Blogger # 7
December 6th, 2017


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  1. Ashley Singh
    E12/ Mr.Ehsan

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus. They are both known for their intelligence. Modern day science is breaking boundaries in many ways. One way being that it makes people do things they would not normally do or agree to doing. It breaks the comfort zone, gets rid of what you believe is normal.


  2. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Victor Frankenstein is not a modern day version of prometheus because Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and was punish for giving fire to man and Victor Frankenstein wanted to create a monster which makes him the creator. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of Knowledge by using science only for creation.

  3. Diamond Ferrer
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    In my opinion Frankstein doesn't resemble the modern day Prometheus. Science messes with the boundaries of knowledge because it allows people to think and experiment with their theories and try new things in nature that shouldnt be done because it might break the rules of science and morality.

  4. Mathew Torres
    English 12 Pd:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Yes, Victor Frankenstein is a modern day version of Prometheus. Victor Frankenstein and Prometheus are both intelligent, and both created new life. Prometheus used clay to form man, and Victor Frankenstein used dead body parts to create his creature. Both used fire, Prometheus gave fire to humanity, while Victor Frankenstein used chemistry, science, and alchemy. Alchemy is the chemical element of sulfur, which is associated with fire. Victor Frankenstein used the fire to give life to his creation. Modern Day Science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because, it forms hypotheses, gathers information by doing experiments, etc. Using sophisticated equipment to obtain data.

  5. Najia Uddin
    December 6, 2017
    English 12 Ehsan/Gray
    Period 4

    Victor Frankenstein is not the modern day Prometheus. Victor Frankenstein would not be an interpretation of Prometheus because they were similar and different in a variety of ways. Prometheus was a hero who gave the human race the gift of fire and the skill of metal work, which was then punished by Zeus. Dr. Frankenstein does not resemble this because he did not bring upon a gift instead he introduced a creation. He is not the modern day Prometheus because he did not benefit the people in the era of his time. If anything he caused harm by this creation. Modern science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge today by interfering with religions philosophy on embryos.They are now trying to artificially make human life out of organisms. They are tampering with something they should not be involved with. Children are only to be made naturally and science is abusing their power and benefits. They can also possibly harm the embryo and cause the infant to have difficulties in early childhood

  6. Nicole Amaral
    December 6, 2017
    English 12 Period 4
    Mr. Ehsan/Ms. Gray

    I think Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus because both of them are smart. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by using science for creation.

    1. In my opinion Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus because they both have cake up with magnificent ideas. Both individuals are very smart. Science is breaking boundaries because it is stepping out of the cycle of life

  7. Dawn Lucio
    Period 4

    Yes, in my opinion Victor Frankenstein is the mordern day Prometheus because Prometheus played God by giving enlightenment to the humans. Just like how Frankenstein is playing God for trying to make his “thing” come alive. In the end both had/will have consequences in their actions for playing God. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because everyones new theories are questioning what we grew up believing/knowing. Sciencists are trying to use science to change unnecessary things, that don’t need to changed. For example scientists are trying to artificially produce babies. Why are they trying to break certian boundaries?

  8. Nestor Robles
    December 6, 2017
    English 12 Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan / Ms. Gray

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of prometheus because Prometheus is a titan in greek mythology who stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind which connects with Frankenstein who stole the secret to creating life from nature. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of science by results from new science observations but can also be affected from social , political , and religious convictions.

  9. Jeanpaul Montano
    Period 4
    December 6, 2017
    Victor Frankenstein I believe isn't the modern day Prometheus because he is in his own world which is the world of "science" So he's not really doing this for the help or the better of the world he's just seeing were this leaves him unlike prometheus he knew what he was doing and went along and did it because he wanted to help the people of this earth. Yes because people in modern era are trying to play "God" and trying to do the impossible when in reality even science has it's limits.

  10. Aliya Imran
    December 6, 2017
    ELA Class
    Mr. Ehsan

    In my opinion, Victor Frankenstein is a modern day Prometheus. This is because Prometheus and Victor Frankenstein both created something that was brought to life. Modern day science is breaking boundaries of knowledge, mainly because there are always new ideas, technology, and theories everyday. The knowledge of people increase because of experiments that take place from science.

  11. Nusaiba Alli
    Period 4
    English 12
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Gray

    I believe Victor Frankenstein is a modern day Prometheus because they both introduced topics of knowledge to humanity. modern day science are braking the boundaries of knowledge it takes things overboard which can cause unethical things to happen.

  12. Anthony Marino
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan
    I believe that Frankenstein is not the modern Prometheus because he did not make the creature for the better of the world. Frankenstein threatened the human race instead of helping them when he introduced the creature. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by scientist always trying to problem solve, solve experiments and fix issues.

  13. Zackery Langert
    English 12

    Frankenstein is the modern Prometheus bc both regret what they did. Prometheus regret it bc he gets his liver eating out and with Frankenstein he regret with creating the monster and he said that it was a living hell and wants it to stop

  14. Christian Battaglia
    December 7 2017
    English 12 Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan/Ms. Gray

    I think Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus because both of them are smart. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by using science for creation. I also think this because they are both strong.

  15. Anjali Krishnanan
    December 7, 2017
    Period: 6
    Mr.Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Victor Frankenstein is a modern day version of Prometheus. Victor Frankenstein and Prometheus are both creative and knowledgeable. Modern day science is breaking boundaries of knowledge because of the new theories build upon society. This can reflect on the platform of experiments and etc.

  16. Lawrence Lue
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    I believe Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus. I believe this because they both tried to create life. Modern science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because there are always new theories and technology being advanced. Scientists are always trying to discover new things and fix things.

  17. Samantha Loureiro
    December 08, 2017
    Mr. Eshan and Ms. Gray
    1). Mr. Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus. He started to play with God just like Prometheus. Prometheus, played with the god(s) by giving the humans fire and that upset them. As well as Victor does, he starts to create a monster but in the end he does like the way it came out and he didn’t want it.
    2). Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge. This is a major negative to today’s people. By making “human clones” they start to break a balance with science and nature.

  18. Marianna Iorio
    December 7,2017
    E12 P6

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because they both created new life and both had consenquences because of it. Modern day is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because science is taking it to far, such as cloning, and creating your own baby with characteristics that you want them to have, it is not fair to nature to interfer with it.

  19. Brianna Derry
    English 12, Period 2
    Mr.Ehsan & Ms.Gray
    Doctor Frankenstein is a modern day Prometheus because, they both felt they had the power to create life and be “god-like” and in turn, they both got punished for abusing their skills/knowledge. Modern day science is definitely breaking the boundaries of knowledge. Examples of this are GMO’s and Human/Animal cloning. These are both unnatural methods and can possibly lead to some consequences in the future.

  20. Nicole Kiburis
    Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Doctor Frankenstein is a modern day prometheus because they created new life and had to deal with all the consequences. Using creativity and knowledge. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by using science for creation.

  21. Heavin Chambers
    Dec 6,2017
    PD4 English
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Gray

    Victor Frankenstein is a modern day Prometheus because they were both known for their intelligence and being a creator of something. Prometheus is known creating the creation of man from clay, and for defining the gods and giving fire to humanity. And Victor Frankenstein is also known for creating a "monster'. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because today people are using science trying to clone animals and modify foods

  22. Anderson Salcedo
    December 7, 2017
    English 12, Period 6
    Ms.Gray/ Mr.Ehsan
    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus. Prometheus gave life to mankind and Frankenstein manage to give life to a creature made out of many non living things. They are also similar in that both abandoned there creation. Prometheus abandoned his creation because he was punish by the gods and Frankenstein abandoned his creation because he was disgusted by it. Science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because it has challenged religious beliefs and how the world and the universe was created. Not only that but science has also provided mankind with information on how to create artificial life. Which was once thought to be impossible.

  23. Dilon Deolall

    The full title of Shelley’s novel is “Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus”. So yes, Victor Frankstein is known to be a modern day prometheus. They are known to create life just in different forms. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because overtime science has equipped and became more developed than our past history. A variety of discoveries are being made everyday to embark more theories.

  24. Malissa Dirpaul
    English 12 Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    Victor Frankenstein is a modern day Prometheus due to the fact that they are both creators who created a creation. Both of them provided a life to mankind. They both also abandoned their creations. Science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because it advances more and more each day. New things are being discovered which results in different outcomes of things that weren't before known. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by using science for creation.

  25. Alisha Shakeer
    December 7, 2017
    English 12, Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus because they both created life. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by creating something with science. This is basically messing with nature.

  26. Autumn Moore
    Prd 4

    Yes, Victor Frankenstein is a modern day version of Prometheus. Victor Frankenstein and Prometheus are both smart, and both had new creations. I think science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because it confuses what people believe in and has a negative effect on society today from cloning humans to modifying foods, they’re slowly starting to mix science and nature together.

  27. Tamia Alvarez
    Yes victor is the modern day Prometheus because they share similarities. Such as they both want to have more knowledge of the unknown. They are both life givers and fire stealers which has o do with victor because the fire was his electricity and life giver was his creation. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries because it is messing with nature and science is making negative effects.

  28. Victor Frankenstein is modern day version of prometheus are both smart and created new life. Prometheus used clay to form man and for frank they used bodyparts and they both used fire too Prometheus gave fire to him and frank used chemical and science

    1. Use a proper heading if you want to receive full credit. Sincerely,
      Ehsan and Gray

  29. Chris Gonzalez
    Mr Ehsan

    I would say that Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because they both tried to play god and god a bad outcome. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by trying to clone animals and humans. This is trying to play god and it can also lead to harming the human race.

  30. Helen Barraza
    Mr. Ehsan
    english 12 period 6

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day prometheus because they created something and both sought for knowledge. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because they are always trying to evolve nature. they tamper with nature which hurts the environment.

  31. Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because both were intelligent and had a lot of knowledge and also creativity. Modern Day science is breaking boundaries of knowledge because . many people today are try to close things/people they are trying to play the role of our creator(god)but don't know that it can possible harm the human race.

  32. Negisti Gonzales
    Mr. Ehsan

    Victor Frankenstein is most definitely the modern day embodiment of Prometheus . Not only do the two tragic characters have the similarity of creating new life from scratch, they also share the common feeling of loneliness. This loneliness is the driving point of there need to have others around them. Prometheus loneliness lead to the creation of man that eventually lead to his downfall. By giving his creations knowledge of fire he was quickly punished and had to watch his creations live on while he himself was stuck at a standstill. Frankenstein's loneliness made him create his monster, this monster that he quickly became afraid of and had to hide away. These two men longing for companionship, lead to them creating what eventually became their downfalls.

  33. Richard Santiago
    English 12 period 2

    Frankenstein is the modern Prometheus because like prometheus, Frankenstein is attempting to create life. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by attempting to learn how to do things such as clone humans and animals.

  34. Modern day science is hitting the environment because we are losing track of what is important. The Earth is becoming warmer due to the pollution and type of transportation. The only thing people are focused on is the new iPhone or what celebrities are saying.

  35. Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because they were both smart. Today science is reaching new levels by advancing everyday. Making people act as if they were God when they aren’t but science is giving them that power.

  36. Ravin Narine
    English 12, Pd 4
    December 8,2017

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern Prometheus because they were both intelligent and they both tried to play god. Like Prometheus, Frankenstein tried to play god and attempting to create life. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because everyday scientists are closer and closer to creating newly invented genetically modified foods or even life.

  37. Danielle soto
    English 12
    Period 6
    Mr.Eshan/ Mrs.Gray

    Victor Frankenstein is like the Modern day Prometheus. He creates something and there are large consequences for it. Science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge and I could have a negative or positive on the world. For example we are getting closer to creating genetically modified food and people.

  38. Asha Alhalmi
    Ehsan & Gray

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Promethous in my opinion. They are both filled with knowledge and try to contain great power using their knowledge. Modern day science is breaking boundaries. Scientists are coming up with crazy inventions like cloning babies, etc. The world is imcreasing in technology, and inventions. One day it's all going to come back and cause destruction for all the times scientists have messed with nature.

  39. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 8th, 2017

    Victor Frankenstein is the Modern Day Prometheus since they are both very intelligent in their passions. They both attempted to create artificial life. Science is currently breaking the boundaries of knowledge as it goes against the laws of nature and morality. Cloning and Forced Regeneration are going against the natural flow of life. Science is achieving what was thought to be impossible.

  40. Justin Cabello
    English 12
    Period 6
    Mr. Eshan

    Frankenstein in my opinion is a modern day prometheus because both of them are very smart Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge in many ways. like creating new theories and breaking the laws of nature.

  41. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 8,2017

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because they were both very intelligent. Frankenstein stole the secret to create life from things in nature just like Prometheus had stolen the fire from the gods to help mankind. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of nature because it is being used for creation and new ideas are always evolving.

  42. Marc Gonzalez
    ELA pd 6

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus due to the fact that Frankenstein is playing god by creating human life . Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by performing similar acts creating and modifying and human life .

  43. Troy Yar
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray


    In my personal opinion I do believe that Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus. The roles of Victor (Prometheus) and the monster (punishment from the gods) go hand in hand. In essence, the punishment given by the gods, which were eternal suffering (specifically, having his liver being picked at by vultures for all of eternity) would be the nuisance of the monster running around seeking vengeance on his creator. Prometheus would be Victor, the creator of the monster. Modern day science, which includes creating human life from embryos (unhatched organisms), is essentially playing god in itself. "God," our creator, plays the role of creating human life and other forms, which we are now capable of. This is coming off as offensive to religious sects who believe that "god" is, and should always be, our only creator.

  44. Irving McKay
    English 12, Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    December 8th, 2017

    Victor Frankenstein can be considered the modern day Prometheus because of their comparative intelligence. They were both very smart people with a desire to create artificial life. On the topic of modern day science breaking the boundaries of knowledge, it’s questionable because there are no imposed limits on how much we can know, but maybe it would just be better to stop and think about what we’re doing.

  45. Yes Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because both created something and that creation lead to both of their demises however the difference between them is that Victor abandoned his creation while Prometheus didn't. Morden day science is breaking through the boundaries of knowledge because we are now in the process of making clones, soon we will be able to bring back the dead for military purposes and we are know working on a way to live forever.

  46. Michael Cesario
    Mr Ehsan
    English Pd 6
    December 8th

    I don't believe that Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because Prometheus did everything for his creation and was punished for it, Frankenstein created his monster and then abandoned it

  47. Adrian Gonzalez
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    I think that victor is the modern day prometheus. Science today is breaking the boundaries of knowledge. i think this because everyday science is making break throughs and finding news things in our world that was not previous known.

  48. Nasthasia Thomas
    English 12
    Mr Ehsan

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus because Victor Frankenstein is trying to play god just like Prometheus did by giving man life and knowledge/wisdom and he got punished for it. The way Victor Frankenstein is playing god is by creating artificial life which he later in abandons. The way Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge is by creating clones and playing with our cells, scientists are also trying to figure a way how to love a longer life.

  49. Jaelen Mosby
    English 12

    To begin with, Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus. All the evidence points towards it both manifested a creation and that creation lead to both of their demises. But, the keen difference between them is that Victor abandoned his creation, but Prometheus didn't abondon his creation. In today’s society modern science is breaking through the previous boundaries of knowledge. Now we are in the process of making clones. In the foreseeable future we will be able to bring back the dead. This could potentially be used for military purposes and we are know working on a way to live longer/forever.

  50. Shakib Ahned

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because they both go against nature or got to have their own creation. I believe modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge in many ways because there are more advanced technology that allows us to do that. For example, scientists are working on cloning when back than people didnt even think about this kind of things

  51. Jasmine Harris
    P6 E12
    In my opinion, I think that Victor Frankenstein is the modern day version of Prometheus. Why? Because they both have something major in common, which was giving life to their creations. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because it goes against the laws of nature and morality. Also, scientists are always coming up with new creations and ideas.

  52. Maria Lopez
    Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because they both have something in common which are being smart and had a lot of knowledge. Modern Day science is breaking boundaries of knowledge because many people today are playing games with are creator (GOD) Also it's against the laws of nature.

  53. Brittany Finger
    Ehsan/ Grat

    I think Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because they both have a lot of knowledge. They both gave life to their creations. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries because it always goes against the laws of nature. Scientist are always coming up with new ideas and new creations. It finds ideas that are not previous known.

  54. Matthew Lesner
    Mr. Ehsan
    English 12 pd 4

    I think that Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because Frankenstein created a monster. They both gave life to their creations. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries because scientist go against the laws of nature. Scientists are always coming up with new ideas and new creation. It finds ideas that are not previously known.

  55. Angel Perez
    E12 P6

    I believe Victor Frankenstein is similar to Prometheus but I wouldn’t say he is the modern day Prometheus because of his selfishness. Frankenstein took the power of life from the Gods and Prometheus took fire which could be seen as a symbol for life from the Gods. However Victor chose to create life for his own gain so that he can fill a void that he has because of the loss of his mother. Prometheus on the other hand took the fire and gave it to the people because he believed they were made for a greater purpose, he felt they were made for more than just honoring the Gods. With modern day science it gives everyone the hope and dream to play god as scienctist. Science allow people to manipulate the food we eat. Science can even manipulate the dogs we buy.

  56. Natalie Sanasie
    English 12 period 6

    I believe that Victor Frankenstein is modern day Prometheus because they both created something and sought knowledge in their creation. Modern day knowledge is breaking of science because of many scientist trying and creating new experiments.

  57. Clarissa Jara
    English 12 pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Victor frankenstein is the modern Prometheus because the are both viewed as intelligent individuals that achieved their goal of experimenting with science

  58. Osvaldo Estevez
    English 12

    In my opinion victor frankenstein is the modern day prometheus because they both played god and they both had consequences for it. Modern day science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge by using science for creation

  59. Kajol Sukhdeo
    English 12 period 6

    I believe that Victor Frankenstein is the modern day Prometheus because they played god and tried to do something forbidden and were both punished for it. Modern day knowledge is a benefit because scientist are using it to create new cures/foods and experiments everyday.

  60. Rafid Hossain
    English 12
    Mr. Eshan

    Victor Frankenstein is not the modern day Prometheus. Although both individuals gave intelligence to life, Frankstein had given intelligence to his creation for his personal satisfaction while Prometheus gave intelligence to human life so we could exceed our capabilities. Mondern day science is getting closer to removing the limits placed on our increasing knowledge. With the modern day technology, science has improved our better understanding of life and the world around us.

  61. Shania Sawh
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray

    Victor Frankenstein is the modern Prometheus because they both created life. In the myth of Prometheus, he used the power that Zeus gave him to create mankind and in Frankenstein, Victor used his knowledge to create a superior human out of multiple body parts. They also abandoned their creations although Prometheus was forced to abandon them as punishment and it was Victor's choice to abandon his monster out of fear. Science is breaking the boundaries of knowledge because it's giving humans the knowledge to create artificial life and abuse the natural order in the world.

  62. Alisha Sanchez
    English 12

    Frankenstien is considered a modern day prometheus in my opinion because they both are created with consequences and they both have strength that they dont realize. Science and there creators are breaking boundries by doing this they dont realize the negative affect it is causing and the destruction they could cause there could also be a positive affect by modifying things that we need.

  63. Modern science has only broken bounds because they have abandoned moral conscious

  64. Gaitre Nauth
    Pd 4

    In my opinion Victor Frankenstein is modern day Prometheus. Prometheus and Victor Frankenstein are both very intelligent. Also they both created something. Modern science are breaking the boundaries of knowledge because they use science to create artificial life and so on.


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