Blogger # 8
December 11th, 2017

How does Victor Frankenstein’s Journey throughout Europe, inspire, provoke and inevitably destroy Victor?

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  1. Mathew Torres
    English 12 PD:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Even though Victor was originally inspired to study natural philosophy, it was his meeting with Prof. Waldman that peeks his interest in science especially in alchemy and the creation of life. But Victor gets more than he bargained for, and instead of embracing the success of his creation, he flees from him along with his inner demons. But Victor soon realizes that the monster, wouldn't be so easily to get away from, and murders his brother. Victor becomes consume to right his wrongs, and travels to protect the one thing that he didn't value when he had them, his family. Now Victor must leave his family, in hopes they will not be affected by his demons. Victor's original obsession with creation of life, has halted him for living his own, ultimately sacrificing his happiness and his life.

  2. Samantha Loureiro
    December 13, 2017
    Mr. Eshan & Ms. Gray
    Pd 6: English 12
    Throughout Victor’s journey in Europe, he was in Geneva at School International De Genève when he was studying natural philosophy. Once he leaves and heads to Ingolstadt, Germany to pursue philosophical studies. However he returned to Geneve because of his mother. Her death inspired him to create life. What provoked him was the lost of his little brother William and after when he saw his creation. He was in Ingolstadt when he got a letter from his “lover” Elizabeth about the death of William. He really provoked once he hear the news and that he wants to destroy the monster that he created after his mother’s death. He’s realized that he must inevitably destroy his creation. He follows the clues that his left and that led him to the North Pole and he sees Mr. Walton’s ships and shares his experience and warns him of the dangers of breaking the laws of nature.

  3. Tamia Alvarez
    Mr. ehsan
    Prd 4
    Victor Frankenstein's journey to Europe inspired him to continue his path of philosophy. On the trip he was also provoked to continue making a creation because his other one killed a human being. This trip also destroys Frankenstein because he was welcomed coldly and accused of murder, he then see's his dead friend which makes him grief and he gets sent to jail.

    1. I agree with Tamia. The journey he had took to Europe had increased his want for continuing philosophy. But this wasn’t good for Frankenstein because he was still treated very poorly and has been suspect of a murder.

  4. Nestor Robles
    December 13, 2017
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    Period 2 : English 12

    Victor Frankenstein’s Journey throughout Europe can inspire , provoke and destroy Victor because the setting has tranquility and most of the location is an imagination feeling. Victor returned to Geneva because of his mothers death which gave him inspiration to start a new chapter in life. The lost of his brother William was what provoked him after he saw his creation. Victor feels that his creation should be destroyed because he felt unaccomplished of his goal to create the monster.

  5. Marianna Iorio
    December 13,2017
    Period 6 English 12

    Victor Frankensteins trip throughout Europe can inspire, provoke, and destroy Victor because it can inspire him because he created something that no one else have ever did before, but it can also destroy him because he was not happy with what he created and it mentally made him sick and he wanted no part of it, especially since it killed his little brother.

  6. Dilon Deolall
    Period 4
    December 14, 2017

    The journey Victor took to Europe helps him realize many things. It’s inspires him because he realizes he wants to continue his study in philosophy. It provoked him because he made a creatation that no one has invented before but it was a failed creatation so he has to keep trying to make one that will work. It destroyed him because his creatation killed an individual and he has to live with the guilt of that because he made it.

  7. Zackery Langert
    English 12
    When Victor travel to Europe it Inspired him to continue studying philosophy. Also he learned about the human body and why human are on the earth. It tortures him from going to Europe bc when he start to created the monster with all the knowledge he was giving in Europe the monster killed someone and now he his to live the guilt for the rast of his life. It was his responsibility bc he created the monster who killed the two guys.

  8. Diamond Ferrer
    English 12
    Pd. 6

    Victor is inpired on his journey in Europe to continue his disire to learn about philosphy and science. He learns a lot from talking to a very intelligent professor and it provokes him to creating a wonder of his own. Little does he know that wonder will be his downfall, creating a monster he dispises and then proceeds to kill his brother while framing a close family member as the murder, sentencing her to death.

  9. Anjali Krishnanan
    December 14, 2017
    English 12 Period:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Victor Frankenstein's Journey throughout Europe, inspire, provoke and inevitably destroy Victor by him experiencing new things to create his monster. Then, the creature kills everybody around Victor because he cannot kills his creator. Once he started to travel to experience his condition, it did not value what he taught was right enough. Many things switched up as he experienced new things around him. Victor creation reflects on him within the responsibility he took advantage on. His journey through Northern Europe seems to be a version upon the creature's own journey.

  10. Maria Lopez
    Victor's journey in Europe is to learn about philosophy and science. Victor learned a lot from talking to a professor that inspired him to create something of his own. When Victor created something of his own he did not know that creating something so amazing can be so devastating, by creating Frankenstein he detest and killed him own brother then framed a relative and send them to death sentence.

  11. When Victor traveled to Europe, it encouraged him to study philosophy and science. This had a negative impact on him because he created a monster that no one has made before, and it was something he didn’t expect it to be. This destroyed Victor, because his creation killed someone, and Victor would have to live with the guilt of that, because it was his creation.

  12. Helen Barraza
    English 12 period 6
    Ms. Gray, Mr. Ehsan

    Victor Frankenstein journey throughout Europe inspired him to pursue knowledge and learn and study different things he also studied different languages. It also destroyed victor because with him pursuing knowledge he also had an idea to create a monster to replace his mother and after the creation he despised his creation and that creation was a burden to him. It destroyed him by making him Ponder suicide.


  13. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Victor Frankenstein was inspired during his journey to Europe because he wanted to continue to learn about philosophy and that had a negative impact on Victor, and it also destroyed him as well and when Victor created the monster it killed someone, Victor has to live with that guilt for the rest of his life.

  14. Autumn Moore
    English 12 Prd 4
    Ehsan and Gray
    Victor's journey in Europe inspired him to continue his desire to learn about philosphy science and different languages. He learns a handful of things from talking to professors , learning different languages, etc.. This encourages him to create a creation of his own. However His creation turned into his downfall for a short period, he created something he thought he'd enjoy however he created a monster who he wanted to destroy after days and nights of making it. This horrible creation does everything wrong such as kill his brother which lead to the framing of a innocent family member as the murder, this turned into sentencing her to death.

  15. Victor journey to Europe inspired him to do what he does and learn about philosophy science and he learns from other teachers which makes him do his own creation and bye mistake he created a monster to life and that he wants to destroy it and ends up killing someone he and know he has too live with it

  16. Victor Frankenstein’s Journey throughout Europe, inspired, provoke and destroyed Victor because it inspired and provoke Victor to continue learning about philosophy and physical science. It also destroyed Victor because he created a "monster" to do good stuff and help society but it ended up murdering his younger brother William and causing damage.

  17. Victor Frankenstein’s journey through Europe, inspired, provoked and destroyed Victor because he kept learning about philosophy science and also different languages. This encourages him to make his own creation, but realized he had created a monster. He later wants to destroy that creation because he thinks it’s ugly and doesn’t like it.

  18. Victors trip to Europe gives him the opportunity to meet professor Waldmen. He inspires him to study more into alchemy and the creation of life. Which leads Victor to try and create something himself, his creation turns into his worst nightmare and inevitably ruins his life.

  19. Sara Alli
    E 12 Pd 4

    Victors journey throughout Europe inspires him to study further into science instead of studying philosophy. His mothers death inspired him to create a life and to study the background behind it. He becomes obsessed with creating his invention that it distances him and destroys him from any family relationships.

  20. Ravin Narine
    English 12, Pd 4
    December 15, 2017

    Victor Frankenstein’s journey throughout Europe inspired, provoked and destroyed Victor. It inspired him to pursue learning about philosophy and physical science. It provoked and destroyed him because the mister he created didn’t come out how he imagined. The monster turned out to be evil instead of what he hoped for and it killed his brother William leaving Victor destroyed. He feels guilty and he feels like it was all his fault because he created the monster.

  21. Angel Perez
    English 12

    Throught Victor’s journey he starts off as some who is enlightened. He saw things clearly and studied the things that interest him. He didn’t let anything get interfere with his relationship with his family. However after his mother dies who he was changed for the worst. Victor started to break down and he needed to find a way to cope with his issues in any way he could.

  22. Matthew Lesner
    English 12 pd 4
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 15, 2017

    Victor Frankenstein’s journey throughout Europe inspired, provoked and destroyed victor. It inspires him to learn about physical science and philosophy. It provoked and destroyed him because the monster he created wasn’t what he planned it to be. The monster turned out to be ugly and not good. It escaped and killed his brother William. It made him feel guilty because his creation killed his brother and making Justine dying from people thinking that she killed william.

  23. Troy Yar
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan and Ms. Gray

    Victor Frankenstein's journey throughout Europe not only inspired and provoked his creative and scientific thought, but it also ultimately led to his inevitable downfall. It inspired him because he teamed up with Henry Clerval to go around and focus on languages such as asian, french, etc. However, it ultimately led to his downfall because he got into some issues with the monster killing people in which he loves, which he went to trial for. This led to him becoming truly remorseful and contemplating death.

  24. Chris Gonzalez
    My Eshan

    Victors trip to Europe calmed him down and made him want to continue his work. His mother’s death inspired him to create new life and he becomes obsessed with is work that months pass without him knowing.

  25. Rodolfo Romero
    English Period 2
    Mr Ehsan and Ms Gray

    Victors journey to Europe inspires him more than he already is because he meets Dr Waldmen. It inspires him to study more into the creation of life and get a few tips from the experience. As said in the book months pass and the seasons changed and he is so focused on working that he doesnt realize . He is really glued to perfecting his craft.

  26. Marc Gonzalez
    English 12 Pd 6
    December 15 2017

    How does Victor Frankenstein’s Journey throughout Europe, inspire, provoke and inevitably destroy Victor?
    Victors inspirations to learn and explore more over the physical sciences developed and enhanced throughout his journeys in Europe . With all this knowledge he takes interest in creating something of his own , but after he is successful with creating the monster, he cowards away and abandons the monster , and his actions lead to his downfall

  27. Nicole Kiburis
    Period 8
    Victor Frankensteins journey throughout europe inspires him and he creates things on his own and has a lot of motivation to do so and helps him have motivation to work more on it.

  28. Malissa Dirpaul
    English 12 Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Victor Frankenstein's journey throughout Europe inspire, provoke, and inevitably destroys Victor by growing tired of traveling everywhere over his obsession of taking down the creature. The creature was slowly killing everyone he loved, so by chasing down the creature Victor was given the ability to find away to stop the creature from destroying everyone.

  29. Jayda Black
    English Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 15, 2017
    Victor Frankenstein’s Journey throughout Europe, inspire, provoke and inevitably destroy Victor by having Victor become excited from creating a creature and then having the creature act differently then from what he has imagined. Victor ends up being accused of murder and basically feels as if it is his fault because he has made the creation that has made so much damaged.

  30. Clarissa Jara
    English 12 pd 6
    December 15, 17
    Víctor frankenstein's journey influenced him because he feels accomplished that he achieved his goal which was to create life, however he is not fully satisfied with his results since it didn't turn out the way he expect it. His undesired creation makes him hate his passion of discovering since but when he started his journey that changed and he felt that he needed to fix his mistakes and remain with his passion for science

  31. Victor's journey inspired him to break the laws of science and create his monster. His journey also provokes him to not only run away from his creation it provokes him to try to destroy his creation. Finally his journey inevitably destroys him because in his finally moments he was following the clues that his creation left behind and he ended up in the North Pole where he dies.

  32. Danielle soto
    Period 6
    Victor's Journey thought Europe motivated him to continue on his path of science. He wanted to gain more knowledge and because of that. Because of him wanting to seek more knowledge he discovered more than he wanted.

  33. Shania Sawh
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 15, 2017

    Victor Frankenstein's journey through Europe inspired him to learn more about science and this led him to create things of his own. However, it also inevitably destroys him because his creation of the monster was followed by him abandoning the monster and it becoming violent which ultimately led to his destruction.

  34. Anthony Marino
    English 12 Pd 6
    Me. Ehsan
    December 15th

    Victor Frankenstein journey throughout Europe made him want to continue working on the creation. After creating it he desides to abandon it because he is ugly.

  35. Asha Alhalmi
    Period 6
    English 12

    Victor Frankenstein's journey inspires, provokes and destroys. His journey causes him to study in science. He focuses on using his knowledge to create life. He slowly abandons and ignores everything around him and focuses on his creation. Once he is done this is where destroy comes in. Victor is disgusted by his creation and abandons it. When he abandons it that's where all the chaos and trouble occurs.

  36. Natalie Sanasie
    English 12 period 6

    Victor Frankenstein trip through Europe cause him to study and focus more on science. He mostly was focusing on the knowledge to create life and he was so lost in emotions he forgets that he ignored everything around him and was mostly focusing on his creation. Also once he was finish creating his creature he hated it and abandoned it.

  37. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 15,2017

    Victor Frankenstein’s journey through Europe had motivated him to learn more about the laws of science. He was able to create something that no one else was able to. However, this does destroy him because he was not completely satisfied with his creation especially since he ends up being convicted of murder. This affects his mental state and he becomes depressed.

  38. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 15th, 2017

    Victor Frankenstein’s Trip to Europe provoked his motion of creating artificial life. He was inspired by the teachers and all the things he learned there. His knowledge in philosophy helped his true colors reveal themselves. However, his creation was destined to kill people and ruin Victor’s life and tranquility. This ultimately led to his tragic downfall, it destroyed his life.

  39. Irving McKay
    Mr. Ehsan
    Pd 6
    English 12

    Victor Frankenstein was born in Geneva, Switzerland and moved to the Metropolitan city of Milan when he was 5 years old. When he was 17, Victor returned to Geneva to study natural philosophy. Victor Frankenstein's journey throughout Europe first starts to negatively affects him first in Ingolstadt, Germany, since this is where he creates the monster. The monster's birth and Victor running away from it would signalize the first of Victor's fears and be the catalyst of the story.

  40. Anderson Salcedo
    English 12, Pd6
    December 15, 2017
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan

    Victor Frankenstein's journey throughout Europe inspired, provoked, and inevitably destroyed Victor because when he was 17 and lived in Geneve he studied natural philosophy in which he made great progress in his learning. So this could be one of the factors that drove Victor to become obsessed with learning the unknown. In Scotland Victor started his laboratory in which he created the monster and the place he stood at while he had isolated himself from his family.

  41. Leilani Rodriguez
    English 12 Pr 6
    December 15,2017
    Mr.Ehsan/Ms. Gray

    Victor journey throughout Europe inspired, provoked and inevitably destroyed Victor because he was motivated in the path to continue science. He got to see what his creation lead him to although he was disgusted by it he know what to set his limit to.

  42. Nasthasia Thomas
    mr. Ehsan
    period 4 english 12

    Victor Frankenstein's trip throughout Europe inspired, provoke, and inevitably destroy victor is by inspiring him to pursue his career in philosophy and physical science. Victor met professor Waldmen who inspired him to create something of his own after influencing to study the background of alchemy and the creation of life. However, after he successfully created his creation he gets frightened and runs aways and abandons the monster. After that his actions have lead to his downfall. The monster had killed his brother and he felt remorse.

  43. Jeanpaul Montano
    English 12
    Victor was originally inspired to study natural philosophy, it was his meeting with Prof. Waldman that made his interest in science especially in alchemy and the creation of life. But Victor gets more than he was looking for, and instead of embracing the success of his creation, he run away from It all But Victor soon realizes that the monster, wouldn't be so easily to get away from, and murders William. Victor becomes consume to right his wrongs, and travels to protect the one thing that he didn't value when he had them, his family. Now Victor must leave his family, in hopes they will not be affected by his own creation Victor's original obsession with creation of life, has halted him and his life.

  44. Victor Frakenstien’s journey through Europe was the climax of his inevative downfall. This journey also was the beggining of an awakening inside of Victor that lead him to start to see the world very differently. He begins to focus more on science because of meeting of Proffesor Waldman. This was the lead way into Him creating his monster. The monster that he shunned and the same monster that ruined his life.

  45. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4

    In my opinion, Victor Frankenstein was inspired through his journey. Throughout Europe he was inspired, provoked and inevitably the trip destroyed Victor. He experienced new and innovative things that helped him manifest his monster. This creation effectively leads to the creature killing people through the town. Once he started to travel to experience his condition, it did not value what he taught was right enough. Various things changed greatly as he experienced new things around him. Victor creation reflects on him within the responsibility he took advantage on. His journey through Northern Europe seemed to be a version upon the creature's own journey.

  46. Mr.Ehsan
    December 15, 2017

    Victor’s journey inspired him to persue into studying physical science and philosophy. Throughout his journey it was the beginning of his awakening to see new things. He got to see what his creation lead him with , even tho he was disgusted by it.

  47. Najia Uddin
    December 16,2017
    English 12 PD 4

    Victor Frankenstein's journey throughout Europe inspires, provokes, and inevitably destroys Victor. The journey inspires him by his philosophical path that he was on. He experienced many different things that eventually lead to him to see the world on a different perspective. The journey provoked him by the monster killing his loved ones. This would make Victor furious although he neglected his family because of his passion for science but they were still his family and he loved them. This journey inevitably destroyed him by exposing him to the truth about his monster. It was a murderer that already killed two of his loved ones. The creation was his responsibility yet he was not able to control it. This affects his mental state. It drowns him in guilt and ultimately destroys his life.

  48. Alisha Shakeer
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray
    English 12 Period 4
    Victors trip to Europe was for him to develop even more knowledge about science and philosophy. He was motivated about science which led him to a creation that he later abandoned. This is where Victor was destroyed because he was disappointed about his creation. He disliked it.

  49. Osvaldo Estevez
    period 4
    English 12

    Victors inspirations to learn and explore more over the physical sciences developed and enhanced throughout his journeys in Europe . He takes interest in creating something of his own. After he creates the monster he cowards away and leaves it. These actions lead to his downfall

  50. Kajol Sukhdeo
    Mr. Eshan & Ms. Gray
    Pd 6: English 12
    Throughout Victor’s journey in Europe, he studies in Geneva at School International De Genève when he was studying natural philosophy. Once he leaves and heads to Ingolstadt, Germany to pursue philosophical studies. However he returned to Geneva because of his mother. Her death inspired him to create the monster. What provoked him was the lost of his little brother William and after when he saw the monster. He’s realized that he must destroy his creation.

  51. His journey through Europe inspired him to pursues his passion of physical science. It was an awakening for him to see new experiences and learn things about hthis world he lives in.

  52. Victor Frankenstein’s Journey throughout Europe, inspire, provoke and inevitably destroy Victor by helping him study science and philosophy. It showed him see new things around the world.

  53. Rafid Hossain
    English 12 PD 4

    Victor Frankenstein’s journey throughout Europe opened the door to new experience. These new experiences have shaped how he has dealt with his creation.

  54. Victor Frankenstein’s Journey throughout Europe, inspire, provoke and inevitably destroy Victor by inspiring him to create something that was not done before. He wanted to create life. This destroyed him because he was not happy with the outcome and he abandoned his creation.

  55. Alisha Sanchez
    English 12

    Frankenstiens journey throughout Europe inspires and provokes him because he did a lot of studying he and he was successful with his studies and he was very passionate about what he was studying so he had a lot of knowledge on what he was doing but when his mother had passed thats what really provoked him in order to create his creation and become very succssful

  56. Victor Frankenstein’s Journey throughout Europe, inspire, provoke and inevitably destroy Victor by him trying to stay foucus and debate if he should create the mate or not but he is too distracted because his friend was showing him the beuatys in traveling 🥀

  57. Christian Battaglia
    Period 2

    Victor Frankenstein’s journey through Europe, inspired, provoked and destroyed Victor because he kept learning about philosophy science and also different languages. This encourages him to make his own creation, but realized he had created a monster. He later wants to destroy that creation because he thinks it’s ugly and doesn’t like it.

  58. Frankenstein becomes inspired by the beauty of the land

  59. Sean Mohamed
    English 12-02

    Victor Frankenstein became inspired through his journey of Europe. Victor always wanted to learn about science so by him going there helped him even more. And Victors studies in Europe was good he was successful at it. The only thing Victor didn’t like what was he created he abandoned it.


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