Blogger Assignment # 17

Can torture be justified? Do you agree or disagree with President Trumps believes about Torture? Can you drive out hate with hate? Will we ever have a world that doesnt rely on violence to solve global social, political or economic issues? Do you think Winston is happier because he does not have to fight against “Big Brother” anymore?

Please make sure to have a proper heading. Utilize contextual and textual evidence gathered from the class notes/video or images to defend your claims.

Keep your response limited to one paragraph.
(5 to 7 sentences)


  1. Samantha Loureiro
    April 15, 2018
    Pd 6: E12
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Grey
    Torture is a sign of justice. I agree with President Trumps about the justice that he did but I didn’t believe that it be called as “torture”. What some people don’t understand about this situation is that Trump didn’t kill people, all he did was take down three major weapons from the country. We’ll never live in a world that will forever be peaceful. We’ll always live in a world that goes to violence no matter what the problem(s) there is/are. I think Winston is happier that he doesn’t have to fight against “Big Brother” anymore because he can now live with the person that he loves the most. He can now live the life he wants to live and BB will not be up on top of him.

  2. Marianna Iorio
    April 16,2018
    Period 6, E12
    Mr Ehsan

    Torture can be justified because if people did something bad to someone else, someones family might want the bad people to suffer and tortured. Because torturing someone who did somethign bad is karma. I agree with President Trump about what he believes in torture. Sometimes you can drive out hate with hate. In reality, our world will never be without violnce and hate because it is impossible. I think Winston may be happy because he doesnt have to fight big brother anymore because now he can live in peace without worrying.

  3. Kajol Sukhdeo
    Period 6
    Torture can't be justified.I disagree with President Trump because using torture degrades our society and it goes against our Bill of Rights. We can't claim to protect people against cruel and unusual punishments when we support methods of torture. Hate can't drive out hate, things can only change by setting a better example. We won't ever have a world that doesn't use violence to get what they want because there will always be weapons and people who don't think non-violence is effective. I think Winston is happier that he won't have to fight against big brother anymore and he can go back to his life as an ignorant citizen.

  4. Anjali Krishnanan
    April 17, 2018
    Period: 6 E12
    Mr. Ehsan

    Torture can be justified because if someone had information pertaining the a bomb that would kill thousands of innocents people, you would want to know about it. I agree with President Trump about what he believes in torture. You can sometimes drive out hate with hate. In our world, this world can never be without violence. However, I think Winston is happy because he won't have to fight against big brother anymore. He can live in peace without worrying.

  5. Mathew Torres
    April 17, 2018
    English 12 PD:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    That is a tough question to answer, is hurting another human being morally wrong? Then my answer would be YES, but if the question is, if torturing one human being in a time of war, morally right, if it saves a million lives? Then my answer would be Yes. I guess the real question should be, When is torture not seen as morally wrong? For example if someone tortures a child or innocent person is that morally wrong? Then the answer is Yes, but is it morally wrong to torture a prisoner of war if it can save million of lives? Then the answer would be NO. I don't believe that one can drive out hate from hate, but we live in a world of survival. It's sad to say, but in our world especially when in comes to politics, kindness is considered a sign of weakness. Other powerful countries wouldn't hesitate to conquer. I don't believe that we will ever live in a world without violence, our world is too tainted, money and power make human beings act inhuman. I also don't believe that Winston is happier that he doesn't have to fight Big Brother any longer, when you lose the will to fight, a person dies inside. Big Brother has succeed in their task, Winston is dead inside, walking among the dead, their is no future.

  6. It depends on who the person and what the usa is trying to ger out out of them. I agree with trump bc if u force someone to do soemthing u csn get whst ever u want.

  7. Tamia alvarez

    Torture can not be justified because it is illegal in he united states and it goes against our human rights. I do disagree with trump because torture just brings more chaos. Hate can ot drive out hate only love can do that its just like trying to fight fire with fire. I believe we will never have a world with out problems because everyone has different opinions on things which makes it hard to get along. I believe that Winston is happier but still wants to make a change.

  8. Najia Uddin
    April 18, 2018
    English 12 PD4

    Torture would not ever be justified because it is illegal. Torturing someone is causing them pain and damage to them emotionally, physically, and psychologically. I do not agree with President Trumps idea on torture. It may work but it is not necessary. It is inflicting pain on someone and they may not even be at fault or know any information. I do not know if we will ever have a world that relies on violence to solve conflicts. There will always be conflict and it can be solved in many ways. I think that he is happier that he does not have to fight against big brother but he is also sad because he would have been happier if he was able to love Julia and have free will.

  9. Torture would not ever be justified because it is illegal. Torturing someone is causing them pain and damage to them emotionally, physically, and psychologically. I do not agree with President Trumps idea on torture It’s not right to us and the people

  10. Anderson Salcedo
    April 18, 2018
    English 12, Pd: 6
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan
    Torture is justifiable if the safety of many innocent people is on the line and the person being torture is 100% related or part of the crime. I Agree with President Trump on his opinion of using water boarding as a torture technique because it gets the information required out of the criminal. However, you can’t drive out hate with hate because that will just create more tension and if one the sides wins the battle it will just be temporarily because someone will always want revenge. We will never have a world that doesn’t use violence to solve world wide issues that affect us all. I say that because human history revolves around violence, you could even say that its our natural instinct to use violence to feel powerful and solve our issues. Winston is happier now that he doesn’t have to fight Big Brother because he no longer has to worry about getting caught or losing his life for betraying the party.

  11. Nestor Robles
    English 12 Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Torture can be justified in some circumstances , it depends on what the person did and the type of torture they get. I personally disagree with Donald Trumps beliefs about torture because many people believe that he would want more chaos to happen. I think interrogation should be used for someone who is very dangerous in my perspective. I believe that our world would never change on violent issues. Everyday there will always be violence and unsafe conditions. I believe that Winston is much happier because he does not have to fight against Big Brother because he overcame his issues and he can live normally.

  12. Nusaiba Alli
    Period 4
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Gray

    I don't think torture an be justified because there are other ways of punishment and other ways of gaining information. I do not agree with President Trump's beliefs about torture. I don't believe you can drive out hate with hate, torture will only cause more hate and conflicts between people and countries . I don't think we will ever have a world that doesn't rely on violence to solve issues because people always wants to do the worst things to get back at their enemies. I think he is somewhat happy because he doesn't have to go through the torture anymore, I believe he was also brainwashed into loving "Big Brother."

  13. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    April 18,2018

    Torture can not be justified. I strongly disagree with President Trump because torture goes against our rights. We say that we can protect everyone from cruel and harsh punishment yet torture is still supported. It is not legal in the United States. Hate cannot be driven out with hate because two wrongs do not make a right. It would just cause more problems in society. Since everyone often disagrees on topics I feel we will not obtain a world without problems. Winston is happy now because he does not have to worry about getting caught or fighting Big Brother.

  14. Nicole Amaral
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan/Ms.Gray
    April 19, 2018

    Torture can not be justified because it is illegal. I disagree with President Trump about torture because it brings more problems and can cause chaos in society. Hate cannot be driven out with hate because it would cause problems in the world. Winston is happier because he doesn't have to fight against Big Brother anymore and doesn't have worry about getting in trouble and he is free.

  15. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Torture can't be justified because it is illegal torturing someone causes pain. I disagree with president Trump about torture because it can cause more problems for people and instead of torturing we can protect the people. No you can't drive out hate with hate because hating is not a good thing. I think we will have a world without violence because there will be a time that torturing people will be banned. No I don't think Winston is happier because he was tortured and now he has to do what big brother tells him.

  16. Diamond Ferrer

    I believe that torture is justifiable when neccessary. It shouldn’t be practice on innocent civilians, instead be enforced on individuals that have a history of violence or torture (dictators, murderers, rapists, etc.). I don’t believe that we will ever live in a society without violent for the simple fact that everyone is born with a positive and negative. It’s up to an individual on which side they will portray in society. We have no control over the thoughts and actions of the person next to us. Destruction in a society is inevitable.

  17. I think that torture is justified depending on the situation, if one person makes them suffer then they should suffer too. However it shouldn’t be used on innocent people. I agree with Trump because I don’t believe it was torture. I don’t think you can drive hate without hate because getting revenge on someone doesn’t always solve the problem. I think Winston is happy because he can finally think on his own now and be free. We will always live around crime because people feel the need to , I think it can stop if we stop it the right way.

  18. Yes I believe torture can me justified because we get information out of bad people through torture. I don’t think trump is doing a specific type of torture. Torture methods have been around for many years. We will never be able to have a society without violence because society was built on violence. I don’t think that Winston is happy because he was forced to commit his actions.

  19. I believed torture is justified only if somebody harms another person, which means that if they suffer because of someone's they should suffer too. I agree with trumps statement about torture because I believe that people should be tortured only if they torture others. I also believe that our society will always live in violence. I dont believe winston is happy becaue he is now brainwashed and he niw has to follow big brother now.

  20. Avry Ponce
    Torture cannot be justified because sometimes the wrong people get accused of things and get mentally and physically destroyed. Sometimes according to sources it doesn’t work people just say what other people want to hear so they can stop being tortured.

  21. Angel Perez
    Period 2

    No torture can not be justified it is looked at as a way to get back at someone just to find a sense of complete. I do not agree with Trumps beliefs about tourture because tourture doesn’t work to get information and it would just be done to hurt because they hurt. Ultimately hate can not be drove out with hate it would only bring out more hate. We will never be able to live in a world where we don’t rely on violence to take what we want. I do not believe Winston is happier because he was forced to conform to the beliefs of big brother.

  22. Rodolfo Romero
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Gray
    Period 2

    Torture can be justified because if someone had information pertaining the a bomb that would kill thousands of innocents people, you would want to know about it. I agree with President Trump about what he believes in torture. You can sometimes drive out hate with hate. In our world, this world can never be without violence. However, I think Winston is happy because he won't have to fight against big brother anymore. He can live in peace without worrying.

  23. Negisti Gonzales

    Torture cannot be justified because its a cruel and unusual punishment that is illegal in our constitution. People should never have to be treated against their rights and be harmed. Torture is something that should be banned from every country and not done. There is better less drastic ways to get information from people. Also torture gets fake results from people.

  24. For the most part torture is not justifiable because it’s a violation of our human rights. It’s just at situations like if there is a terrorist and he has information that can save a lot of people but he won’t give those information, than if you torture him to get the information it is justifiable. I disagree with trump because when head of the government says something like this I feel like our rights are in danger. Hate with hate is not a solution because you can’t reduce fire with fire. I don’t believe Winston is happy because he is brainwashed.

  25. Ehsan
    Period 6

    Torture can never be justified. It will never be okay and torture doesn’t do anything but cause pain and misleading information. People getting torture would do anything for it to stop that they’ll lie or try to escape. Torture hurts an individual mentally and physically. There is no point because no matter what this world will always have wars and conflicts. I disagree with trump you can’t drive hate with hate. No matter what it will always result in bad. We will never have a world without issue no matter how hard we try to resolve certain issues. In my opinion I think Winston is happier because their was so many problems when he was fighting big brother and so many conflicts that now he can just live in peace and never have to be involved in an issue. Big brother will always win no matter what.

  26. Ashley singh

    Torture can not be justified, there should never be instances where we should totrture other humans.I disagree with President Trump's view on torture, he thinks it is necessary but it is not. You can not drive out hate with hate, that creates more hate. We will never have that type of society, where violence does not exist because of the mentality of the people in it. I think Winston is happier because now he doesnt have to worry about.

    1. I think It actually depends on who the person is and what the usa is trying to get out out of them. I agree with trump because if you force someone to do soemthing can get almost what ever you want.

      Samuel B

  27. Christopher Marin
    English 12 Period 4
    Mr. Ehsan

    That is a tough question to answer, is hurting another human being morally wrong? Then my answer would be YES, but if the question is, if torturing one human being in a time of war, morally right, if it saves a million lives? Then my answer would be Yes. I guess the real question should be, When is torture not seen as morally wrong? For example if someone tortures a child or innocent person is that morally wrong? Then the answer is Yes, but is it morally wrong to torture a prisoner of war if it can save million of lives? Then the answer would be NO. I don't believe that one can drive out hate from hate, but we live in a world of survival. It's sad to say, but in our world especially when in comes to politics, kindness is considered a sign of weakness. Other powerful countries wouldn't hesitate to conquer. I don't believe that we will ever live in a world without violence, our world is too tainted, money and power make human beings act inhuman. I also don't believe that Winston is happier that he doesn't have to fight Big Brother any longer, when you lose the will to fight, a person dies inside. Big Brother has succeed in their task, Winston is dead inside, walking among the dead, their is no future.

  28. Matthew Lesner
    English 12

    Torture can not be justified, there should never be instances where we should torture other humans. I disagree with Trumps view of torture, he thinks it is necessary but it’s not to an extent. You can not drive out hate with hate, that creates more hate. Our society will never have no violence. I think Winston is happier because now he doesn’t have to worry about it.

  29. Torture can not and will never be justified because it is inhumane. No matter on what the circumstances is, no one deserves to he tortured. I disagree with presidents trumps views on torture because I believe that it is not needed. There are other ways to get you want than to punish others. Society will never be without a form of torture because of social media and the way how people portray it. Some tv shows portray it to be good and some portray it to be bad but either way people still watch both. No one will do anything to fix it until a big problem takes place.

  30. No Winston is not happier, after the interrogation and after he was brainwashed from the severe torture, he had believed that he loves big brother, but previously we as the reader are constantly being shown how much he didn't believe in what they were teaching. This shows us that although he now "loves" Big Brother we know that he wouldn't ever say or think something like this if he was still in control of being able to do that.

  31. Torture is not right. Torture can be used only in some case. I think Torture can be really bad at times when we go too far. We could lose are selfs if we are not aware of are action. We to be aware at all times and stay focus.

  32. Jeanpaul montano
    Period 4
    English 12
    Torture can not be justified. I strongly disagree with President Trump because torture goes against our rights. We say that we can protect everyone from cruel and harsh punishment yet torture is still supported. It is not legal in the United States. Hate cannot be driven out with hate because two wrongs do not make a right. It would just cause more problems in society. Since everyone often disagrees on topics I feel we will not obtain a world without problems. Winston is happy now because he does not have to worry about getting caught or fighting Big Brother.

  33. Heavin Chambers
    English 12 PD4
    Ms Gray and Mr Ehsan

    Torture can be both justified and not justified because in some cases it isn't necessary and in other cases it is necessary if other people life's are in danger.I disagree with President Trump because using torture in our society can lead to more chaos. Hate can't drive out hate all that does is lead to more hate spreading.

  34. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4
    English 12

    To begin with, torture will honestly never ever be justified in modern society today. The reasoning behind this is. Torturing someone is causing them pain and damage to them emotionally, physically, and psychologically. I do not agree with President Trumps idea on torture. It may work but it is not necessary. It is inflicting pain on someone and they may not even be at fault or know any information. I do not know if we will ever have a world that relies on violence to solve conflicts. There will always be conflict and it can be solved in many ways. I think that he is happier that he does not have to fight against big brother but he is also sad because he would have been happier if he was able to love Julia and have free will.

  35. Clarissa Jara
    April 20,18
    Pd 6
    Torture can’t be justified due to the fact that it is unethical and illegal in our country. Torture shouldn’t be allowed or taken in consideration as a method of punishment, people who have this kind of mindset can lead to have mental problems in a future. I disagree with Donald Trump that torture should be used against those who wants to harm the country, there’s many other solutions rather than physically hurt someone. Torturing that human being wouldn’t lead to a decrease in violence nor stop terrorism it is only a way to take anger out, the way out of violence doesn’t require more violence. Winston isn’t happy that he has to fight against big brother anymore because he is manipulated by him and told to believe something against his beliefs, he wanted to stand up for himself and everyone and find out the truth but he become to be like the rest of them.

  36. Justin Cabello
    April 20, 2018

    Torture can be justified because if someone had information pertaining the a bomb that would kill thousands of innocents people, you would want to know about it. I agree with President Trump about what he believes in torture. You can sometimes drive out hate with hate. In our world, this world can never be without violence. However, I think Winston is happy because he won't have to fight against big brother anymore. He can live in peace without worrying.

  37. umps view. Torture will never ever be justified it is in humane and just plain wrong. You never win with hate. Hate is what causes so many deaths And pain. Our world will always have violence because we have so much hate in us. Winston is just happy because he is not in pain anymore because big brother forced it out of him.

  38. Helen Barraza
    Torture can't be justified because it is illegal in our country. I disagree with president Trump because torture will bring more chaos to the problem and sometimes people don't mind dying for their country or for where they came from. you can't drive out hate with hate because it does not solve anything but leave everything the same the way it is, there is no change in society if we respond the same way back. We will never have a world that doesn't rely on violence because their will always be chaos and no order on how we handle things mostly when it comes with economic issue or global problem.I think he is happy because he doesn't have to doublethink anymore and doubt himself if he believes in big brother.

  39. Anthony Marino
    April 20, 2018
    Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    I believe that torture can justified because the person deserves to be treated the way he treated others. I feel that torture would be important in my our society to gain control over people who are crazy.

  40. Torture can't be justified because torture is illegal in our country. I don't agree with President Trump because that can mentally mess with someones brain and that can make them become crazy in the future. You can't drive out hate with hate because it basically creates more hate and more hate creates more violence.

  41. Torture can be justified if it’s against people who get a sick pleasure out of acts of torture because we are punishing them not taking pleasure in it. They are not the same which many people argue.

  42. Troy Yar
    April 20th, 2018
    English 12 Pd. 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Grey

    Can torture be justified? Do you agree or disagree with President Trumps believes about Torture? Can you drive out hate with hate? Will we ever have a world that doesn’t rely on violence to solve global social, political or economic issues? Do you think Winston is happier because he does not have to fight against “Big Brother” anymore?

    Torture should not be justified because it's simply inhumane. I disagree with President Trump's beliefs because he simply wants nothing more but attention from the American people. It's so blatantly obvious, it's ridiculous that people are still playing into it. The only thing that can drive out hate is love and nothing else.

  43. Adrian Gonzalez
    April 20, 2018
    Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    I think that torture can be justified if the reasons for torture are significant enough. the crime has to be so severe and time a factor to solving the crime for torture to be justified. that is why i think torture can be justified.

  44. Danielle Soto
    Period 6
    Torture isn’t the answer. If we give out hate and pain we will only get it in return. Two wrongs doesn’t make a right and it’s scary that trump things torture can help us in anyway. There are better ways to get answers and information from people. I don’t think Winston is happier now since he is brainwashed by big brother. He can’t think of himself and he lost the love of his life.

  45. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Torture can never be justified. I strongly disagree with Trump’s view on torture due to his mindset of fighting fire with fire. Those actions will just provoke more violence. Driving out hate with hate is a false concept. Peace wins over evil anytime.

  46. Irving McKay
    April 20, 2018
    Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Torture can only be justified if it has a valid reason behind it. In life-threatening situations where a person's life or multiple lives may be at risk, it can be justified if it will allow you to gain information that can save people. As it stands, torture is inhumane and wrong, but it's necessary to ensure the safety of other people. I disagree with Trump as he advocates torture as a solution to any problem.

  47. Jasmine Harris
    Ehsan E12 PD6
    Torture can't be justified. Not only is it illegal, it's detrimental to ones mental and physical health. Torture may also set a bad example to the people. I disagree with president Trump about what he believes in torture. Physically and mentally hurting someone is just bad and unacceptable. You can't drive out hate with hate. This world will always have violence. Everything is settled with violence. Lastly, Winston isn't happy because big brother manipulated him.

  48. Starr Joseph
    Period 6

    Torture can be justified. Debating on the situation torture can be justified, if we are in danger and the government needs to go through extreme measures in order to get information i feel like they should. I dont really agree with trump, in some situations you can not drive out hate with hate. In this world the government may feel as if violence is key, and in some situations this can be the answer to their solution. In my opinion winston is happy that he doesnt have to fight against big brother.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Torture can be justified. When it comes to saving thousands of people everyone is ok with it. What if torture was used to prevent another 9/11. The military is constantly doing the impossible trying to keep us safe and maintain our freedom. Torture is necessary in order to ensure that this country remains free.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Alisha Shakeer
    English 12/ Period 6
    April 20, 2018

    Torture can be justified in some situations. I say this because sometimes it’s necessary to use torture. I agree and then disagree with trump. Torture is only sometimes the answer.
    I don’t think you can drive hate out with hate because it’ll only cause more chaos and more hate than peace. We most likely would never be able to live in a violence free world because the government uses violence so much in today’s society that they don’t know a world without violence. Also I think Winston is happier without “big brother” in his life.

  53. Nasthasia Thomas
    Mr Ehsan pd 4

    I don't believe torture can be justified because its just not something humans should do to each other. Whether they did committed a crime or not, there should be other ways to reprimand a person for their behavior. I agree with presidents Trump's believes about torture, because it does work but its not something we as human beings should do to each other because its not right. No, I don't believe you can drive out hate with hate, same reason why you shouldn't fight fire with fire. It just won't get you anywhere and will make the situation critical. I don't think we won't live in a world where the world doesn't rely on violence because everyone believes violence is the answer. its been like thats for years. I do think Winston is happier that he doesn't have to fight against big brother anymore because he's not getting tortured or manipulated anymore.

  54. Lawrence Lue
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    Can torture be justified? Do you agree or disagree with President Trumps believes about Torture? Can you drive out hate with hate? Will we ever have a world that doesn’t rely on violence to solve global social, political or economic issues? Do you think Winston is happier because he does not have to fight against “Big Brother” anymore?

    Torture cannot be justified. It is inhumane to torture. I disagree with President Trumps beliefs about torture because you do not need torture to get what you want. There are other things you can do instead of torture. I dont think you can rive out hate with hate but with love. I think we will never have a world that doesnt rely on violence to solve global, social, political and economic issues.

  55. Osvaldo Estevez

    Torture can be justified, if it's for the greater good then yes I believe torture is necessary. I agree with trumps believes about torture. No you can't drive out hate with hate that's the same as two wrong don't make a right. I do believe Winston is happier no that he doesn't have to fight with Big Brother anymore, I Think it took a lot of his energy.

  56. Marc Gonzalez
    English 12

    I dont believe torture can be justified , it cant be justified because torture is the worst thing you can do to a human being. I agree with President Trumps beliefs about torture because torture is effective in investigative situations but its not something thats right to be done to another human being.I dont think we will ever have a world that doesn’t rely on violence to solve global social, political or economic issues because we know that through violence it is effective enough to solve these issues. I do think Winston is happier because he doesnt have to think about the past , he doesnt have to be in fear of getting caught in going against the party.

  57. Shania Sawh
    English 12

    I believe that torture can be justified in certain instances. If there is evidence that connects an individual to a crime or future attack, then torturing that person in order to potentially save lives would be worth it. However, there has been times when innocent people have been tortured and even killed. I disagree with Trump's views on torture because torture is inhumane and isn't even effective because those who are dangerous are determined to keep their plans a secret. They will give up false information in order to save themselves. It is not possible to drive out hate with more hate because hatred will only cause more hatred; you can't force peace.

  58. I believe torture can be justified depending on the circumstances. I don't necessarily agree with Trump's believes of torture however if his believes is saving millions of lives i will support it. You can not drive out hate with hate because " Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right". We will never have a world with violence because it is human nature to be violent even if we don't want to or mean it. I think Winston is happy, but on the other hand i also think that he isn't happy because he isn't fighting bib brother any more.

  59. JeanPaul Montano
    Period 4
    Torture is justifiable if the safety of many innocent people is on the line and the person being torture is 100% related or part of the crime. I Agree with President Trump on his opinion of using water boarding as a torture technique because it gets the information required out of the criminal. However, you can’t drive out hate with hate because that will just create more tension and if one the sides wins the battle it will just be temporarily because someone will always want revenge. We will never have a world that doesn’t use violence to solve world wide issues that affect us all. I say that because human history revolves around violence, you could even say that its our natural instinct to use violence to feel powerful and solve our issues. Winston is happier now that he doesn’t have to fight Big Brother because he no longer has to worry about getting caught or losing his life for betraying the party.


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