Blogger # 9
December 20th, 2017


Use the evidence from the video to defend your answers

Proof of evolution that you can find on your body


  1. Anjali Krishnanan
    December 20, 2017
    English 12 Period:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Human species evolved throughout time by the amount of change through adaption, natural selection, and competition over time. Evolution refers to change or transformation over time. Yes, there will be a way to make artificial life to become immortals because everything that you create during your lifetime can be a procession in which the amount of information can be use into complex. However, I believe later in life computers will become more intelligent , and not just intelligent but more likely brilliant than humans.

    1. The human race had eveloved throughout time because in the beginning we had no thing as language or electricity or electronic devices. Thousands of years later we made it to a place that is unimaginable thousands of years go. We have robots that do things for us and we speak to devices. Our generation has improved massively.

  2. Mathew Torres
    English 12 /PD:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Human species have evolved throughout time through adaptation too their environment. Our physical and behavioral traits originates from our primate ancestors and have evolved through, evolution of natural selection. An example of this is some humans have a raised band on the middle of their wrists. This tendon is called the Palmaris Longus this muscle was used by our primate ancestors as forearms ,used to climb trees and get around. Humans also used to have a tail, this is evidently seen in human embryos, this is another sign that humans once used tails in order to maintain balance. But once the fetus is born it loses it's tail, it's function no longer needed, transforms into a tailbone. Yes, I believe that their will be a time when man will completely integrate with artificial life in order to become immortal. Think about it; scientist can replace, repair, or even add on to a human beings, by combining natural, and artificial DNA in order to give humans immortality.

  3. Autumn Moore
    Period 4
    12/20 , Ehsan and Grey

    Human species evolved throughout time due to the change of the environment. Evolution roots back to changes over time. Yes, I believe there will be a time when man will completely integrate with artificial life in order to become immortal and there will be a way to make artificial life become immortals because of everything created during our life now. Information discovered can be used in many different ways. I think in the future technology will turn into something more advanced and so powerful humans may not be able to control it.

  4. Troy Yar
    December 20th, 2017
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    Period 6

    The human species has evolved from simple-minded beings early on, to become complex-minded individual beings. We are able to think for ourselves rather than have others think for us. With all of the technology readily available, it's easy for us to do our own research and form our own opinions. I believe that there definitely will be a time where we integrate artificial life into becoming immortal, depending on how long we live. If you ask me, we don't have more than 100 years left on this planet. I believe we will destroy it before we have the chance to create immortality.

  5. Humankind has used there knowledge in order to evole. We never give up and persevering. With time effort and intelligent throughout the years we have succeeded and will continue as the years go by. I believe that there will never be a time where we have all the knowledge in the world. I feel like the world will end before we discover every single detail. we are advance but I don't think we will be able to find out all of the worlds secrets.

  6. Diamond Ferrer
    English 12

    The human species has evolved over time by creating new technology advances and opening our minds to new possibilities in the world today. I dont believe that we will advance so much as far as to become immortal artificially because, theres a lot in the world that science cant explain or comprehend and if scientists are smart enpugh they would leave those untouched waters alone.

  7. Zackery Langert
    English 12

    Yes, humans have evolved overime bc we have open to difference things. We used to act like animals then over time we Develop languages, societies, and communities. Also the way we get our food and the way we travel. The weapons we use in war and the Technology we use in war like tanks.


  8. Human species has evolved by the amount of change through adaption and natural selection.
    There will be a way to make artificial life to become immortals because everything that you start during the time that you are on earth it can be a autocade. I believe later in the future technology will be way more advance than humans.

    1. Leilani Rodriguez
      Period 6
      Ms. Gray/Mr.Eshan

  9. Tamia Alvarez
    period 4
    Mr. Ehsan

    Human species have evolved in many different ways. Physical description is very different such as the way we think and the way we look. Humans now have no tails and smaller teeth and jaws. Also our hand structure and muscles. It also has a lot to do with our environment and new creations. i believe in the future we will become immortals because the knowledge and technology now is very high tech and we find new discoveries everyday.

  10. Marianna Iorio
    December 21,2017
    Period 6

    The human species has evolved through time by the way we act, look, process certain information and think. Humans have adapted over time in many different ways, some in worse and some in better way depending on what area. I think that there will be a time in life where in the future immortality will be possible, of course not in the next hundred years but definalty in the next thousand years.

  11. Ashley Singh

    The human species has evolved over time by becoming more intelligent, we process things differently. There will be a time when human life merges with artificial life. I say that because humans are obsessed with knowledge, and science is knowledge, it interests them. Just like it sparked an interest in victor Frankenstein.

  12. Alisha Shakeer
    Mr.Ehsan/ Ms.Gray
    English 12 Pd 6
    December 21, 2017

    The human species has evolved over time by creating new advanced technology that we are exposed to. I believe that scientist are very interested in creating articfial life so because of this I believe that artificial life will be somewhat created someday.

  13. Maria Lopez

    The Human species has changed over time by creating new technology that is out of this word. Also it is opening everyone's point of view on the world changes. There is a lot n the word that scientists can or can not explain what it is or what it does that is why I believe that with everything changes it wont really change a lot or improve anything.

  14. Dilon Deolall
    Period 4

    The human species has derived throughout history through the escalation of a various amount of habitats and eyosystems. The creation of artificial life to make humans immortal could possibly be true due to the fact that scientist are always experimenting and making new discoveries. So one day this might be a discover if taken into careful consideration.

  15. Najia Uddin
    December 21, 2017
    English 12 Period 4

    The human species has evolves over time by being able to adapt do different environments. For an example when it is cold we know to wear layers and wear a jacket. Just like the bird in the video would become thicker to be warm. Foxes also get goosebumps like we do this allows them to be warm. Humans are able to handle different temperatures because pf their ability to adapt to a change in habitats. I believe that it is possible that in mans history that we will integrate with artificial life and create immortals. Scientists nowadays cross their boundaries so they can experiment new things. They already began playing around with embryos. I think that if enough people agree with this idea and it causes no harm to anyone it will be possible.

  16. Nusaiba Alli
    Period 4
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Grey

    The human species have evolved based on the dependence on a certain part of the body because of different environments. Some examples that show we have evolved are that some humans have a raised band on the middle of their wrists, we all have tail bones, we get goosebumps every time we are cold and some people are capable of moving their ear. All of these examples shows that these movements and body parts all had a purpose for our primate ancestors. I think it is possible for man to integrate with artificial life to become immortals because of science, there are things today that are possible that we wouldn't have imagined of decades in the past because of the development of science.

  17. Hardeep Bhatti
    Mr. Ehsan
    Period 6

    Humanity has evolved throughout countless years by a process named Darwinism. Humans have adapted to their surroundings and natural selection has eliminated any inferior features and has kept the more effective and efficient features on the human body. Science has broken the boundaries created by society that define what is and is not possible. I do believe that humans will intergrate artifical life to be immortal. Just a century ago nobody believed in the creation of touch screen phones or robots that interaced with humans, we may not believe in the idea of many things but most concepts become a reality in the world of science.

  18. The human species has evolved from many ways. Year after year they are creating new aspects of technology that allow people to create more inventions. These are things that influence our everyday lives. There will be one day where the world creates artificial products for the societies benefit. Technology can do pretty much about anything nowadays.

  19. Nestor Robles
    Mr. Ehsan / Ms. Gray
    Period 2
    December 21, 2017

    Humans species have evolved throughout time by showing a huge comparison with different ancestors. Most human species such as apes have more knowledge than humans which makes us humans surprised of how smart they are. I believe that there will be a time in mans history where we will integrate artificial life to become immortal because I visualize the technology thats in our lives today and realize that the technology in the future can make our lives easier and advanced. Most of the creators of technology have the knowledge and intelligence to create something that will change our society.

  20. Sean Mohamed
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 22, 2017

    The human species have evolved over time by being able to adopt to a different environment. For example when we know the season are changing we learn to adopt ourselves to dress properly. For example, in the summer you can be dressed with tank tops, short pants, and light clothing. But for the winter we know that we have to dress warmly with our jackets, and boots to stay warm based on the weather. Science had broken the boundaries created by society. Humans will intergrate with artificial life to become immortals because of science.

  21. Nicole Amaral
    English 12 Period 4
    December 22, 2017

    The human species evolved throughout time by the change in the government. I think there will be a time in mans history where we will completely integrate with artificial life to become immortals because technology is improving everyday with many things coming.

  22. The human species have evolved based on different environments. During different environments human species adapt to different environment . Humans have also adapted over time because there have been so much new technology that was created. The creation of artificial life to be immortal could be possible because scientists are working on different studies to find new discoveries in life. I think there will be a time where being immortal is possible but it would probably take thousands of years before something like that actually comes up.

  23. Kajol Sukhdeo
    December 22, 2017
    English 12 Period 4

    The human species has evolved over time by being able to adapt to different circumstances. For example we have adapted to living in extreme temperatures and just like the bird in the video we know how to stay warm or cool. I believe that in the future it will be possible for humans to create artificial and immortals life because scientists are already learning how to clone embryos. Society has to accept that science is changing and we have to agree that it's okay to create artificial life before it is possible.

  24. Christopher Marin
    English 12 Period 4

    Human species has evolved by the amount of change through adaption and natural selection.
    There will be a way to make artificial life to become immortals because everything that you start during the time that you are on earth it can be a autocade. I believe later in the future technology will be way more advance than humans

  25. Humans have evolved through time do to Darwinism, natural selection. And no I don't believe there will be a time when we become immortal and live side by side with artificial life

  26. Matthew lesner
    English 12 pd 4
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 22, 2017

    The human species have evolved based on where they lived. During different areas were people lived they learned to adapt to that area. Humans also adapted over time because there have been big advances in technology that was created. The creation of artificial life to be immortal could be possible because scientists are working on different studies to find new discoveries in life.

  27. The human species have evolved over time due to adaptations of different circumstances such as environment. The environment plays a major impact on the evolution of humans. Our bodies are forced to change in order to survive. We adapt to life in extremely hot temperatures and even cold ones. In time I think that humans will not evolve to become immortal only because we have came a long way, but we aren't even immortal and we still have weaknesses as humans.

  28. Ravin Narine
    English 12, Pd 4
    December 22, 2017

    The human species has evolved over time because of our ability to adapt to new environments and terrain and our expanding knowledge of the world we live in. Humans have adapted to many different climates and terrain just like the animals in the video, we know how to adapt to temperature changes. We continue to evolve everyday due to our scientific research that helps us expand our knowledge. New technology is being invented everyday. I believe that one day there artificial life will be created and our lives will be prolonged. I’m not sure about immortality but I believe we can continue to increase the life span of humans just like how we’ve done to this day. Life expectancy has increased exponentially since the 1600s and it will continue to increase as conditions increase.

  29. The human species have evolved in several ways. One major way they have evolved are based on different environments. Humans learned to adapt to various amount of environments. Due to new technology humans managed to adapt easily. The creation of artificial life to be immortal could be possible because scientists are working on different studies to find new discoveries in life. I think there will be a time where being immortal is possible but it would probably take thousands of years before something like that actually comes up.

  30. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 5

    To begin with, humanity has truly evolved throughout the years. This process is called Darwinism. Human beings have truly adapted to the surroundings of the environment. Also, natural selection has effectively got rid of any inferior behaviors and has kept the most effective and efficient features on the human body. Science has broken many boundaries we previously created by society that define what is and is not possible. I do believe that humans will intergrate artifical life to be immortal. Nobody believed in the creation of touch screen phones or robots that interaced with humans, we may not believe in the idea of many things but most concepts become a reality in the world of science.

  31. Anderson Salcedo
    English 12, Pd6
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan
    December 22, 2017

    Throughout time the human species has been evolving. For example, the article Caveman vs. Modern Human: Who would win the Olympic Medal states "Much Stronger and faster than humans, but they had no edurance". In other words this article claims that caveman were much stronger and faster and that if we were to physically confront them, they would most likely dominate the situation. However caveman didnt have the edurance modern humans now have, which shows how we have evolved. There could be a possibility in which humans can intergrate with artificial life becoming immortal because human are now able live longer than humans years ago. However we would most likely need the use of technology in order to become immortals because our bodies are not ment to last more than 100 years.

  32. Human Species evolved throughout time as you see. Humans were original from Monkeys or we came from Monkeys. Than the ape idea come. Monkeys and Humans are similar in many ways. Mankind learn to learn from are mistakes and make better choice.

  33. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    The human species evolved by our ability to move and where people live they also learn how to adapt. There will be a time in man's history that artificial life will become immortals because the some of the human bodies can live up to 100 years.

  34. Irving Mckay
    English 12, Pd6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Humanity has always been constantly evolving and adapting to help us overcome obstacles as well as improve our general quality of life. Throughout our entire history, in fact, we’ve had to perservere, adapt, and learn just to survive up to this point. Although our lifespans may increase greatly due to various advances in technology, it cannot make us immortal, and there are still limits to what technology can do.

  35. The human species has evolved throughout time, we’ve gotten smarted and have learned to adapt to our surroundings. Technology and science has also been a part of human evolution as everyday something new is discovered that helps us in many different ways.

  36. Human species have evolved throughout time by adapting to their environment. I believe there will be a time when man will completely integrate with artificial life in order to become immortal. Today we kinda achieved the cloning process. I think in the future technology will turn into something more advanced and so powerful humans may not be able to control. They won't be able to control it because sometimes Man creates things we are unable to control which can cause chaos.

  37. Nasthasia Thomas

    Yes human species have the power to evolve over time by being able to adapt to the different environments and being able to learn more about themselves and their surroundings. for example back to when cavemen exist they weren't able to do the things we do now such as communicating, working, or surviving for themselves this comes to show that human species have evolved overtime. i do believe there is a chance where human can intergrate with artificial life to become immortals because with the research scientist are studying today, they are looking for longer ways for humans to live. For that to happen we would need the help of technology.

  38. The human species have evolved tremendously throughout time. For example the vistigial muscle found on the forearm can not be found on 10-15% of people worldwide. I absolutely believe there will be a time where humans will integrate artificial life to obtain immortality because of increasing knowledge on artificial life and our desire to live forever.

  39. Samantha Loureiro
    December 26, 2017
    Mr. Eshan & Ms. Gray
    Pd 6: English 12
    The human species has evolved throughout time. By having the evolution everything can change and may become better. Things change from everyone to everything and it’s to make things look different. I think there maybe a time where mans history will completely integrate with artificial life to become immortals. However this can cause a negative effort on humans. This may change DNA or genes within the body.

  40. Helen Barraza
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Ms. Gray

    The human species has evolved throughout time by evolving to be able to adapt to different environments we have bones that are from our ancestors. But we see that it has changed to fit the environment we are in today. I think eventually we will evolve and integrate with artificial life to become immortal. With medical technology advancing each generation sooner or later we will evolve with artificial life.

  41. Gaitre Nauth
    Period 4

    The human species evolved throughout time. They learned how to adapt to different circumstances. There is going to be a time in man’s history where we will completely integrate with artificial life to become immortals. I believe so because you never know what the future holds. Different things happen everyday that we don’t know about. Years ago nobody would’ve ever thought we would have all the things we have today. Therefore anything can happen in the future.

  42. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 30,2017

    The human species has evolved throughout time because we have become smarter and learned new things to help us be successful in life. Humans have learned to adapt to their surroundings and scientists are constantly expanding their research and breaking boundaries as time goes on. Artificial life has become possible now thanks to scientists which definitely shows that humans are evolving.

  43. English 12-01
    Mr. Ehsan

    The human species envolved because we adapted to our surroundings. Our characteristics and actions are all based on the environment we live in and how our society is like. They learned how to adapt during difficult times, things always change we don’t know what the future will hold. One day I feel like we will be immoral

  44. Christian Battaglia
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    Human species have evolved throughout time through adaptation too their environment. Our physical and behavioral traits originates from our primate ancestors and have evolved through, evolution of natural selection. An example of this is some humans have a raised band on the middle of their wrists. This tendon is called the Palmaris Longus this muscle was used by our primate ancestors as forearms ,used to climb trees and get around. Humans also used to have a tail, this is evidently seen in human embryos, this is another sign that humans once used tails in order to maintain balance. But once the fetus is born it loses it's tail, it's function no longer needed, transforms into a tailbone. Yes, I believe that their will be a time when man will completely integrate with artificial life in order to become immortal. Think about it; scientist can replace, repair, or even add on to a human beings, by combining natural, and artificial DNA in order to give humans immortality.

  45. Lawrence Lue
    E12 Pd6

    Human species evolved throughout time by adapting to the change of the environment. I believe that there will be a time that we will completely integrate with artificial life to become immortals because scientist are able to alter human life. Scientists can alter DNA and also find some way to repair our bodies.

  46. Asha Alhalmi
    Period 6
    English 12

    Humans have evolved majorly over time. Some changes were universal whereas others were more regional in effect. The changes apparent in worldwide populations. Our bodies have evolved, everything that connects with human life including body/appearance have changed. Diversity has occurred, the environment has had an affect on these changes. In my opinion there will come a time where humans will completely integrate with artificial life. We are already testing nature, and putting artificial factors in multiple things, Everything will change and we will continue to mess with nature.


  47. Through time the human species have had many changes , changes the body make , evolving , adapting to the conditions of the time and environment . The body of the human species has evolved through time , according to the video body muscles and parts have changed in moderation of what we have been put through.For example our tailbone , ear muscles and vestigial muscles. I definitely do believe that there will be a time where we will completely integrate with artificial life to become immortals due to the fact that we humans are always getting closer to immortality , and are always learning more.

  48. Alisha Sanchez
    English 12

    Throughout time human species has changed a lot because of how science is evolving and they are learning and creating new things everyday and they want to test everything that they come across and while they do that sometimes it could be a problem because they do not know what they are exactly doing but this could be benefical and could help out in the future they just have to be really sure on what they know and what they are doing.

  49. We humans have evolved into being smart beings. I believe there will be a time in which we humans will become immortals.

  50. the humans have evloved over time because now we are more advanced and have robtots that look like humans and as each year comes we become more and more smarter i do think there will be a time when we become immortal but not anytime soon we are not ready for that.🥀

  51. Anthony Marino
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12

    The human species has evolved tremendously throughout time, not only has the way we look progressed but also the way we think and act. We are now more civilized than ever before and even the advancement of technology has helped us increase our intelligence and help us get more advance as everyday passes. There will be technology that could make us immortal in the future but it will be extremely difficult and expensive. We will not just evolve and become immortal though.

  52. Rodolfo Romero
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12
    Period 2

    Human species have evolved big time from the past. The human species became more intelligent and more open minded. We have progressed significantly and technology and inventions have became big. Throughout more years the human race will become immortal.

  53. Jayda Black
    Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Human species have evolved throughout time by becoming more smart and discovering new things and learning how to use them. We have discovered technology that is very helpful to us in all ages and much more transportation systems etc. Eventually there will become a time where an inventions somehow in the future humans will become immortal based off of science and many theories being tested

  54. The human species has delivered throughout history through the escalation of various amount of habitats and eyosystems humans in moutel could possibly be facts that scientists are always experimenting and making new discoveries

  55. Angel Perez
    Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan

    Humans have learned to evolve even is we don't see the change as fast and as obvious we are always learning new ways to change and adapt the the world around us.Humans have developed larger and more complex brains to be able to process and store a lot of information. This was a big advantage for early humans because it allowed them to adapt in their social interactions and encounters with unfamiliar habitats. As much as we excel I do not believe we will integrate with artificial life to become immortal.Doing this would go against too many peoples beliefs and would effect the course of nature because naturally things die making everyone immortal would most likely have a negative effect.

  56. Jasmine Harris
    Period 6

    The human mind has evolved over time due to the technology we have and how easily we can access them. By having all this technology and great resources, it entitles us to different opinions and idea; giving us a more deeper meaning of what we look into. I truly think that there will be a time in mans history where we will completely integrate with artificial life to become immortals. Like I mentioned before, Our technology is way more advanced than before. But then again, if we live on forever, eventually we'll be way more over populated than we already are. Probably leading to more destruction on this planet.

  57. Jp montano
    English 12

    Human species evolved throughout time due to the change of the environment. Evolution roots back to changes over time. Yes, I believe there will be a time when man will completely integrate with artificial life in order to become immortal and there will be a way to make artificial life become immortals because of everything created during our life now. Information discovered can be used in many different ways. I think in the future technology will turn into something more advanced and so powerful humans may not be able to control it.

  58. Humans have evolved by becoming more advanced in terms of knowledge

  59. Adrian Gonzalez
    English 12
    Period 6

    Humans use there knowledge to evolve. We never quit when we are determined. With time and effort throughout the years we have succeeded. I believe that there will never be a time where we have all the knowledge in the world. I feel like the world will end before we discover every single detail. we are advance but I don't think we will be able to find out all of the worlds secrets.

  60. Natalie Sanasie
    English 12

    Human has evolve throughout time due to the technology and knowledge that we have now. By having the technology we use now it helps us with new inventions and ideas. Also which will actually helps us improve, learn and grow from ourselves.


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