Blogger # 10
January 10th 2018

What are some lessons that we should take away from Frankenstein/The Modern Day Prometheus?    

Use the evidence from the novel/stations/padlet/two-square/journals/quizlets/video to defend your answers


  1. Marianna Iorio
    January 11,2018
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Some lessons that we can take away from Frankenstein is, you should try in everyway to accept people in society no matter how different they may be and give them a chance. Another lesson we should learn is to not just abandon something we create and that we should take credit for whatever we do in life. Another lesson is to always put family first, unlike Victor did when he went away for years creating the creature and when his wife Elizabeth was killed by the creature because he left her alone instead of looking after her.

    1. ONE Lesson students should learn from the book Frankenstein is not to judge a book by its cover and to treat everyone fairly. Many problems could have been avoided throughout this book if they treated the monster equally.

  2. One lesson we learned is that you should abandon your creation you should take full responsibility for it.

  3. Matthew Singh
    ELA 12

    Some lessons that we should take away from Frankenstein is that you should always try to accept the people that are being mean and how society is in life. Another lesson that we should take away is never leave your creation behind.

  4. Mathew Torres
    English 12 Pd: 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    After reading Frankenstein a couple of lessons that we should take away are, not to take love ones for granted. Victor allowed his obsession to consume him, it took him away from his family. This was precious time that he lost, time that he was not ever going to get back. As his family are slowly taken from him. Victor's brother William is killed by the creature, Justine is put to death for a crime, she did not commit. Victor's friend Henry is strangled, Victor's wife Elizabeth is also killed by the hands of Victor's creation, and finally all the news is to much for Alphonse to handle that and he dies of grief. Another lesson is "That you can't walk away from your problems." Victor created the creature and after he realizes what he has done, he tries to abandon the creature, and act like it never existed. But this only angers the creature, and it begins to follow Victor, unleashing it's revenge on the ones that Victor loves most. Victor is responsible for the deaths of his loved ones, if he has taken responsibility from the beginning, none of this would had happen.

  5. Najia Uddin
    January 11, 2018
    English 12 Pd 4

    Some lessons we should take away from Frankenstein is beauty versus ugliness. I believe that this concept is something that should not be used in modern days society. It allows peoples self esteem to decrease along with their self worth. It isolates people from their loved ones when in reality we are all the same. Another lesson is Nature versus Science. Science needs nature because it allows scientists to be aware of what is needed for all living organisms to survive. Another lesson is creator versus creation. The creator has rights over the creation but the creation also has its rights to make their own decisions.

  6. Anjali Krishnanan
    January 11, 2018
    English 12 Period: 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Some lessons we should take away from Frankenstein is, revenge, not abandoning something you created, accept the fact that he took advantage of his family and left just for the creature and not caring for love ones. The lessons from the novel it showed how human connection can be any kind and every kind. The themes reflected on dangers of ambition turning into obsession.

  7. Dilon Deolall
    January 11, 2018

    In the Novel Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus many events happened that can be relatable to our lives as a human being. One lesson that is really important is to not judge or critize someone under any circumstances. To follow, another lesson that is some what similar to not criticizing or judging is taking pride in what you do. If you do something and it does not come out good or if you fail at it, do not leave it in the dust, accept what you do and move on. This novel teaches the reader many things. It helps us see situations in different perspectives.

  8. Some lessons that Frankenstein taught me, was that you should always accept people no matter who they are. Another lesson, is revenge is never the answer because it gets you no where. Like in the book, when Victor dies, then the monster kills himself. This shows that even though the monster wanted revenge on Victor, they still both ended up dying anyways. One last lesson is that, to always be happy with what you create. Because it is your creation, it is unjust to abandon it.

  9. Nestor Robles
    English 12 Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan / Ms. Gray

    Some lessons that we should take away from Frankenstein/The Modern Day Prometheus is that in life things would not turn out as well as you believed it would be. Friends would be friends at first but at the end you’ll realize who’s by your side till the end. Lastly, revenge is the biggest lesson to use because no matter how wrong and unfair the situation is , seeking revenge will lead to negative consequences and regret.

  10. Some lessons that we should take away from Frankenstein and modern day Prometheus is that many people should be accepted the way they are. I also think that people shouldn't be judged or criticized. Another lesson is Victor shouldn't have created the creature in the first place because he left Elizabeth to her self which he then realized was his loneliness without her.

  11. Helen Barraza
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan and Ms. Gray

    What we can take from Frankenstein is that revenge should never be a good thing to do. Also to accept other for who they are and how they look also to consider their feelings. Another one might be that we are responsible for what we have created.

  12. The modern Prometheus many events happened that can be relatable to our lives as a human being one lesson that is really important is to not judge somebody under any condition judging is taking pride in to why you do accept what do and move on.

  13. Some lessons that we can take away from Frankenstein is that we should not try to create life and if we do we should not abanond it because it will seek reveange. We should also take awys is deiser to to create this creature in the frist place because none of this would have happen and he wouldnt have been depressed.🥀

  14. Some lessons that we should take away from Frankenstein/The Modern Day Prometheus is if you want to create something you should know what could happen. Victor created a creature and it is the reason why William, Justine, Henry, and Elizabeth died. Another lesson is you shouldn't let a creature go on its own because you don't know what could happen.

  15. Some lessons we can take away from the story of Frankenstein is too accept who you are and build off of that. As a person who is looked at as different Frankenstein should just accept that this is the way people react to him. You can not spend your whole life trying to change the world to brighten up your life. The best thing you can do is try to change the things around you that will help you block out all of the negativity you are receiving from the world. Don't dwell on negative focus on the positive. Also don't focus on what happened in the past but focus on what is coming in the future.

  16. alisha sanchez

    Some lessons the we could take away from Frankenstein is to allow people to be themselves not everyone is the same everyone is different in there own way by the way the look talk and walk and we should all be accepting and except those who are them because it doesnt make them any different from anyone else and this is the problem in the modern day is that people dont know how to be themselves because they are scared of what others will say and what they will think.

  17. Nasthasia Thomas
    English 12 period 4
    Mr Ehsan

    Some lessons that we can take away from Frankenstein/The modern day Prometheus is never judge a book by its cover and always learn to accept no matter how other people's appearances are. The creature was created a brought into this world and just wanted to be treated the same as others. Due to the way he looks, he comes off a bit intimidating and scary which makes people think automatically that he is there to harm people but thats not the case. People can't control the way they look so you shouldn't treat them differently because of that. Time after time society has shut him down after he has tried to be nice and society showed him that he is not wanted and will never be loved. At the end the creature had committed suicide by jumping into fire.

  18. Some things that we should take away are that we shouldn't meddle with the acts of God and should not try to create life in artificial ways.

  19. A lesson I believe we should take away from Frankenstein is that everyone has the right to feel loved and to love. Regardless of someone’s imperfections there will be someone who will see your flaws and will still love you.

  20. Sara Alli
    E12 Pd 4

    We can take away that lonlieness and isolation can make a person become so depressed that they lose their benevolence. Frankenstein was outcasted from society and his family, all he wanted was a friend. In the beginning he was kind, but throughout the story, the more he got shunned from everyone, the more rage he had. We should learn to accept everyone for who they are and not to judge people. Everybody deserves to be loved.

  21. Maria Lopez

    Some lessons that we can take away from Frankenstein/ THe modern day Prometheus is never judge a book by its cover. Not everything we think is correct but it showed us that we can make mistakes as we go. The Monster did not like the way he looked or his personality so he took matters to his own hands, but all he wanted was to be cared and love for like a regular person. Time passes and society still shit him down they did not want to know anything about him. This keeped on going through the story until the end that he made a choice to comite suicide.

  22. Ravin Narine
    English 12, Pd 4
    January 12, 2018

    Some lessons we should take away from Frankenstein/ The Modern Day Prometheus would be not to treat others differently based on how they look. Everyone should be be treated equally and not be treated differently just because they they’re different. The monster is alone and spectated from humanity just because everyone doesn’t like the way he looks.

  23. Jaelen Mosby
    Period 4th
    English 12

    To begin with, some life lessons that we can learn from Frankenstein & The modern day Prometheus, is to never make assumptions about someone you don’t know. In other words, never judge a book by its cover. In addition, you must always learn to understand each other no matter how other people's appearances are. The creature was fabricated and brought into this world and just wanted to be treated the same as others. The way he looks, he comes off as a very frightening and scary character which potentially will make people in society scared and feel hunted. People believe he is there to harm people but thats not what he wants. Overall, People can't control the way they look so you shouldn't treat them differently because of that. Time after time society has shut him down after he has tried to be nice and society showed him that he is not wanted and will never be loved. As readers we can infer that at the end the creature had committed suicide.

  24. Heavin Chambers
    Mr Ehsan/Ms Gray
    english 12
    Some lessons we should take away from Frankenstein is, revenge because seeking revenge can back fire on you. Wanting revenge can only lead to chaos and the downfall of others. For example in the book the monster kept seeking revenge on Victor by killing his love ones. Which caused Victor to be depressed and suicidal.

  25. Some lessons that we can learn from Frankenstein is that you should think about what you do when you get angry don’t over react. The monster created chaos when he was mad and all that came back to him

    1. Some lessons that we should take away from Frankenstein/The Modern Day Prometheus is that you should always keep a balance between your life and your passion, you shouldnt let anything overtake you and your life unless it is doing you good. Victor allowed for his passion for the natural sciences to become an obsession , eventually this obsession took over of his life which leads to his downfall . Another lesson that can be extracted is the lesson that revenge is limitless , throughout the novel the monster would desire revenge and ways of getting back at Victor for what he did to him . But all this leads to infinite tragedy , revenge has no end so there is no purpose within it.

  26. Danielle Soto
    Period 6
    I feel a lesson we should take away from Frankenstein is if you have a dream stay with it. When you bring it onto the real world bad things could happen. Victor had a dream and because of it the people he cared for most in the world were killed. He should have stayed with this dream and creation because if he did thinks would have been very different. The monster would have been raised right and never did the things he did.

  27. Shania Sawh
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray
    English 12
    January 12, 2018

    From Frankenstein/ The Modern Prometheus, we can learn that you should accept others despite their differences. Although Frankenstein’s creation looked like a monster, he wanted to communicate with others and just wanted acceptance. We can also take away that revenge is pointless and two wrongs won’t make anything right.

  28. Jasmine Harris
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6
    Some lessons we should take from Frankenstein/ the Modern Day Prometheus is that we shouldn't create life or things in general if we're not capable of taking care of it. As a result of Frankenstein not caring for his creation and fulfilling his needs, his creation worked out his way to seek revenge on his creator and the ones who were close to him. The creature also just wanted a friend/soulmate but like said before Frankenstein didn't grant that wish; which is why he caused all this commotion in the first place.

  29. Irving McKay
    Mr. Ehsan
    E12 Pd6

    The main lessons that we can learn from Frankenstein/The Modern Prometheus is to nurture your creations and be smart and take responsibility about your decisions. These lessons are incredibly important to understand relating to Frankenstein because Victor Frankenstein wasn’t able to do either of these things and was tormented by his own creation.

  30. Samantha Loureiro
    January 12, 2018
    Mr. Eshan & Ms. Gray
    Pd 6: English 12
    Some lessons that we have take away from Frankenstein is to never judge a book by it cover. One of the big points in the novel was when the monster saved a little girl from drowning. However, he was over her body making sure that she was okay and a man come over to see what was happening. He saw that the monster was over and he took the girl away from him from what he looked like. But, with the DeLacey family they didn’t care what he looked. They welcome him like a normal person do to his heart of help them out. Never judge people by what they look. If you see someone that looks “good” and get to know them they will have a bad personality. If you meet someone that isn’t “good looking” but they will have a positive personality and you would to be friends with them. We should judge people by what they are, or where they come from. We need to know them first before we have an opinion on them.
    Never a book by the cover. Ever book has a different story to tell. Ever person is the same way as a book. We have different looks and personality.

  31. Adrian Gonzalez
    Period 6
    one lesson from Frankenstein is if you have a dream stay with it. When you bring it into the real world bad things could happen. Victor had a dream and because of it the people he cared for most in the world were killed. He should have stayed with this dream and creation because if he did thinks would have been very different. The monster would have been raised right and never did the things he did.

  32. Brianna Derry
    January 12, 2018
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    English 12, Period 2
    Some things we can learn from Frankenstein, is to not look for validation or acceptance from others. We should try to just accept ourselves no matter how different we may be from everyone else in society. Our choices on whether or not we should do the right thing, should not depend on the reactions we receive from people. We should just do the right things without expecting praise or positive responses.

  33. Sean Mohamed
    January 12, 2018
    English 12-02
    Mr. Ehsan

    What we can learn from Prometheus is that we have to accept who we are whether we are good or not. We can’t try to change who we are to be the perfect person ever. And with Frankenstein one thing I inherited is that if you have a dream stay with it because you never know it will come true one day. You should always stay positive and strive for greatness and I promise you things will have a good affect on you in life.

  34. Troy Yar
    January 12, 2018
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray

    The entirety of the book surrounds the motif that one should never abandon their creation. When you bring someone or something into this world, you are responsible for their upbringing. I believe it's only right that one does this, given that you were once cared for when you were brought into this world.

  35. Leilani Rodriguez
    January 12,2018
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    One thing i learned was that you shouldn’t abandon or look at something differently that you created, always show it love and don’t be judgemental

  36. Alisha Shakeer
    January 12, 2018
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    One lesson you can learn from Frankenstein is that you should always be kind to people. You should never judge anyone just because they might be different. Accept people for who they are.

  37. Diamond Ferrer
    English 12
    Mr. Ehsan

    Some things we should take away from Frankenstein is creator vs. Creation because in most cases, the creator over powers its creation but in this novel, the creation has over powered its creator eventually become its superior.

  38. Nusaiba Alli
    English 12
    Mr Ehsan/ Ms Gray

    One lesson we should take away from the book Frankenstein was to never let our love for knowledge take over us. In the book Victor was so focused on studying to advance his knowledge and on making the creature. In the end the creature turn against him and he ended up hating the creature. His beloved creature was very dangerous he killed many people, even Victor's family and friends. Victor wanted to kill the creature, the same creature he spent and dedicated all his time making.

  39. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    January 13,2018

    Some things that we should take away from Frankenstein is that you should never judge someone based on looks. The creature never planned to do any harm to society when he was first learning everything about humans. When he saw he wasn't accepted because of how different he was compared to everyone else, it made him angry. Another thing is that revenge is not always the answer. His goal was to get revenge on Victor. By the end of the novel they both end up dying, so it's as if he really never actually gets his revenge on Victor.

  40. Nicole Kiburis
    period 6

    Some things we should take from Frankenstein is even if someone is different to always accept them. It doesn’t matter how they look or act because they’re still like everyone else and need to be in a loving family.

  41. Asha Alhalmi
    English 12 period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    Some lessons that we should take away from Frankenstein is revenge. Revenge can ruin modern day society, and can cause chaos and mass destruction. An eye for an eye never ends well. Also another lesson is learning to accept people in society regardless of physical appearance. If not then those people can do serious damage. The creature just wanted to be accepted and have at least one mate, instead humans laughed and hurt him in every way possible. In the end the creature gets revenge and causes absolute ruin. These lessons are life learning lessons that should be taken seriously.

  42. Anthony Marino
    English period 6
    Mr. Ehsan

    One lesson taken from Frankenstein was the creator isn’t always stronger then the creation. As we saw in Frankenstein, the creation was more powerful then Frankenstein and torchered him until his death.

  43. A few lessons we can take away from the story of Frankenstein is we should accept who we are and grow from that. Frankenstein had to accept the way people see him. You can't spend your life trying to change the way people look at you to boost your life up. The most you can do is try to change the people and things surrounding you that can help yourself block out all the negativity being pushed off from the world. We cant focus on negative things and we should always look at the positive. Don't let others judge you, and never judge a book by it's cover, don't put away something you created and always love your creations.

  44. Christopher Gonzalez
    Pd 2

    One lesson to learn is to never play God because it will affect you in a bad way. In many stories when people play God they get punished. I’m this case victors whole family was killed by his creation.

  45. Christian Battaglia
    Period 2

    Some things that we should take away are that we shouldn't meddle with the acts of God and should not try to create life in artificial ways. What god put here should not be changed. Once someone is taken they should never be brought back

  46. Rodolfo Romero
    Period 2
    Mr. Ehsan

    Some things we can take from Frankenstein is to not judge a book by its cover . The monster was a very genuine creature who just needed people to give him a chance. For example in the novel when the creature rescued the girl from drowning the creature then got shot by the man that was with the girl. The creature is a savior and an open minded individual too but he always gets tossed around.

  47. Jayda Black
    Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    Some lessons we should take away from Frankenstein is negativity because if he hadn’t abandoned the creature in the first place then the creature wouldn’t have been so mean and seeking revenge on everyone

  48. Shakib Ahmed
    Period: 2

    Some lessons I took from Frankenstein is that people should feel comfortable the way they are. Also people shouldn’t judge others by the way they look. The reason is because the creature was very genuine and people thought he is evil and destruction brcaus he is ugly.

  49. Jp
    English 12
    Period 4
    Some lessons we took from Frankenstein is that people shouldn’t be judged by there appearance but by the way they are inside because Frankenstein creation wasn’t evil he just wanted love and to be loved. Loneliness isn’t something that someone should go through and sometimes well do anything to not be alone.

  50. Don't go against the laws of nature

  51. Rafid Hossain
    English 12 Period 4

    Frankenstein taught us the lesson of not pre determining a person's demeanor as it can haunt someone for extended periods of time. The loneliness we feel should be expressed or it can end up deteriorating who we are as a person.

  52. Anderson Salcedo
    English 12, Pd: 6
    January 19, 2018
    Ms. Gray/ Mr. Ehsan
    There are many lessons we can learn from the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. One lesson that we can learn is that our decisions don't only affect us but also those we love. For example, Victor created a creature and abandoned and as a result the creature killed all those he loved. Another lesson is that revenge will only lead to failure. The creature tried to make Victor miserable and when Victor died he committed suicide because he realize he was alone.

  53. Negisti Gonzales

    We can learn many things from Frankenstein, it is packed full with lessons. One lesson that we can learn from it is that we should not judge others based solely on their looks. Victor Frankenstein scorned his creation and rejected him because of his looks causing the monster to become bitter and hating humanity. Another lesson we can learn is a heart full of hate is very dangerous. The monster carried hate in his heart for Victor and humanity which caused him to kill many innocent people. Also Victor carried hate in his heart for the monster that caused him to reject him and destroy his companion making the monster even more angry and causing Victor to lose the love of his life. Frankenstein paints a big picture of what judgement and hatred can do to you and others.

  54. Some lessons we can learn is never to make assumptions without valid reasonings . In other words is to never judge a book by its cover. In other words, never judge a book. Furthermore, appearance does not determine ones actions. You must always learn to understand each other no matter how other people's appearances are. The creature was treated due to its appearance. His looks were frightening to many. However, he just wanted love and to be cared for just like humans. It later led the creature to carry hate with him against humanity. The creature also kills himself.

  55. Starr joseph
    Period 6

    Some lessons we can learn is that we should never abandon outr creations , we should never abandon everything for the sake of one thing.


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