a role as creator in our society because you can create something and you will be the creator. But eventually it comes to a point where science has to stop playing a role as an creator. There should be a limit a man can possess in regards to creating life because making (gmo) is harmless and not hurting anybody. But once they start actually bringing embryos into this it's crossing the line hurting other people.

  15. Brianna Derry
    November 30th, 2017
    English 12, Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Yes, I do believe science has the power to play the role as creator in our society. Scientists are always creating new things as we all develop on this earth. I do think Scientists shouldn’t cross certain boundaries such as trying to create human life. Humans are the most complex creatures on this planet. Scientists haven’t even fully discovered how the human brain works entirely so, I feel some things especially when it comes to our species is best left unknown due to a higher power.

  16. Mathew Torres
    November 30, 2017
    English 12 Pd: 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Yes, Science does have the power to play creator in our society. Scientist have already successfully cloned animals and one day they hope to clone a human being. I believe that morally we are taught ,that only God can create life. He is a divine being, and gives his creations meaning and purpose. But as you all know their is always two sides to every story, while we are taught that no one but God has the power to create, I believe that scientist should not have a limit to create life by artificial means. They should be allowed to create life in order to help cure illness, and diseases . I believe that we all are our abilities from a higher being, scientist are given the gift to help discover, and create things that will benefit human beings.

  17. I strongly believe that science does not have the power to play the role as creator in our society. This is because, the way we was made can’t be changed, mainly because scientists did not bring humans into the world. The power of man should have a limit, because science is always improving, and people are taking full advantage of it. This leads to a negative impact on our society, because the way we were made shouldn’t be changed.

  18. Samantha Loureiro
    November 30, 2017
    English 12, Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan and Ms. Gray
    Science shouldn’t have a powerful role of a creator (God) within our society. When scientists get involved with making new creations they start to make an unbalanced within the environment of the world. This world is has a over population and we can’t have they change the way the world works. There should be a limit to be ability for man kind to stay a creation. Society should be left alone and be the way it should be. Man kind needs to let the environment do it’s work and not change it.

  19. Shai⚘
    Period 6

    Science shouldnt play god in society but it doesn't not mean that we shouldn't use science at all. We based our entire ecistances off of science. I honestly think there shouldnt be a limit because without science we wouldnt find the cure for so many things. Although frankistine believes his monster "bob" was his science fauiliar it was just do to the fact that he completed his purpose.

  20. Helen Barraza
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Ms. Gray

    Science does not have the power to play the role of the creator because science did not originally create everything we have in this world. Science did not create humans or animals. Science is usually known for altering something that is already made or making something better but that does not mean they created it. Their should be a limit because humans have not really figured how science work fully. We are always discovering may new things every day. Science can also harm or help the environment and us.

  21. Dawn Lucio
    English 12
    Period 4

    Scientists do not have the power to play the role of the creator. Scientists have not made people or animals. Until i see a well functioning person or animal then I will say Scientists have power to play the role of the creator. I feel Scientists have their limitations.

  22. Chris Gonzalez
    Pd 2
    Scientists play a huge role on how our future can turn out. They have the ability to clone living things and make things that can change the outcome of the world. It is also scary how they can create diseases that are uncurble and they don’t have limits to what they can do.

    1. Chriiiiiss the scientists are so preoccupied with the fact they could they don't stop to think if they should

  23. Matthew Lesner
    Period 4
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    Yes, science plays a huge role on how everyone’s cuter turns out to be. They have the ability to do to do a lot of things and make things that can help people and change the world. It’s also scary that they can create hints that can harm people and he world.

  24. Maria Lopez
    Mr.Ehsan and Ms.Gray
    The power of science is to become our creators but its whether or not they know how to control the power. There should be a limit to man because they could use the creation of life as a negative solution but giving hope to the people want a second chance in life.

  25. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 1st, 2017

    Science does have the power to create life by artificial means and I believe in certain circumstances they should have the right to. There should be a limit of power in my opinion to prevent dangerous situations such as mutations in genes outbreaking or excessive cloning for the wrong purpose.

  26. Michael Cesario
    Mr Ehsan/Ms grey
    Period 6

    I believe that science could play the role of creator but that it's wrong to mess with things you don't fully understand and May have severe consequences

  27. No science does not have the power to play God. Even the most hardcore atheist can probably agree that toying with nature and the laws of nature is a bad idea as the consequence can be devestating.

  28. I believe science does have the power to play God in our society. There should be no limit to the ability a man can possess in regards to creating life by artificial means.

  29. Asha Alhalmi
    Ehsan & Gray
    English 12

    Science plays a major role on the future. Science can be a creator, science is used to make things turn into something bigger. Science will never be the creator but it can create multiple incredible and different things. However there should be a limit in creating life. Science could never actually create a human/life, that is impossible. There are big limits that stop things like this. Artificial means can only go so far but not in creating life.

  30. Nicole Kiburis
    Period 6
    Mr . Ehsan
    Yes science does have the power to play the role of a creator they’re always creating new things and discovering new things. There should be a limit because science can always mess with things and take advantage of it.

  31. Lawrence Lue
    December 1, 2017
    E12 Pd6

    Science does have the power to play the role of the creator because a living organism has been cloned before, for example a sheep. There should be a limit because scientists can use their power for a negative reason.

  32. Natalie Sanasie
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12
    Period -6

    Science plays a role as a creator in our society because many scientists are always finding new ways creating new experiments. It’s because of the new technology many are able to do create and do so much more with the new technology. Then again it’s wrong to mess with Mother Nature because there will be consequences.

  33. Anthony Marino
    Period 6
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    I believe science could not play the role as the creator because we do not know how to create a person. We only know how to take things from people and use certain body parts from someone if needed.

  34. Troy Yar
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Grey
    Period 6

    I believe that the scientists of today definitely do have the power to become our creators. For them, it is quite easy to clone embryos, which would form into a living being under the correct care. I dont believe there should be a limit because eventually we would need their smarts to continue as beings on this planet. According to "Creator vs. Creation in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein", the Koreans are cloning embryos, so they are doing this as we speak.

  35. Justin Cabello
    Mr. Eshan
    English 12
    I believe science should have the right to play “god” because in a way science always interferes with religion and such. When people get really sick the hospital does everything in their will power to save them from death. Some religions may argue that they have no right to do so. That it’s god’s plan if he survives or not. There should be a limit though because we shouldn’t really have that kind of power to make artificial life because it isn’t natural or god like and could cause issues.


  36. Marc Gonzalez
    English 12 period 6

    Yes science has the power to play the role of a creator in our society because they have the power to create a human/living thing , they have access to technology that can give them this power

  37. Nasthasia Thomas
    English12 per4
    Mr Eshan

    Science does have the power to play god in our society today because of the new technology and the intrigued scientists, You never know what innovative thing or object is made in the labs. I believe there should be a limitation on what a scientist can create by artificial means due to the fact that scientist are playing god and it won’t come with good outcomes because we don’t know what we’re bringing into this world.

  38. Irving McKay
    Mr. Ehsan/Ms. Grey
    Dec 1st, 2017
    English 12

    Science does certainly have the power to play the role of a god or creator in our society today. As there are advances in science being made, the potential for humanity to create artificial life through scientific means rises. If we can create life artificially and it’s shown to benefit us, then we shouldn’t limit our abilities.

  39. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    December 1,2017

    Yes, science does have the power to play the creator in our society and i do believe that they should have the right to. If scientists can prove that creating life in this way can be beneficial to society then it should not be limited. If it's a threat, then no we should not mess with Mother Nature.

  40. Anderson Salcedo
    English 12, Pd 6
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan

    Science currently possesses the power to play the role of a creator (God) in our society. Scientists have and still are manipulating genes and developing new organisms. “Biologists in Oregon have reported using cloning to produce a monkey embryo and extract stem cells” Teaching Frankenstein with the N.Y times by John Tierney. In other words scientist are creating life through cloning which has never been done before. However, there should be a limit to artificially creating life because it can cause a world wide problem. For example the cloning of monkey embryos could damage the ecosystem as other non native species have when they are introduced to a new ecosystem.

  41. Angel Perez
    English 12 Period 2

    Currently science does not have the power to play the role of God as a creator in our society. Although science is progressing it is still based on curiosity and answering the questions that are unanswered.Althoght science has great potential it still does not have the power to creat something out of nothing. I feel having the ability to creat life artificially should be very limited because it could easily turn into something that can have a lot of negative effects. As of now there really aren’t that many answers to the topic of creating life, this is why scientists are still experimenting. Just the thought of man being able to creat life artificially is a slippery slope because Of how much power it could give someone.

  42. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4

    In my opinion, science completely has the power to play the role of a creator in today’s society. To elaborate scientists attempts to create the unknown and new things that are abnormal. This leads to replace what is already created. There should be a limit because what is meant to be created will be in time, forcing the evolution of society will just lead to failure and the entire world will suffer cause of it.

  43. Science does not have the power to play the role of creator in our society because they don’t involve our creation, they can’t create humans, I believe we were made from something bigger and more powerful that they don’t have the ability to create humans. There should be a limit to ability a man can posses in regards to creating life because it comes to a point where people have to do things natural for once.

  44. Jeanpaul Montano
    Period 4
    English 12

    Should scientist play "God" or have the power to play "God" I believe they do have the power to make a creation like us maybe not just yet but we will soon have that ability do I believe we should? No because it can cause many problems and who knows what would happen although it would be interesting. There should be limits because we would want to use our creations to be strong and have ability's that we humans dont have and will abuse them and problem make them as slaves or use them for war because if they were to die we can just make more and that will be abusing the power and he purpose of it and it will destroy this world.

  45. Shakib Ahmed
    Period 2

    I believe science has the ability to play the role of creator as far as plantations and other thing relating to food. The reason I believe that is because now days we have very advanced technology that we can experiment with different things and than do that’s best for society and not harmful. However science shouldn’t be allowed to create human because it can ruin the whole human race if something goes wrong. Also we are not god so we can’t fix things if they go wrong. And people wouldn’t treat a human life like a gift if becomes so easily to create someone

  46. Leilani Rodriguez
    Period 6/ English 12

    Yes science does have the power to play the creator in our society and there should be a limit on it because somebody can create something to powerful and may not be able to control it so they abandon it.

  47. Osvaldo Estevez
    period 4

    In my opinion science does not have the right to play the creator in todays society because that can come with some consequences. Yes, their should be a limit on it because man isn't ready for that type of power

  48. Kajol Sukhdeo
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Grey
    Period 6

    I believe that the scientists do have the power/right to become our creator because science has advanced a lot and now we know more about the human race. I think scientist have the knowledge needed to create humans and they should use it because a living being can thrive under the correct care. That creation could be the answer to cancer or some other incurable disease. I believe there should be a limit because although we can do a lot of good with creating clones there's always a negative and I think there should be rules before it gets out of hand.

  49. Rafid Hossain
    English 12
    Mr. Eshan

    Science has the power to play the role of God in our society. With science having an increasing role on how our lives function it can be argued on how science has the most powerful influence on society.
    There should be a limit to how life should be conceived artificially.

  50. Alisha Sanchez
    English 12

    Science plays a role of god in our society they start to feel powerful but they should not try to play god and feel like that they can create something more powerful than god himself because it will not work. There should be a limit into creating creatures because there could always be problems that come along sometime people dont realize what they are doing and there creations become to powerful and they become stronger than what they originally thought.

  51. Christian Battaglia
    Period 2

    Yes, science have the power to play the role of a creator In our society. Yes, their should be a limit because science can make mistakes. For example creating something strong that can cause harm to life.

  52. Jasmine Harris
    Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Yes, science does have the power to play the role of a creator in our society. Scientist are constantly coming up with new ideas and creations everyday. For example, without computer science, we would not have all these varieties of phones and technology. Now a days it's rare to see someone without a smart phone. Technology has taken over our lives completely. There should be a limit when creating artificial life because you never really know how the creation might turn out, just like in frankenstein.

  53. Yes because the laws of nature exist for a reason and only when they are broken people realize the importance of those laws

  54. Sean Mohamed
    English 12-02
    Mr. Ehsan

    The laws of nature is there for a reason. And science does have the power to play in today’s society because of the technology we have today in this era. For example, you would barely see a person today that does not have a smart phone or something electronic.

  55. Sean Mohamed
    English 12-02
    Mr. Ehsan

    The laws of nature is there for a reason. And science does have the power to play in today’s society because of the technology we have today in this era. For example, you would barely see a person today that does not have a smart phone or something electronic.


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