Blogger Assignment # 11

Are humans inherently evil? Why or why not? Defend your claims with evidence.
Please make sure to have a proper heading. Utilize contextual and textual evidence gathered from the class notes/video or images to defend your claims.
Keep your response limited to one paragraph.
(5 to 7 sentences)


  1. Anderson Salcedo
    February 1, 2018
    English 12, Pd6
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan
    Humans are inherently evil and the best proof of this is that human history revolves around wars and violence. According to one of the contextual evidence from the debate humans are born knowing right from wrong and some still choose to do evil. In other words you are born knowing good from wrong and if we still choose to do wrong then that means that we potentially are born with maliciousness. The best example of this is Victor Frankenstein. Victor created a creature, abandoned it and let it kill everyone he loved, and finally tried to do something when it was too late.

    1. Samuel B
      English 12
      Period 4

      I think people are not internally evil. Humans are born as a innocent baby with not much sense. You become evil based on things you see or learn or even went through. You don’t become evil without a reason. Something drives that evil choice you make. The monster wasn’t created intentionally to be evil but went through a tough time and became evil.

  2. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Humans are inherently evil because they behave that way and they are also born with it. Some humans just choose to be evil, For example victor Frankenstein was not inherently evil but he created a creature, decided to abandoned the creature, so the creature chose to be evil.

  3. Sean Mohamed
    English 12-02
    February 2, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan

    Humans are inherently evil because it's a natural thing within humans they have a good side and a bad side. You may see the good side in a person everyday but that one day when that person snaps it's going to be really bad because they'll just let everything out. To a large extent, in Frankenstein he created a creature but it wasn't his choice to make him evil the creature just did it on it's own.

  4. Mr Ehsan
    February 2,2018

    Humans are not born inherently evil because they are born with the choices of knowing what’s right and what’s wrong and still choose the wrong path. Many people behave they way they do because of their past or something that happened to them or someone they know. Some people are even evil because they want revenge. In Frankenstein the monster was inherently evil because he was abanded by his creator , he didn’t know what it felt like to be loved.

  5. Nestor Robles
    English 12 Period 2
    February 2, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan / Ms. Gray

    Humans can be both not evil or evil because it can depend on how your mindset is towards society. People can have hatred towards society which can give psychotic actions towards the world. Although, If people stay positive and determined in life, people can succeed and strive for more. Most of the humans in society can be both because it can reflect on your outcome of how your character is built.

  6. Humans are not inherently evil, because no one is taught to kill people. As a human being you are able to make your own decisions. Sure people influence you to do things but you still have the mindset to make your decision based on what’s in front of you. Nobody’s parents has their child grow up to be a killer.

  7. Zackery Langert
    English 12
    Humans are inherently evil because when we are we all have an evil side to us. Some people can Control others can’t and also some people solve their problems thorough fighting or war.

  8. Ravin Narine
    English 12, Pd 4
    February 2, 2018

    Humans are not inheritly evil for different reasons. Humans are not born evil because they are supposed to be raised to have respect for others. Everyone makes their own decisions and based on their background and how they grew up heavily influences these decisions. But if humans grew up around good then they aren’t inheritly evil. They would follow the ones around them.

  9. Humans are not inherently evil, that’s not something humans are born with. Evil is something that a human can develop. Genetics also do not contribute to someone being evil, for example someone’s parents could not be evil but their child could turn out to be evil and it’s not because they were born like that but it could be because of the life they have or certain circumstances could have made them turn evil.

  10. Period 4
    English 12
    Humans are not inherently evil, because we were born with evil we were born a saint I believe, almost like a clean slate and over time our society and who we are with depends on how we turn out to be if we are with bad people then we could become evil and have some bad in us meaning making bad decisions.

  11. Najia Uddin
    February 2, 2018
    English 12 PD 4

    Humans are not inherently evil because they are not born with the genetics or intentions to kill. Hurting others is not taught. For example the creature was not born to kill it was a accident at first. He was disrespected and it made him feel less confident about himself. He wanted revenge so he hurt others but he was not born to kill. We are born and taught what is right and what is wrong if someone decides to murder another person it is their decision they were not born with having the intention of hurting another.

  12. Tamia Alvarez
    English 12 period 4
    February 2

    Humans are inherently evil because they let there one emotion which is anger take control. Humans bully people and discriminate them knowing with the intentions of bothering others just like in frankenstein they didnt ket him get a chance to have a social life because he was based on how he looked. Humans are also evil because all the wars and violence occurring. we are based on the way we are raised and the things we see around us and since that is violence, yes we are evil.

  13. I don’t not believe all humans are evil I believe it depends on how someone is brought up in there life, if you are growing up with that type of mindset then you should be getting help and hopefully your way changes.

  14. Nicole Amaral
    English 12

    Humans are inherently evil. They can be evil when they are fighting and in war. People have a good side and a bad side. You can see people have a good side when they are in a good mood. They might have a good side but then be bad.

  15. Matthew Lesner
    February 2, 2018
    English 12 pd 4

    Humans are not inherently evil because we choose what we do and the people that are evil weren’t born to do it they choose to do what they did. For them to choose to do something evil something had to happen to them to make them do it. When Frankenstein created the creature, the creature was not made to be evil. He was only evil because Frankenstein left him because of he way he looked and the creature was not taught right from wrong.

  16. Heavin Chambers
    English 12

    Humans are not inherently evil because nobody is born evil. There has to be a order of events to lead to somebody being evil. Sometimes people are raised to be evil and have hate in their hearts. Being evil is taught. Most time in society people do evil things for revenge but it doesn't make them evil as a whole person.

  17. I have to agree I don’t believe all humans are evil it depends on how someone is brought up in there life but we humans do sometimes bully people and judge on there looks humans not evil because we didn’t grow up to kill or hate or people

  18. Humans are not inherently evil. We are all born innocent until we get influenced by other adults in a negative way. Also certain tradegies happen in people's lives that can cause anger. This anger can lead to evil actions. For example, Frankenstein did not start killing people until he was hurt and he wanted revenge.

  19. Rafid Hossain
    English 12 PD4
    Mr. Eshan & Ms. Gray

    Humans are not necessarily inherent evilness from birth but through the development as a person by there surroundings. The creature was born with the ambition to find love and companionship, it was only through the hate of others that tainted his good nature. With the surroundings presented to him it drove his desire for revenge and blood. We are born and given knowledge though what is taught to us and what we learn to be acceptable is inspired by others.

  20. John Navarro
    English 12 Period 4
    February 2nd, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray

    Humans are not inherently evil. However, if they are misguided or mistreated at a young age, it could have a lastly impact on them. This lasting impact can either be a good thing for them or a bad thing which may turn them evil. No person in born into this world, having a desire to be evil. The way they are treated determines their path in the world.

  21. Maria Lopez
    English 12 period 4
    February 2, 2018

    Humans are inherently evils because no one is born a killer. Humans make there own paths nobody choose for them. People can influence you to do things you never thought of doing but in the end of the day you are the person that picks what is going to happen. People make mistakes but we learn from are mistakes and grow to be stronger. No body picks your life we pick are own paths. (Remember you do you!)

  22. Marianna Iorio
    English 12 Period 6
    Febuary 2, 2018
    Mr Ehsan

    I think that humans are not internally evil because it depends on your surroundings growing which makes you who you are, everyone has empathy and sympathy it is programed in every baby when they are born, that is why babies are so vulnerable. The way they grow up, parents and friends and what they enjoy to do determines what kind of person they are going to be and if they will be evil or not.

  23. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    February 2nd, 2018

    Humans are naturally good. Our minds are naturally more attracted to being cooperative with others and helping others. We are not born selfish due to the more appealing sensation of happiness and reward given from helping others. People naturally want to be kind as it makes them content and feel appreciated when anyone thanks them for their good-doings.

  24. Troy Yar
    English 12 Period 6
    February 2nd, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    A lot of people use the argument that humans are inherently evil due to the countless amount of wars which we have fought, when this argument literally makes no sense. How does going to war mean that you are evil? If there is another world power (for example, Russia), that is threatening the well being of your home country, are you going to tell me that you will stand by and do nothing, and that this will mean we aren't evil? If someone told you that they're going to kill your family, you're not going to take any sort of action? Our primal instincts kick in, and we have no control.

  25. Jayda Black
    English 12 PD 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    February 2nd 2018

    Humans are inherently evil because they choose the actions that they want to do, they choose the way that they react to a certain thing that happens. Such as in the novel of Frankenstein when the creature went to pull out the mans daughter from the lake from drowning and her father came and thought that something bad was happening so he shot the creature and made the creature upset. He decided upon himself instead of knowing what really happen to just take action and shoot the creature.

  26. Asha Alhalmi
    English 12 period 6

    In my opinion humans are not inherently evil. No one is born evil, everyone is born with a clean slate and are mainly born naturally good. Society is what makes humans evil, they influence the evilness that appear in a person. For example,
    According to Jean Jacques Rousseau a Francophone Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of the 18th century stated humans are naturally and innately good and it is "civilization" that turns man into a "beast." Rousseau argued that modern man should live a more "natural" rather than "technological" life. No one is born evil, if people are evil they're influenced by society or anything else.

  27. Justin Cabello
    February 2, 2018
    Period 6

    I think humans aren’t inherently evil because it all depends on the way we were raised and are surroundings growing up. Like serial killers grew up in a corrupted home and mistreated. Also in Frankenstein the creature was never accepted and mistreated which lead to him killing people. So others basically pushed him to the edge.

  28. Diamond Ferrer
    Pd. 6

    Humanity isnt naturally evil because when we are born, we're born into the world without sin and without knowing the severity of the different types of actions they're committing to. The creature was "born" good, only wanting to be loved and nurtured until the actions of society altered his beliefs in how he should act and feel towards the world.

  29. Aliya Imran
    English 12 Period 6
    February 2, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan

    I believe that humans aren’t inherently evil. People have multiple emotions, and there is always a reason to why someone is the way they are. For example in Frankenstein, the creature seeked revenge only because he was lonely and no one accepted him just because he was different. He wasn’t intentionally evil, there were specific reasoning to why he was. Because of this loneliness he was feeling, the creature turned devious.

  30. Danielle soto
    I feel we are inherently evil. We can see this in our history. There is wars and other kinds of violence. Things like bullying on social media or any type currents becasue of who we are. We don't like when anyone it different from us. We are made this way from the thinks and people in our lives that make us see things differently.

  31. Helen Barraza
    English 12, period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Mrs. Grey

    Humans are not inherently evil we are all born innocent. We are all influenced by people so basically we naturally don't have any intentions of being evil. Our experiences and backgrounds does effect on how we become and our point of view. Everybody chooses how they are and how they view the world. The people who we surround ourselves impacts on the way you act and think.

  32. Alisha Shakeer
    English 12 Period 6
    February 2, 2018

    Humans are not inherently evil. You are not born with the mind to be naturally evil. When you are born you are pure, and innocent. Until you grow up and is able to make your own choices, and know right from wrong. But I think humans are not born evil. It’s all depends on you as a person. In Frankenstein the creature was born meant to be taken care of and treated equally which did not happen and caused it to become the way it is.

  33. Yes by nature humans are by our definition of "evil". Humans by nature are fearful and tribalistic. For as long as humans have existed we have grouped ourselves off and killed and committed atrocities for those groups. The question isn't if humanity is evil, more if are these things we consider evil even evil at all?

  34. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    February 2,2018

    I don't think that humans are inherently evil. As we grow up we are taught the difference between what's right and what's wrong. Many people act upon past experiences which causes them to make the wrong decisions. Humans behave in a evil manner when they are seeking revenge just as the creature was in Frankenstein. The creature was abandoned and left all alone which led to him killing people and causing more harm in society. The creature became evil throughout the novel as a way to get back at his creator.

  35. Clarissa Jara
    February 2,18
    English 12 pd 6
    Humans are not inherently evil because no one borns with an evil heart, they start to develop evilness as they mature. For example, in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley the creature was not created for evil purposes, he was actually innocent until he realized that humanity was the real definition of evil. He was rejected from his own creator and humanity because he was a distaster and a monster. According to people he was dangerous and they fear him which lead him to develop anger and loneliness and started to do evil actions.

  36. Malissa Dirpaul
    English 12 Pd 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    I believe that humans aren’t inherently evil. Everyone in this world is born innocent. Their actions all depend on the way they were raised and the things they were taught. If you’re taught as a child to do good in the world and that violence is not the answer, then it is likely that you will believe the same thing when you’re older. Your actions are all based on life experiences. In Frankenstein, the creature wasn’t always evil. It was the way that humans treated the creature that made it want to hurt people and gain revenge on Victor. Before the creature interacted with any humans, it would provide the DeLacey family with wood every morning. After noticing that mankind didn’t like the creature just because it was different, that’s when the creature decided to take on revenge.

  37. Jasmine Harris
    English 12 Period 6
    February 2, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan

    It's commonly argued if humans are inherently evil. I personally believe that we are not. Based off of Frankenstein, people treated the creation differently due to the fact that they were just terrified by him. De Lacey (the blind man), enjoyed talking to the creation majorly because he never got to see the monsters face, therefore he couldn't have been afraid of him.

  38. Lawrence Lue
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    Humans are not born inherently evil but is taught to be evil. For example no-one is born evil because when we are born we do not know anything and are naturally good. People tend to become evil based on their surroundings. Even though we are taught right from wrong some people are rebellious.

  39. Samantha Loureiro
    February 02, 2018
    Pd 6: E12
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    Humans are inherently evil. However humans are only become evil from the environment they live in. Once we are born we have what is called a “clean slate”. This means we are not good nor evil. We don’t know what we are until we get older and have a better understanding of what we are as a human. But that’s all up to our parents to teach us the rules of the world and give us explains what to expect from it. Our parents are our first homes, our first love ones and our first teachers. Without having them we wouldn’t fine out what the world is without them. However unlike the monster in Frankenstein didn’t have a parent to help. The monster had to learn the hard way by going into the world without having a club about it and how people can be. People become evil by where they’re at and who they are with.

  40. Anjali Krishnanan
    February 2, 2018
    English 12, Period: 6
    Mr Ehsan

    It’s clear to me that’s humanity is capable of evil things. Both history and our present world both depict the presence of evil. However, what causes such evil things to happen? In my opinion massive acts of evil can be work with few humans, and not the whole humanity. Letting evil happen is also evil. Most people they strive to be good, but still have some bad in them. It’s a mixture. Nobody is perfect or good, nor entirely bad.

  41. Irving McKay
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Grey

    The idea that humans are inherently evil is false. From the moment of our birth, we’re a blank slate with no true concept of good and evil. So, to say that humans can be naturally evil is false. As we get older, the concepts of “good” and “bad” can become more apparent. Most people would easily choose not to be “bad”, however, what would influence the people that do? What are the factors that would classify someone as evil? It depends, maybe their intentions would make them think they’re doing something for the greater good. For other people, maybe they have no concept of morality, or good and evil. We also have to think about situations from their point of view, would there be another factor influencing them into becoming evil?

  42. Anthony Marino

    Humans are not born inherently evil because they are influenced by others and do not know any better. Many people behave the specific way they do because of their past or something that happened to them when they knew nothing better at the moment. I believe that there are evil people that influence others, but not everyone is evil.

  43. Marc Gonzalez
    English pd 6

    Are humans inherently evil? Why or why not?

    No , humans are not inherently evil, humans are born without general knowledge or any knowledge whatsoever , we make decisions based off instinct , more often we make decisions based on what we observe , what we learn . Throughout time you can come close to doing things that are considered or could be considered evil , but this "evil" is not in presence from birth .

  44. Leilani Rodriguez
    English 12 Pd 6

    I believe humanity isn’t evil because people aren’t born evil. They are dragged into being evil or unpleasant once they grow up into this world. People are judgemental and judge people based on looks & how they act.

  45. Mathew Torres
    February 2, 2018
    English 12 PD:6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Humans are not naturally born evil, but a good person can become evil due to their circumstances. Some elements come into play; for example their environment, how they are treated by society, and greed. A perfect example on how being rejected by society can make a good person turn evil are school shootings. I often hear how the shooter was a good student, quiet, kept to themselves, and how they were victims of bullying. A person can be good, but after years of enduring bullying, and being rejected by society, something inside of them can begin to grow. Anger can lead into hate ,and hate can turn even a good person into becoming evil. In Frankenstein the creature did not start out evil, he was rejected by his "Father" and by society. He was treated like an outcast, and his desire for acceptance, and love turned into to hate. Whatever had made the creature "human" had died, and he became the monster that they had envisioned. thus turning him evil.

  46. Nicole Kiburis
    Period 6
    I do not think humans are naturally born evil. I think it just depends on their upbringing and who they become friends with and there they live. Just like the monster in Frankenstein he was made to be loved and cared for and since he didn’t have that love that he needed he became evil. Not everyone is evil it just depends on how they grew up.

  47. I think that people are not evil. I think this because we humans are taught from right and wrong. I think if people become evil it's because how they've been treated from Society or in there lifetime. People often become evil do to there surroundings. I also think that there are evil people that influence others and that's how they become evil.

  48. Nasthasia Thomas
    English 12 Period 4
    Mr Ehsan

    I don't believe that humans are inherently evil. Humans become evil due to the environment they live in. You grow up learning right from wrong and later on chose what you feel is right. Evil is something that has to be taught and experienced not something you are born with. For example in the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley the creature was not born evil. The creature was not created and then knew automatically to cause all the distruction he did. he was excluded from society and wanted revenge due to the way people treated him. Evil is a trait the is picked up or developed from others around you.

  49. Autumn Moore
    Period 4
    Humans are not naturally evil. They grow to being either nice or evil depending on the way society views them. Being evil is brought by the way you’re treated by a person. For example if someone is being judged negative about another it will make the victim grow hate for that person. Another example that can be used is the creature growing hate for his owner and society due to loneliness, the owner didn’t value his creation which made the creature grow hate for its owner. Societys view on the creature made him hate them because of how honest they were on his appearance

  50. Dilon Deolall
    Period 4
    February 3, 2018

    No humans are not inherently evil. You are not born evil. A child is born pure and innocent. Same with Frankenstein, who was created innocent and good. After he was wrongly treated by his creator he turned evil. Nobody was born evil. Choices and decisions make you who you are.

  51. Christian Battaglia
    Period 2

    I think Humans are inherently evil because they behave that way and they are also born with it. Some humans just choose to be evil, For example victor Frankenstein was not inherently evil but he created a creature, decided to abandoned the creature, so the creature chose to be evil.

  52. Kajol Sukhdeo
    English 12

    Humans are not inherently evil. They can grow up to be evil but no one is born evil. I think the events and experiences in someone's life determine whether or not they are inherently evil. Everyone is different and the way they live their life determines if they are evil or not.

  53. Mr Ehsan
    Period 2

    Humans are not inherently evil. They grow into it based on the experiences they face. For example if a kid is born in a project than there are higher chance of that kid to become regular drug dealer or a robber because he’ll get some money of doing these things. Also growing up he probably seen other people close to him do it. On the other hand if a kid grows up in happy mid to upper class family than they will most likely be thought to hold family standers and focus on school or something. Also people aren’t inherently evil because how do you know that a new born baby is evil or not. You don’t even know how the baby will turn out to be when he gets older.

    This question was od because everyone has different definition on evil in their own way.

  54. Angel Perez
    English 12
    Period 2

    Humans are not inherently evil every one goes through different events and depending on the circumstances people handle things differently. For example the creature was forced in a situation where he was rejected by everyone causing him to have a hatred towards the world, leading to the death of many. However I also feel like the word “evil” is all perspective, like in WW2 people would say the Nazi soliders where evil but to them they were the good guys doing the right thing. I’m sure there are many who feel that the United States was for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but to us we see as our country protecting the citizens. Just like people can see Victor Frankenstein as evil for creating the monster but if they see the reason as to why he created the creature and the regret he felt right after the creature was brought to life it would make him look like the good guy who was lost in himself.

  55. I don’t believe people are inherently evil because many people are good people and I know people whose parents or great grandparents were criminals and they are good people.

  56. Adrian Gonzalez
    English 12

    Humans are not inherently evil. I think this because there are many instances where people responded to a situation with a calm and polite manner. One example is a police officer in New Mexico that came across a pregnant homeless women about to do drugs. He didnt arrest her for having drugs, he comforted her and even offered to adopt that baby when it is born because she couldnt take care of it. That is why humans are not inherently evil.

  57. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4th

    To begin with, in my opinion I don't honestly believe in the idea that humans are inherently evil. It is clearly known that human-beings become evil due to the environment/upbringing they live in. You grow up learning basic ethics such as what’s right from wrong but, later in life you can decide what you feel is right. Evil is something that has to be taught and experienced not something you are born with. An example of this is coherently shown in the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley the creature was not born evil. The creature was excluded from society and wanted revenge due to the way people treated him. Evil is a trait that is pickup or developed from others around you.

  58. Starr joseph
    English 12
    Period 6

    No I dont believe us humans are inherently evil because we are born with no reasoning at all , we are taught how to do certain things and act a certain way , I believe it all comes through , development.

  59. Rodolfo Romero
    English 12
    Period 2

    I do not believe that humans are inherently evil because we are not born with any senses or any mindset. As we grow older our mindsets change and people influence us and thats what changes us. Some people may be evil due to this but from birth no human being is evil. Everything changes as you get older.

  60. I believe that humans are not inherently evil because everyone is not born with any senses or any mindset.As us teenagers grow up our mindsets are going to change because we are getting older and we are going to have a different type of meanings.

  61. I do not believe that humans are inherently evil. Everyone is born as a "clean slate" as explained in the Tabula Rasa theory. The theory explains that everyone is born impressionable and their personalities are shaped by their environments and events that take place around them. I agree with this theory because even in Frankenstein, the creation wasn't evil at first and Mary Shelley wrote that he first wandered in the forest like a child. However, the creation eventually became evil people the people around him weren't accepting of his differences.

  62. Starr Joseph
    Period 6
    In my opinion I don't think that humans are inherently evil. Humans become evil based on thier environment they live in. Growing up you're taught right from wrong and later on chose what you feel is right. Evil is something that has to be taught and experienced not something you are born with. Example in the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley the creature was not born evil. The creature was created and then turned evil and destroyed many things. He was excluded from society and wanted revenge due to the way people treated him. Evil is a trait that is picked up or developed from others around you.

  63. No humans are not inherently evil it is society that has corrupted us.

  64. Gaitre Nauth
    English 12
    No humans are not inherently evil but, they are influenced by their surroundings, experiences and status in society. People aren't born evil and everyone is innocent until they encounter something that changes the way they see life.


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