Blogger Assignment # 16

Identify and explain  2 different usages of  Orwellian ideas in our society today? Pick one from your two Orwellian symbols and relate that to your day to day life?

Please make sure to have a proper heading. Utilize contextual and textual evidence gathered from the class notes/video or images to defend your claims.

Keep your response limited to one paragraph.
(5 to 7 sentences)


  1. In others states marijuna in legal, but in New York it isn't and people get arrested for doing and selling it. This shows they don't really have control of what they are doing.

  2. Anjali Krishnanan
    April 12, 2018
    English 12 Period:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today is tele screen and endless war. The technology we now have in absolutely insane and partly scary. There is a very good possibility that there are hidden cameras and microphones everywhere. Most people just don't have the intelligence to realize that the government is always watching and listening to us. Another idea is endless war. In America for everyone being born after 1992 those popes have never lived a day in their life where their country is fighting against a war. In todays life technology is not really giving us space. Sometimes people want privacy. For example, Snapchat is now allowing people to see where we are at all times, unless we put it on ghost mode ourselves. People don't realize we are steering ourselves towards a life just like this book.

  3. Marianna Iorio
    April 11,2018
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society is a government control and telescreen, because the government controls us through technology and fake news and telescreen can relate to the fake news that is told to us daily. I think government control and manipulation relates to my daily life because every day I use social media and apparently all of our data is being tracked and looked at and they listen to us through our phones to know what we like and send ads to us, to make us spend more money. When I see ads that intrest me, of course I am going to spend money and get it and therefore feed into the governments trap.

  4. Samantha Loureiro
    April 11, 2018
    Pd 6: E12
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Grey
    Two different usages of Orwellian idea in our society today would be government control (BB in 1984) and the new technology (TVs, phones, iPads, etc.) With government control, they have the control on us. They give up news but they will only tell us about 1/2 of story instead of the true story. When it comes to the new technology, it’s a way for people to get our information without knowing that your information is o there. The one that relates to my daily life is the new technology. As I grow up the technology will grow along with social media and what’s going on with the people themselves.

  5. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    April 11,2018

    Two types of Orwellian ideas in our society are government control/manipulation and technology. The government controls us through the media with fake news and new technology is always being created through which we receive our news.The one that relates to me the most is the new technology. As I continue to grow, new technology will be created that I will want in order to keep up with social media. Technology will only continue to advance as people do.

  6. Mathew Torres
    April 11, 2018
    English 12 PD:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Two different usage of Orwellian ideas in our society today, are Newspeak, and The Surveillance State. The idea of Newspeak by abbreviating words or using emojis to replace words. The idea of The Surveillance of State is seen by, being constantly monitored by the usage of cameras, cellphones, or while we are in the internet. We use Newspeak daily, whether we are texting our friends, or posting an emoji online to represent a word. While it is simpler to do this, the fact is that we are removing words from our vocabulary, instead of saying "happy' we post a picture of a smiley face emoji, but that same emoji can be used to say, "smile". Words are also losing their value and meaning by being dissected, for example; RN (Right Now), GR8 (GREAT), and
    OTOH ( ON THE OTHER HAND). The English grammar is being lost, by more people resorting to this "new" type of language.

  7. Tamia Alvarez
    English 12 prd 4

    Two different usage of Orwell's ideas were Telescreens and government control. Telescreens are like TV and devices for people to watch so that people will follow as the government wants. Government control is when the government wants you to follow specific instructions or else penalty's will be placed. If I had tp pick one symbol it would be telescreens because today in society everything they show on tv such as news and commercials are to convinced us that we should do what they are implying but instead of saying it in a commanding manner they say it over and over to make you believe.

  8. Nestor Robles
    English 12 Period 2
    April 11, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Two usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today is government control and tele screen. Most of our technology today makes people concerned about safety. People from our government have the power to view what people are doing on a daily basis. Most of the knowledge and intelligence is hidden from them to make sure that society doesn’t know that we are being watched. Nowadays, its very hard to hold your personal privacy. Technology can hear and watch whats being told from ourselves. I believe so that the government will never be overthrown by taking over the digital field.

  9. Two ideas Orwellian used in our society today is government control and technology. Technology that is used today concern most people because they are wondering if there privacy is being looked at on a daily basis. Technology has been growing also the past years. New technology is being created and people are being watched by the government and there conversations are being heard by them. If I had to choose my symbol it would be technology because new technology is being created to invade people's privacy and more and more people are being concerned about it.

  10. Nasthasia Thomas
    English 12 pd 4
    Mr Ehsan

    The two different usages of Orwellian's ideas used in our society today is government control and newspeak. In today's society the government has the power to hear and view what people are doing. The government has a bunch of restrictions in line so that people can follow and if they don't obey by the rules theres always consequences. The government controls us through the technology around us and present us with fake news. society uses Newspeak daily by abbreviating words and using emojis to communicate. By doing that were just cutting down on our vocabulary rather than expanding on it. If I were to pick one of Orwellian's symbol and relate it to my everyday night it would be newspeak. Newspeak is in my everyday life because while texting us teenagers like to use emojis and acronyms to cut down our sentences so that were able to text faster.

  11. Najiaa Uddin
    April 12, 2018
    English 12 pd 4

    Two different Orwellian usages of ideas that are used in modern day society is the government control and manipulation. The government controls everything that we do, everything we see, and the knowledge we are obtaining. they manipulate is by making us go against eachother and believing concepts that aren't true.
    For example kids that have obesity is a huge problem.
    They collaborate with famous food or drink companies and tell us that they are healthy even though they are foods filled with fat and drinks filled with sugar. They give us fake news. They do this because obesity provides them money. They want kids to eat more so they spend more . One way government control is used in my daily life is advertisements. If I am looking for something on google they have cookies to track what i am interested in and begin to show me ads about this product

  12. Nicole Amaral
    English 12 Period 4
    Mr. Ehsan/Ms. Gray
    April 12, 2018

    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today are government control and the telescreen, Government Control is when they are controlling you and everything you do. The telescreen is like a TV and they are watching you and your every move you make and they can see what you are doing.

  13. Brianna Derry
    English 12, Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    April 12, 2018
    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today would be the government and endless war. The Big Brother in 1984 is always controlling us and watching our every move. They unknowingly control us through outlets such as social media, tracking our likes/search history and our posts. It’s one of their main ways to track us and have control over society. Endless war also exists in our society today. War has always existed but especially after the year 1914 with World War I, it’s been one war after another and the world is filled with corruption/violence.

  14. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today are the government control and technology. In today's society the government can hear and see what you are doing and technology is a big thing in today's society because people are making sure that their privacy are safe and secure.

  15. Angel Perez
    English 12
    Period 2

    Two different uses of Orwellian ideas in today’s society are the governments use of pretentious words to make the lies sound like the truth and feeding ready made phrases and ideas to the people on social media. There are many times when I’m on social media or anywhere on the internet that new pops up and read a bunch of one sided opinion based news that shoves a bunch a facts down the readers throat just to sway their mind. I live in a generation where seeing one fact on instagram means you’re woke on the things that are happening in the world we live in. Just like in 1984 we are given a cut out of what the truth really is, however a lot of people choose to believe in what they see and share it a bunch of times instead of ever thinking of fact-checking.

  16. Christian battaglia
    Period 2

    The two types of Orwellian ideas in todays society are govt control/manipulation and technology. The govt controls us through the media with fake news and new technology is always being created through which we receive our news.The one that relates to me the most is the new technology. As I continue to grow, new technology will be created that I will want in order to keep up with social media. Technology will only continue to advance as people do. Technology can be used against us as it does aid us at times.

  17. Maria Lopez
    Period 4
    The two types of Orwellian ideas in todays society are control and manipulated and technology is government. The government controls us through the everything with fake news and non real things. New Technology is a part of my life because everything changes since the day i was born technology has increased new things are getting invented everyday. One thing is that Technology can be used against us as people can get your account on any social media and do things to you.

  18. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4th / English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    To being with, the two pivotal ideas Orwellian utilizes in our society today is government control and technology. Technology that is used in modern society truly concerns most people because they are wondering if their personal privacy is being looked at constantly by the government on a daily basis. Technology has been expanding greatly over the past years. New technology is being created and people are being watched by the government and there conversations are being heard by them. If I had to choose my symbol it would be technology because new technology is being created to invade people's privacy and more and more people are being concerned about it.

  19. Technology is used to convince us that we need it to be successful. The majority of the worlds success comes through a form of technology. The government uses technology to convince us into buying certain products. It’s all over billboards and commercials.

  20. Troy Yar
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    April 13th, 2018
    Period 6

    An orwellian idea is that we should grow up, start a family, get a job, a home, etc., just to be successful. This is the American idea of success. However, other people have various different opinions of success, and what it means to be successful. Success could mean attaining your goals, even if they don't include these various things such as gaining money, getting a job and whatnot.

  21. Aliya Imran
    Period 6
    April 13, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan

    The two types of Orwellian jeans in today’s society is control, and manipulation, as technology is the government. The government basically controls everything that we do. The government finds a way to brainwash citizens in order to make them believe everything that is said, even if it is untrue. Technology can be used against us because it is an invasion of our privacy, which is unfair.

  22. Alisha Shakeer
    Period 6 English 12
    Mr. Ehsan
    The usages of Orwellian ideas in our society is government control and telescreen, I picked these two because the government controls us through technology, and social media and cameras and telescreen because of all the fake news that happens in today’s society. You really can’t believe everything that you read unless you find a reliable source.

  23. Diamond Ferrer

    One Orwellian idea portrayed in our society today is the fact that the government censors certain news that allowed to be broadcasted through the public. Another idea of Orwell portrayed to in our society is how propaganda is still distributed by the means of technology and spam mail.

  24. Adrian Gonzalez
    English 12

    Two Orwellian ideas in our society today is that technology is the future and that education is the key to success. Technology is used to convince us that we need it to be successful and The government uses technology to convince us into buying certain products. Those are two Orwellian ideas in our society.

  25. In our society there are many Orwellian ideas that are currently instilled into our society. Two of these Orwellian ideas practiced in our society today are we are constantly being monitored and the second being certain types of speech being banned and labeled as hate speech.

  26. Anthony Marino
    April 11, 2018
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Two different usage of Orwellian ideas in our society would be newspeak and speak easy.The idea of newspeak is used today as the news providers are always hiding the truth from us. Another example would be speakeasy today, there are illegal bars that have secret entrances to sneak people in and make quick exits.

  27. Jasmine Harris
    Ehsan & Grey
    Pd6 E12

    2 different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today would be, technology and fake news. Technology can be related to the tele screen in 1984. Through our cellphones, specifically through our social media apps and emails, we are being monitored. Fake news in todays society is a major problem we face today. Fake news makes us do additional research to confirm what we are being told is true. Tele screens relates to my every day life by my social media app knowing where my location is and what I google. Scrolling through the social media app of instagram, I'm constantly seeing advertisements of things that I previously looked up on Google.

  28. Jayda Black
    April 13th, 2018
    English 12 PD 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Two of Orwellian ideas that are used in today’s society is government and technology. The government is always watching us and somewhat has power on us and the technology has enhanced by a ton since then making it more advance and easier.

  29. Clarissa Jara
    April 13,18
    English 12 pd6
    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today are technology and cameras. The goverment takes advantage of the use of cameras and controls us without our knowledge. Technology is a tool that has been around for a while and it’s main purpose was to help people and our society but it has been a weapon against us

  30. Ashley Singh
    E12 pd 4

    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today arr government control and the rise of new technology. In our society today, privacy online is very scarce. The government can see and observe your profiles, have access to them. The government manipulates and controls us, through the simple everyday technology that we have.

  31. Marc Gonzalez
    April 15 2018
    English 12 pd 6

    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today are through advertisements and politics. Advertisements use certain wording in order to control the outlook you have on it , it creates an illusion , and has a control over you. In politics , politicians use certain words , euphemisms , to manipulate the effect their words have on you. Advertisements play a big part in my daily life , me and my family watch television , personally I can see the effect that the advertisements have on us , I witness the shift of mood from the words they choose to express the advertisement .

  32. Helen Barraza
    English 12 pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Two different usages of Orwell's ideas are technology and government control. Technology is used in our society to manipulate people to believe in something that is not real like need that are over exaggerated. And to purposely manipulate people to buy a certain product. The government has the control over everything. The "privacy" that we have is usually invaded and the data we have are sold to companies.

  33. Dilon Deolall
    Period 4

    Two forms of Orwellian ideas in our society would be technology and manipulation. Both work together in making our society the way it is. Manipulation is part of it because the government controls the things we believe in. They stand for their own word and does not listen to our perception on things. So we’re forced to think and believe their way is the right way. Technology works with manipulation because the government uses the technology to help circulate what is going on and what they are doing with the society.

  34. Two forms of Orwell’s ideas in today’s society is technology and government control. Today we use fake news to manipulate people into believing what we’re doing and why we’re doing it benefits them. The government has control over us and what we do. They can track and invade our privacy by basically hacking us. Technology has a huge role because things such as advertising make decision for the people.


  35. Two forms of Orwellian ideas in our society would be technology and manipulation. Both work together in making our society the way it is. Manipulation is part of it because the government controls the things we believe in.

  36. Anderson Salcedo
    April 18, 2018
    English 12, Pd: 6
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan
    Two different Orwellian concepts use in our society today are propaganda and mass surveillance. In 1984 George Orwell conveys to the reader that Big Bother uses false historical and statistical information to manipulate the people of Oceanic. He also conveys to the reader that Big Brother controls people through mass surveillance because of things like the telescreen that allow him to watch everyone. The Orwellian concept of Mass Surveillance is the most relatable to today’s society. The government constantly watches us through or searches on the internet, surveillance camera, and the one that has cause numerous controversies, listening to our phone conversation.

  37. Rodolfo Romero
    Mr Ehsan / Ms Gray
    Period 2

    Two ideas Orwellian used in our society today is government control and technology. Technology that is used today is used to inform and concern people because they are wondering if there privacy is being looked at on a daily basis. Some people find that they have no privacy. Technology has been growing also the past years. New technology is being created and people are being watched by the government and there conversations are being heard by them. If I had to choose my symbol it would be technology because new technology is being created to invade people's privacy and more and more people are being concerned about it.

  38. Asha Alhalmi
    Period 6

    Two ideas Orwellian used in our society today are tele screens and endless wars. Tele screens represent today’s society 100%. In today’s world we have technology that is so advanced it can be used to record everything we say and basically spy on us. This is similar to tele screens because they watch your every move. Our government and companies convince us to buy popular new phones or technology but in reality they are just using a new way to spy on us even more and that method is working. Another idea are endless wars. In modern day society there is so many problems and conflicts in the world. Wars are happening all over the world, wars are happening within our selves. These two ideas our used in today’s society.

  39. Christopher Marin
    English 12 Period 4

    Two different usage of Orwellian ideas in our society today, are Newspeak, and The Surveillance State. The idea of Newspeak by abbreviating words or using emojis to replace words. The idea of The Surveillance of State is seen by, being constantly monitored by the usage of cameras, cellphones, or while we are in the internet. We use Newspeak daily, whether we are texting our friends, or posting an emoji online to represent a word. While it is simpler to do this, the fact is that we are removing words from our vocabulary, instead of saying "happy' we post a picture of a smiley face emoji, but that same emoji can be used to say, "smile". Words are also losing their value and meaning by being dissected, for example; RN (Right Now), GR8 (GREAT), and
    OTOH ( ON THE OTHER HAND). The English grammar is being lost, by more people resorting to this "new" type of language.

  40. Jp Montano
    Period 4
    English 12
    Two different uses of Orwellian ideas in today’s society are the governments use of pretentious words to make the lies sound like the truth and feeding ready made phrases and ideas to the people on social media. There are many times when I’m on social media or anywhere on the internet that new pops up and read a bunch of one sided opinion based news that shoves a bunch a facts down the readers throat just to sway their mind. I live in a generation where seeing one fact on instagram means you’re woke on the things that are happening in the world we live in. Just like in 1984 we are given a cut out of what the truth really is, however a lot of people choose to believe in what they see and share it a bunch of times instead of ever thinking of fact-checking

  41. Justin Cabello
    April 20, 2018

    Two usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today is government control and tele screen. Most of our technology today makes people concerned about safety. People from our government have the power to view what people are doing on a daily basis. Most of the knowledge and intelligence is hidden from them to make sure that society doesn’t know that we are being watched. Nowadays, its very hard to hold your personal privacy. Technology can hear and watch whats being told from ourselves. I believe so that the government will never be overthrown by taking over the digital field

  42. Two differ usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today are double think and control. We double think today because it’s not really big brother but is the government through our smart technology how we need it to survive or how we use it for everything and they are watching us through camera all around us n in our technology.

  43. Starr Joseph
    Period 6

    Orwellian ideas in our society today are through advertisements and politics. Advertisements word things a certain way in order to control the outlook you have on it , it creates an illusion , and has a control over you. In politics , politicians use certain words , euphemisms , to manipulate the effect their words have on you. Advertisements play a big part in my daily life , me and my family watch television , personally I can see the effect that the advertisements have on us , I witness the shift of mood from the words they choose to express the advertisement .

  44. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Two modern day Orwellian ideas in our society are government control and technology. The government enforces stricter laws by the decade and creates rights that are malleable. Technology is advancing to the point where privacy is non-existent and total privacy/isolation is extremely rare. Big Brother is an idea that is not far-fetched.

  45. Danielle Soto
    Period 6
    Today we have control and manipulation. The government uses these today though technology like our phones and ads. The ads manipulate us to buy things and put our trust in the government. That also use lies to control us and the thing what we want. They lie on the news to make things seem worst and we fear things. Thus we put our trust in the government to protect us.

  46. One different usage is Newspeak and it is still being used today in our society.

  47. Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today are through advertisements and politics. Advertisements use certain wording in order to control the outlook you have on it , it creates an illusion , and has a control over you. In politics , politicians use certain words , euphemisms , to manipulate the effect their words have on you. Advertisements play a big part in my daily life and as well as many others. Me and my family watch television , personally I can see the effect that the

  48. Lawrence Lue
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    Identify and explain 2 different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society today? Pick one from your two Orwellian symbols and relate that to your day to day life?

    Two usages pf Orwellian ideas in our society today are the government and technological advancements. Through the advancements of new technology the government is watching and monitoring the people. We have no privacy. Through the new technology the government can track us by accessing our location and see us through our cameras through our phones, tablets, laptops etc.

  49. Osvaldo Estevez

    Two different usages of Orwellian ideas in our society is a government control and television , The government uses these today though technology. The government will try to control us based on what society today thinks is popular because they know in todays society we will buy in into anything that Is popular. They also supply us with fake news or give us stories without the full details just to make the story more interesting.

  50. Two Orwellian ideas in our society are constant surveillance and fake news. Constant surveillance is an Orwellian idea because we are under constant surveillance no matter where we are. Companies are listening to our conversations so that they can target audiences and advertise to specific audiences. Another Orwellian idea that's noticeable in our society today is fake news. New channels and even our government is filtering current events so that member of society aren't receiving all the facts of news that concern us.


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