Blogger # 3
October 26th, 2017

Identify one instance of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society towards achieving The American Dream.
Ex. Sometimes you need to get a loan to have an education that will grant you your career job.

Below are images of an ironic/juxtaposition reality in our society today.

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ELA Class


  1. Leilani Rodriguez
    Period 6

    Sometimes you need to have hope to get yourself into the path of reaching your future dream/goal.

  2. Nestor Robles
    October 25, 2017

    One instance of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society towards achieving The American Dream is sometimes you need to fail in order to succeed.

  3. Marianna Iorio
    October 25,2017
    Period 6

    We need to have confidence and believe in ourselves in order to achieve the American Dream

  4. Dilon Deolal
    Ela 12

    You cannot do anything without money in your possession

  5. Rich Minerly
    Period 4
    Sometimes you need to fail to see how you can build off that failure to have a brighter successful future!

    1. Sometimes things go wrong so you can prevent it from happening again, short term it seems bad but you'll be thankful in a long term view.

  6. Anderson Salcedo
    October 25, 2017
    English 12, period 6
    Mr. Ehsan/ Ms. Gray

    One instance of irony or juxtaposition that exsits in our society towards reaching the American Dream is that many dreamers go to college to graduate in a specific major that they would like to eventually work in. However, many dreamers graduate with the degree they intend to obtain on the major they wanted and don’t even end up working in that specific field.

  7. One instance of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society towards achieving The American Dream is that whenever you fail something you have to keep trying until you’ve succeeded it.

  8. Dilon Deolal
    Ela 12

    You cannot live without money , and you cannot get nothing done in life if you don’t have a goal or mind set of what u want to do .

  9. Rodmael Dallegrand
    English 12 pd 6
    Money can buy you happiness and if you have a degree you can any job you want

  10. Alisha Shakeer
    English 12 pd 6

    Sometimes you need to recongnize the worst outcome to push yourself to do better

  11. Matthew Butler
    English 12 pd 4

    One example of irony that exists in our society today is that you have to spend money to make money.

  12. Heavin Chambers
    English 12 Pd 4

    One instance of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society towards achieving The American Dream you can't be successful and achieve The American Dream without working hard.

  13. Sometimes society holds us back from our American Dream

  14. Samantha Loureiro
    October 25, 2017
    English 12, Pd 6

    You just need to believe in yourself. Believe that you can get to the goal/dream you want to get. No let anyone stop you from being what you want to be.

  15. Ashley Singh
    October 25, 2017
    E12, period 4

    Sometimes society holds you back from achieving the goals that you have set for yourself.

  16. Brianna Derry
    English 12, Period 2

    America claims to be the worlds highest standard of living and success, yet for the most part many people living in America, working towards the American dream are mainly poor/middle class and it’s a struggle to even provide for our basic needs at times.

  17. Bianca Gonshack
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Ms. Gray
    October 25,2017

    One instance of irony that exists in our society towards reaching the American Dream is that in order to be successful, you need to fail a few times so that you push yourself to work harder to achieve your goals.

  18. Adrian Gonzalez
    Mr.Eshan Ms.Grey
    E12 Pd6

    One example of irony in achieving the American Dream is that the America dream is a Universal idea but can be dramatically different for everyone.

  19. shai c
    period 6

    One instance of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society towards achieving The American Dream is how we will never really achieve this american dream because its what we make out of it it isn't the same dream that was in the 1920s. The 1920 illustrates that its all wealth and education but they didn't have to work for it some of them inherited it and they were able to live the ''american dream ''' by not doing any work,

  20. One example of irony is, that higher social classes are more respected rather than lower classes. The more the money you have, the more power.

  21. Nicole Amaral
    October 25,2017
    English 12 Period 4

    One instance of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society towards achieving The American Dream is before you succeed you will fail and keep trying.

  22. Period 2

    One example of irony is that to be upper class you need money so there is always a catch. Poor people can’t enjoy life. And the more money you have the more power you hold.

  23. Anthony Marino
    October 25th, 2017
    English period 6

    I find the American Dream to be ironic because everyone wants to chase it and have it. But many don’t know what they are chasing for or what it is.

  24. Negisti Gonzales

    One example of irony that exist in today’s world about the American dream is the fact that the American dream is all about being successful and having living the best life and having money but America is one of the hardest places to have economic mobility. How can u move up in society and become successful to achieve the “American dream” when America itself is not easy place to make it in.

  25. Mathew Torres
    English 12 Period 6
    Mr. Ehsan & Mrs. Gray

    One example of irony is ....We are taught that we must excel in our academics and go to a known college in order to have a better job in the future. But a lot of times it's not what you know, but who you know, that will get you the job.

  26. Najia Uddin
    October 25, 2017
    English 12 Period 4

    Sometimes you need to struggle to accomplish your dreams. For example having many failures in your life will eventually lead to success. If you work really hard you will get what you want. Failing exams will help you reflect and teach you new strategies and skills that you can use

  27. Helen barraza
    Mr.Ehsan Mrs.gray
    English 12 period 6

    One example is that many people think that if they don't have money they can't achieve their goal or achieve their American dream.

  28. Hardeep Bhatti
    English 12 Pd. 6
    Mr. Ehsan
    October 25th, 2017

    One example of Irony in the American Dream is that you are told that people’s judgement of you does not matter but in many aspects of life you are judged and taken into account based on the numbers you recieved in school that will not always bring justice to the amount of potential each and every unique individual obtains.

  29. Jaelen Mosby
    English 12 Period 4
    Mr. Ehsan

    One example of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society in attempting to achieve The American Dream is sometimes you need to fail in order to succeed. Juxtaposition shows two complete opposites and failure and success are two opposites. In life failing at your goals will give you endurance and perseverance.

  30. Clarissa Jara
    English 12 pd6
    Mr. ehsan
    October 25th, 2017
    One instance of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society towards achieving the American Dream is that in order to achieve your American Dream you have to fail and learn from those mistakes so next time you'll succeed and do better

  31. Sometimes you need too believe in yourself. Without you working hard nothing can be achieved

  32. Shakib Ahmed

    There are steps that need to climbed before reaching the American Dream and the experience you gain while climbing those steps will carry along in future.

  33. Sometimes you have to fail in order to learn. Trial and error is normal when finding a solution or achieving a dream.

  34. Matthew singh
    ELA 12

    Sometimes you need hope and a future to achieve your goals and your career

  35. Nasthasia Thomas
    English 12 period:4
    Mr ehsan

    One example of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society today is people believing you have to fail in order to succeed. It makes you work harder and give you motivation/determination for you to get what you desire in life. It’s like a minor set back for a major comeback.

  36. Anjali Krishnanan
    October 26, 2017
    English 12 Period:6
    Mr Ehsan and Ms Gray

    One instance of irony that exists in our society towards reaching the American Dream is to succeed in life and to take actions on achieving your goal. A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards its achievement.

  37. Nazareth Vasquez October 26, 2017
    English 12 period 4
    Mr Ehsan and MS Gray

    One example of irony is when you work toward a dream you hope to achieve or become. When you reach your dream you become proud of your accomplishments and how hard you work to get there.

  38. One example of irony that exists in our society about achieving the American Dream is failure has to be dealt with before success. A winner is always a loser first. People tend to forget that and try to succeed as much as possible, they're afraid of the down fall.

    Asha Alhalmi Period 6

  39. Lawrence Lue
    E12 pd6

    One instance of irony towards the American Dream is that you need to fail to succeed and you learn from your mistakes.

  40. Tamia Alvarez
    english 12 prd 4
    MR Ehsan

    One example of irony that exists in our society about achieving the american dream is you have to fail in order to succeed in life. without making mistakes you cannot perfect them and or learn from them.

  41. Tamia Alvarez
    english 12 prd 4
    MR Ehsan

    One example of irony that exists in our society about achieving the american dream is you have to fail in order to succeed in life. without making mistakes you cannot perfect them and or learn from them.

  42. Alisha Sanchez
    English 12 P2
    Mr. Ehsan

    One example of irony towards the American Dream is that the harder you work the more successful you will be and if you fail to reach your dream that it will only make you want to work harder.

  43. Chris Gonzalez
    Period 2

    When you fail at something, learn from you’r mistakes and do it better the next time to achevie your goal.

  44. Ravin Narine
    English 12, Pd 4

    One instance of irony or juxtaposition towards the American Dream in our society today would be money is needed to have a better education. With a better education you can make more money than others.

  45. Karla Meza
    Period 4

    One instance of irony towards the American Dream is that if not evething happens the way you want it to but everything happens for a reason we just don’t understand it in the moment

  46. Maria López
    Period 4

    I believe that everyone must have hope on something they want or are looking foreword to there future.

  47. Mark Pizzo
    Period 6

    The irony of the modern American dream is that now its almost impossible to achieve now

    1. Michael Cesario
      Period 6
      You need to pay money to go to college to get a job to make more money

  48. Justin Cabello
    Period 6
    One instance of irony or juxtaposition that exists in our society towards achieving The American Dream is sometimes you need to fail in order to succeed.

  49. Natalie Sanasie

    In our generation everyone wants to achieve their American Dream without the dedication to work for it. Many people have a dream of something they can’t achieve or maybe some can achieve but then again some people are not willing to go to the extent to fight for what they want and only some have the potential.

  50. Malissa Dirpaul
    Period 6

    An example of irony the occurs in the American Dream is that sometimes you need to fail multiple times in order to succeed.

  51. Angel Perez
    Period 2

    An example of irony is having to fail in order to learn. Many time people have to learn from their own mistakes in order to be successful. There is a chance you can learn from others mistakes but some people may feel that just because someone else fails at something doesn’t mean it could happen to me, and this could either go wrong because they didn’t look at the other persons mistakes or it could work for them. In order to succeed at times there must be a fail.

  52. Irving McKay
    Period 6

    An example of irony that is present in the American Dream is that sometimes failure will only just make you want to work even harder to succeed.

  53. 11/8/17
    English 12 pd6

    An example of irony that is present in achieving American dream is that you should be happy for the rest of your life after achieving your American dream but this isnt true for example some people start college with a firm plan ahead but this can change at any time


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